Q. [Weekly Essay] Freedom and justice cannot be parcelled out in pieces to suit political convenience. [1200 Words]

How to Approach This Essay?


  • Commence your essay with an anecdote, a quote or some rhetoric.
  • Briefly introduce the subject of freedom and justice.
  • Provide a thesis statement in brief at the end of the introduction.


  • The Interwoven Fabric of Freedom and Justice
    • Define the concepts of freedom and justice.
    • Discuss the interconnection and importance of freedom and justice.
    • Philosophical dimensions can also be provided.
    • Explain why these principles cannot be fragmented or selectively applied without undermining their essence.
  • Political Convenience: Fragmentation of Freedom and Justice
    • Describe how freedom and justice get fragmented due to political convenience. Justify with case study/modern-day instances and provide an impact analysis
  • The Cost of Political Convenience-Based Freedom and Justice
    • Discuss the implications of parcelling out.
  • The Role of Citizens and Institutions
    • Discuss the role of citizen engagement, democratic institutions and collaborative efforts to maintain the essence of freedom and justice.


  • Summarize your essay.
  • Provide some suggestions to uphold indivisible freedom and justice.
  • Consider the future prospects in an evolving political landscape.
  • Use examples, quotes and facts etc. throughout the essay.


“The price of greatness is responsibility.” Winston Churchill

The above quote highlights the inseparable relationship between the principles of freedom and justice and the ethical imperative to uphold them consistently and responsibly in all circumstances within societal and political frameworks. The ideals cannot be selectively applied or compromised for convenience without consequences and undermining integrity and broader societal impact. Unfortunately, in today’s world, responsibility is often sacrificed for convenience, leading to a fragmented implementation of core values. The essay examines the ethical imperative of upholding these principles in their entirety, emphasizing their indivisibility and critical role in maintaining a just and equitable society.

The Interwoven Fabric of Freedom and Justice

Freedom involves more than mere absence of constraints; it involves empowering individuals to express themselves freely. Justice ensures equitable treatment under the law, balancing rights and responsibilities to prevent discrimination and maintain societal order. The connection between justice and freedom ensures individuals can exercise their rights without prejudice or undue interference, promoting fairness and equality in society. These principles collectively form the bedrock of democracy, safeguarding individual liberties and fostering societal harmony. However, selectively applying or compromising these principles for political expediency undermines their inseparable nature. Philosophers like John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant have extensively debated the boundaries and implications of freedom, emphasizing concepts such as liberty and autonomy as essential for personal fulfillment and societal progress.

Philosophers like Aristotle and Karl Marx further contributed to this discourse by highlighting justice as crucial for maintaining societal harmony and ensuring equitable distribution of resources and opportunities among all members of society. John Rawls has argued that true freedom cannot exist without justice, and justice, in turn, is hollow without the foundation of freedom. This interconnectedness was exemplified during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, where advocates sought both legal freedoms and justice against systemic discrimination, highlighting the indivisibility of these principles in achieving societal equality and cohesion.

Political Convenience : Fragmentation of Freedom and Justice

The indivisibility of freedom and justice can get compromised by different factors like geographical, technical, ethical, and others. Among these, the political factor holds significant sway as it shapes the entire governance framework of a society. When governments adhere to sound policies, even amidst conflicting objectives such as implementing or removing reservation in employment, they can propel society forward. However, adopting populist measures like distributing freebies or granting loan waivers can derail society from the path of inclusive and sustainable development.

In contemporary times, freedom and justice are becoming puppets in the hands of incumbent governments as seen during Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars. This is because political convenience often leads governments to prioritize short-term gains over long-term societal benefits. One common manifestation of this is seen in the selective enforcement of religious laws. Governments often choose to enforce laws that support their political agenda while conveniently ignoring or delaying those that could potentially challenge their authority or upset influential constituents. It is also evident in laws against corruption which are being selectively implemented, depending on the political affiliations of the accused.

Political expediency also erodes the independence of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. When these institutions are influenced or manipulated by political interests, justice becomes skewed. Cases may be expedited or delayed based on political calculations rather than the merits of the case itself as seen during the emergency in India. This undermines public trust in the fairness and impartiality of the judicial system, thereby weakening the foundation of justice in society.

Furthermore, freedom of expression and dissent are frequently curtailed under the guise of national security or public order concerns. Sometimes, Governments enact laws or impose restrictions on media, civil society organizations, and individuals who critique their policies or actions as seen in the form of restrictions imposed recently on various NGOs like Amnesty International . This stifling of dissent limits the ability of citizens to hold their leaders accountable and stifles the vibrant exchange of ideas essential for a healthy democracy.

Economic policies often reflect political convenience rather than principles of justice and fairness. Governments often favor certain industries or corporations with subsidies, tax breaks, or favorable regulations, while neglecting the welfare of marginalized communities or small businesses. This creates economic disparities and perpetuates social injustices, as resources are unevenly distributed based on political considerations rather than genuine need or merit.

