Q. [Weekly Essay] Never mistake knowledge for wisdom, one helps you making a living, the other helps you make a life. (1200 Words)

How to approach this essay? 


Start with any anecdote or story that clearly differentiate between knowledge and wisdom. Explain the underlying theme of the topic. 


Add the thesis of this given quote and explain it. 

Define both the terms in different aspects. 

Then differentiate knowledge and wisdom. 

Explain why wisdom is more important for a good life using some current issues. 

Also highlight on question of why preference is giving to knowledge over wisdom in todays  generation. 


Provide ways for Wisdom full society. 

Conclusion with positive notes and using good relevant quote 


In Indian mythology there is one very famous story of one young boy who learned swimming through his  teacher. Teacher taught him about hand and leg coordination and how to use it. He gained knowledge of  swimming. One day in the overconfidence of knowledge, he jumped out in a turbulent river and got stuck into  a gyre. His life was in danger and he was close to death. His teacher saved him but taught an important lesson  that in life knowledge Is only about knowing things but wisdom is about internalisation of things through  experiences. He learned how to swim but he did not have an experience of analysing river flow, position of  gyre and speed of water. 

Above mentioned short story gives an idea of why wisdom is making life better through experiences and  knowledge making you only capable of knowing things. The mentioned topic highlights the Knowledge  essentially increases your capability to do things. For example, knowledge of motor engines can help you to  better understand driving but good driving is only possible if you have enough experience of driving. That  makes you by practice, by going through difficult situations and by learning from mistakes. Knowledge makes  your living better but ‘quality life’ is possible through wisdom only. 

However now it is important to discuss what is actually living vs making life as well. Living is the  compulsion as said by Indian Charvaka philosophy but meaningful life is a purposeful effort to design  our life. Everyone does not live life as expected. Gaining knowledge allows people to live daily life like work,  money, salary etc. But for a meaningful life you require more qualities like experience, decision making ability,  taking calculated risks and making a happy life and for this wisdom is a prerequisite. 

From an evolutionary point of view it is proven that only those societies have flourished who had  wisdom, acceptance, creativity and positivity. On the basis of wisdom about sea ferrari Chola navy  conquered all of south east Asia. Vijayanagar became the richest empire in the world. Wisdom of Alexander  the Great made it possible for him to conquer central Asia.

Knowledge and wisdom are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.  Knowledge is the accumulation of information and skills through education, experience, and observation.  Wisdom, on the other hand, is the ability to apply that knowledge in a way that leads to good judgement, sound  decision-making, and a fulfilling life. In other words, knowledge helps you make a living, but wisdom  helps you make a life. 

Knowledge and wisdom: Not similar but dependent processes 

It is easy to mistake knowledge for wisdom because we live in a society that values education, credentials, and  expertise. We are taught from a young age that the key to success is to get good grades, go to a prestigious  university, and land in a high-paying job. We are told that if we work hard enough and accumulate enough  knowledge, we will be able to achieve our goals and live a happy life. 

While there is some truth to this approach, it is not enough. Knowledge can help us get ahead in life, but it  does not guarantee happiness or fulfilment. In fact, many people who have achieved great success in their  careers still feel unfulfilled or unhappy because they have not developed the wisdom to navigate the  complexities of life. The world famous singer Avicii took the decision to commit suicide is a result of absence  of wisdom in successful life. Take the example of Siddhartha, who took the path of Sanyas to actually  experience the nature of truth. That travelling and understanding of society made him Buddha. The wisdom  transformed Siddhartha into the BUDDHA. 

Wisdom is not something that can be taught in a classroom or acquired through reading books. It is a process  of self-discovery and personal growth that comes from reflecting on our experiences, learning from our  mistakes, and developing empathy and compassion for others. It requires us to cultivate qualities such as  humility, curiosity, resilience, and gratitude. 

One of the key differences between knowledge and wisdom is their focus. Knowledge is often focused on  external factors such as facts, figures, and data. Wisdom, on the other hand, is focused on internal factors such  as values, beliefs, and emotions. It is about understanding ourselves and our place in the world, and using that  understanding to make decisions that align with our goals and values. 