Political convenience is also observed in international relations and can also parcel out freedom and justice as mostly, governments align with or distance themselves from other nations based on strategic advantages rather than ethical considerations. This selective diplomacy can compromise efforts for global freedom and justice, such as human rights advocacy or environmental protection, as countries may prioritize economic or geo-political gains over shared global responsibilities.

The Cost of Political Convenience-Based Freedom and Justice

The aforementioned parceling out of freedom and justice, often pursued for political expediency, can significantly impact society and stakeholders across multiple dimensions. One critical consequence is the erosion of trust in institutions and governance. When political leaders prioritize short-term gains or popularity over principled decisions, it can foster disillusionment among citizens, thereby weakening the social contract that binds society together. Without a shared belief in the impartiality of justice, social cohesion may fracture, leading to increased polarization and distrust.

Fragmented decisions on freedom and justice also exacerbate inequality. Marginalized groups, already disadvantaged, often bear the brunt of discriminatory policies or selective enforcement of laws. For instance, laws in Naxalite areas may disproportionately affect minority communities or vulnerable populations. This can perpetuate systemic injustice and widen existing societal divides, hindering efforts towards equity and inclusivity.

Moreover, fragmented decisions on freedom and justice can lead to a culture of impunity, where powerful individuals or entities evade accountability for their actions. This not only weakens the rule of law but also fosters a sense of injustice among the populace, as they witness unequal treatment before the law. When justice becomes selective, based on political expediency rather than objective legal standards, it undermines the fundamental principle that all individuals should be equal under the law. This erosion of trust in legal institutions can have long-term repercussions, as it may discourage citizens from engaging with the justice system or seeking redress for grievances, further entrenching inequality and disenfranchisement.

On an international scale, fragmented decisions on freedom and justice can strain diplomatic relations and global cooperation. When nations prioritize political expediency over human rights or international law, it undermines efforts to uphold universal standards of justice and accountability. This not only weakens the credibility of international institutions but also sets dangerous precedents where powerful states may act with impunity, disregarding the rights and freedoms of individuals and communities worldwide.

Consequently, fragmented decisions on freedom and justice can hinder progress towards sustainable development goals. Policies that prioritize short-term economic gains over long-term environmental or social sustainability can lead to irreversible damage to ecosystems and communities. For instance, decisions to deregulate industries without implementing adequate environmental safeguards can lead to habitat destruction, and health hazards for vulnerable populations, as evidenced by instances of insufficient adherence to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). This not only undermines efforts to achieve environmental sustainability but also exacerbates social inequalities by disproportionately impacting marginalized communities who lack the resources to mitigate environmental harm.

The Role of Citizens and Institutions

Active citizen participation is crucial in holding governments accountable and ensuring that policies reflect the collective will and interests of the populace. Public protests, voting, and civic activism play a significant role in advocating for and maintaining the principles of freedom and justice. When citizens are actively engaged, they can challenge unjust policies, demand transparency, and push for reforms that uphold these core values, thereby preventing the fragmentation of freedom and justice for political convenience.

Moreover, strong, independent democratic institutions, including the judiciary, legislative bodies, and law enforcement agencies, must operate free from political interference to effectively safeguard freedom and justice. Ensuring the independence of these institutions helps prevent the abuse of power and maintains the rule of law, thus ensuring that freedom and justice are not parceled out to suit political convenience.

Further, collaboration between government, civil society, and international organizations is vital in promoting and protecting freedom and justice. By working together, these entities can address systemic issues, implement comprehensive reforms, and foster a culture of accountability and transparency. This collective approach helps maintain the integrity of freedom and justice, preventing their selective application for political gain and ensuring they remain steadfast principles guiding societal governance.

The indivisibility of freedom and justice is fundamental to the integrity and sustainability of any society as seen in the trinity of article 14, article 19 and article 21 of Indian constitution. To uphold this indivisibility, we must strengthen institutional independence, promote transparency and accountability, engage in inclusive policy-making, protect freedom of expression and dissent, adhere to international standards, and foster civic education and engagement. These strategies ensure that freedom and justice are not compromised for transient political convenience but remain steadfast in their role of shaping a just and equitable society.

Considering future prospects in an evolving political landscape, it is essential to adapt without compromising core values. As technology advances and global dynamics shift, our institutions must remain robust against political manipulation while upholding justice impartially. Technology can enhance transparency and citizen participation, but it must be balanced with ethical considerations to prevent misuse.

“We must be ever vigilant that the same freedom and justice that we seek for ourselves is also extended to others, without any form of compromise.” This highlights the essential connection between principled governance and the maintenance of a just society. In today’s world, the responsibility to uphold freedom and justice is often sacrificed for political expediency, but it is crucial that we recommit to these core values. Only by doing so can we ensure a future where all individuals are empowered to express themselves without fear and receive fair and equal treatment under the law.

Related Quotes:

  • “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.” Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “True freedom requires the rule of law and justice, and a judicial system in which the rights of some are not secured by the denial of rights to others.” Jonathan Sacks
  • “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Benjamin Franklin
  • “Justice is a contract of expediency, entered upon to prevent men harming or being harmed.” Epicurus


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