Another difference between knowledge and wisdom is their scope. Knowledge is often specialised and focused  on a particular field or subject. Wisdom, on the other hand, is holistic and encompasses all aspects of life. It  requires us to see the big picture and consider the long-term consequences of our actions. Essentiality of wisdom in life 

Wisdom is essential in life because it helps us make better decisions and navigate through difficult situations  with clarity and insight. It makes people identify the meaning of life. Wisdom allows us to see beyond the  surface level of things and understand the deeper meaning and implications of our actions. It helps us to  inculcate ethical values and work to understand others betterely. Without wisdom, we may make impulsive  decisions or act on incomplete information, leading to negative consequences for ourselves and those around  us. Therefore, cultivating wisdom is crucial for personal growth, success, and happiness in life. 

Next importance of wisdom in life over knowledge is that wisdom provides you direction to take calculated  risks. Without experience and command over situation risk taking may lead to disaster. In Mahabharat we  have an example of it. Arjuna and Ashwatthama had equal knowledge but taking calculative risk while using  asras make Arjuna superior and end the life of Ashwatthama.

Experienced decisions always yield positive ends. In Ramayan, Bibhishan and Ravana both had knowledge of  dharma but Ravana’s wisdom was eclipsed by Ahankara and yielded into destruction of lanka, in contrast  Bibhishana successfully followed the path of dharma and took correct decisions. In day to day life, the focus  of greed forces people to take paths of corruption and bad practices and at last it ends life in jails. 

In today’s world also, debate of wisdom vs knowledge makes attraction. Human civilization developed new  techniques and scientific endeavours. But the answer of where to use it is about wisdom. Take the example of  nuclear technology. Wisdom and experience of Hiroshima makes us think only about using it for humanity but  only knowledge of Nuclear technology to terrorist groups can make hell on earth. 

Preferring knowledge over wisdom: New generation problems 

Some possible reasons why the current generation may not be as wisdomful as desired could include factors  such as a lack of emphasis on critical thinking and reflection in education, the prevalence of social media and  instant gratification culture, and a focus on individualism rather than community values. It is important to note  that these are generalisations and that individuals within the current generation may still possess wisdom and  exhibit wise behaviour. Take the example of people who are learning from Instagram reels and copying  ideas. That doesn’t make any difference and creates hurdles for creativity. Without wisdom no one can go  beyond ordinary life. 

One of the challenges of developing wisdom is that it requires us to be vulnerable and open to feedback. It  requires us to acknowledge our limitations and seek out the advice and guidance of others. This can be difficult  in a society that values self-sufficiency, but it is essential if we want to grow and develop as individuals. Creating a wisdomful society for civilization’s success. 

First thing is that society should encourage people to continue learning throughout their lives. This includes  formal education, but also informal learning opportunities such as reading, attending lectures, and engaging in  discussions. The Indian traditional system of learning by doing is crucial here.Take the example of Ashrama  system to get education. Where children actually do the things and learn from it. At that time many  experiments, new innovative techniques evolved in Ashramas for making children’s wisdomful. 

Second important thing we need to cultivate in young minds is critical thinking. Critical thinking is the ability  to analyse information and make reasoned judgments. Society can foster critical thinking by encouraging  people to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and consider multiple perspectives. Because knowledge  provides answers of ‘WHAT’. Wisdom provides answers of ‘WHY AND HOW’. 

Third important thing is to promote empathy and compassion for creating social cohesion and learning from  society. Empathy and compassion are essential components of wisdom. Society can promote these qualities  by encouraging people to understand and connect with others, and to consider the impact of their actions on  those around them. Vivekananda’s idea of Daridra Narayana originated from this compassion that made  him a compassionate man. 

Reflection is an important part of developing wisdom. Society can encourage people to reflect on their  experiences, values, and beliefs, and to consider how these shape their decisions and actions. By fostering a  culture of lifelong learning, critical thinking, empathy, reflection, and celebration of wisdom, society can  become more wisdomful and create a better world for everyone. 

In conclusion, never mistake knowledge for wisdom. While knowledge is important for making a living, it is  wisdom that helps us make a life. Wisdom requires us to look beyond the surface level of things and 

consider the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives. It requires us to cultivate qualities such as empathy,  humility, and gratitude, and to be open to feedback and personal growth. By developing wisdom, we can lead  fulfilling lives that are aligned with our values and goals, and make a positive impact on the world around us. 

“Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to  someone else… Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through  it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.” 

Hermann Hesse

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