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Q. [Weekly Essay] What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. [1200 Words]


How to approach the essay

  • Introduction
    • Introduce the essay by weaving it into a compelling story, anecdote, or a succinct explanation. Briefly outline the themes to be explored in the essay.
  • Body
    • Give explanation of achievement and inner transformation
    • Explain how the journey towards goal decides what you become along with various examples
    • Highlight the Importance of Goals in Life
    • Explain how we can balance achievements and personal growth
    • Highlight the difficulties faced by individuals while striving to achieve their goals, and how can these difficulties be overcome?
    • Highlight the values required to succeed in life
  • Conclusion
    • Conclude by emphasizing the importance of applying learned lessons and embracing a transformative journey of goals and growth into the future.


In the Indian epic Mahabharata, the story of Arjuna and Lord Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra serves as a profound illustration of the quote “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

Arjuna finds himself in a moral quandary as the war is about to commence. Burdened by the prospect of fighting against his relatives, he is paralyzed by doubt and moral conflict. It is at this critical juncture that Lord Krishna imparts the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.

Krishna provides profound insights into duty, righteousness, and the nature of existence. Through his teachings, Krishna guides Arjuna to recognize and fulfill his duty as a warrior, emphasizing the concept of detached action and selfless service.

The transformation of Arjuna is a central theme in the narrative. Initially torn by emotional strife, Arjuna undergoes a metamorphosis through Krishna’s teachings. He evolves from a state of confusion and moral paralysis to a warrior with a deepened understanding of his duty, an unwavering commitment to righteousness, and profound spiritual insight. Krishna’s emphasis on detached action, self-realization, and the impermanence of the material world reshapes Arjuna’s perspective. The teachings instil in him a sense of purpose beyond personal desires and attachments, guiding him toward a higher state of consciousness.

In this profound story, the external goal of victory in the battle becomes secondary to the internal transformation of Arjuna’s character. The teachings of Krishna catalyze Arjuna’s growth, highlighting the transformative power of wisdom, self-realization, and moral clarity in the pursuit of goals. It underscores the idea that the journey itself, guided by profound teachings, is instrumental in shaping an individual’s character and understanding of life.

The story above perfectly illustrates that the journey to achieving goals is more crucial than the actual outcomes. It’s not just about what we attain; it’s about the positive changes within ourselves throughout the process.

In the upcoming essay, we’ll explore the meanings of “achievement” and “transformation.” We’ll delve into how our pursuit of goals shapes who we become. The discussion will touch on the significance of life goals and how to balance accomplishment with personal growth. We’ll then address the challenges faced while striving for goals and suggest ways to overcome them, emphasizing the role of values in achieving success. Finally, we’ll conclude by summarizing these insights, underscoring the holistic nature of the achievement journey.

Explanation of Achievements:

Traditional notions of achievement typically revolve around tangible results—be it academic success, career advancements, or personal milestones. Society often places immense importance on these external markers, framing them as the ultimate measures of success. For instance, a professional securing a coveted position or an athlete winning a championship are celebrated as pinnacle achievements. While these outcomes undoubtedly have their merit, the question arises: is the end result the sole determinant of success?

Transition to Inner Transformation:

Beyond the external accolades lies a more nuanced understanding of success—one that acknowledges the profound changes individuals undergo during their pursuit of goals. The journey towards a goal is not merely a means to an end but a transformative process that shapes one’s character, resilience, and mindset. This shift in perspective compels us to consider the immeasurable value of personal growth as an integral part of the achievement narrative.

The journey towards goal decides what you become:

The journey of goal achievement serves as a crucible for personal development, moulding individuals into more resilient, adaptable versions of themselves. For instance, an entrepreneur striving to build a business empire develops strategic acumen and learns resilience in the face of failures. Similarly, a student working towards academic excellence gains knowledge and hones discipline and time-management skills.

The quote “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” challenges the notion that goal significance lies solely in external rewards like wealth or recognition. It encourages a shift in perspective, urging individuals to focus on the transformative aspects of the journey rather than viewing goals as mere endpoints.

Emphasizing the journey itself—the process of striving, growing, and evolving—the quote prompts individuals to recognize the equal, if not greater, value in the internal transformations experienced throughout the pursuit of goals compared to the eventual external rewards.

The journey towards a goal becomes a dynamic and transformative experience, fostering qualities beyond the initial objectives. Personal growth, resilience, adaptability, and a deeper understanding of oneself are integral components of the achievement journey. This reframing aligns with the idea that success is not solely defined by external markers but by the individual’s evolution and lasting impact on their character and mindset.

This shift in perspective gains relevance where individuals may face setbacks or challenges in pursuing their goals. Instead of perceiving obstacles as failures, the quote encourages individuals to see them as opportunities for growth and learning. The transformative power lies in how individuals navigate challenges, demonstrating resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to personal development.

The political arena provides a compelling example of this in the transformative journey of the Indian freedom movement against British imperialism. The Indian freedom movement, led by figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, aimed for independence but also imparted enduring lessons in democratic values. Embracing inclusivity and democratic ideals, it shaped India’s governance, emphasizing a just legal system, commitment to human rights, and a secular, inclusive nation, enshrined in the post-independence Constitution. The movement’s true value lies not just in political freedom but significantly in the nation’s evolution—a democracy committed to justice, equality, and fundamental rights.

Shifting to economic transformations, in 1991, India faced a severe balance of payments crisis, prompting transformative responses to liberalize and reform the economy. Today, the nation boasts one of the world’s largest foreign exchange reserves and holds the position as the world’s 5th largest economy. This economic evolution symbolizes how strategic reforms post-crisis not only steered India out of economic challenges but also propelled it to a prominent position on the global economic stage.

In science and technology, SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk, embarked on a revolutionary journey to transform space travel. Despite early challenges and consecutive failures, Musk’s visionary leadership and commitment to long-term goals propelled SpaceX forward. Notably, SpaceX has emerged as a key player in the aerospace industry, achieving remarkable milestones such as the development of the Falcon and Starship rockets, the Dragon spacecraft, and the deployment of the Starlink satellite constellation. SpaceX’s achievements underscore Musk’s resilience and ability to turn setbacks into transformative steps on the path to success.

Similarly, in agriculture, India’s Green Revolution initially addressed food scarcity and dependence on PL-480 programme. During this process, it transformed agriculture into an industrialized system. Farmers evolved into entrepreneurs through the adoption of modern technologies, triggering substantial industrial growth and integrating agriculture with industry. The Green Revolution, beyond ensuring food security, reshaped rural employment, showcasing India’s evolution into an entrepreneurial and industrially linked agricultural powerhouse.

In the environmental field, the Paris Agreement signifies a global resolve to combat climate change and a fundamental transformation in how nations perceive and approach environmental sustainability. Countries, through initiatives like the International Solar Alliance, showcase a commitment that goes beyond achieving targets. These nations are evolving into pioneers of a sustainable future, demonstrating dedication through legislative acts such as renewable energy mandates and eco-friendly policies. The true significance lies not just in achieving environmental goals but in the substantial transformation into global leaders of responsible and green practices.

Moreover, on the social front, the transformative journey continues with the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Seeking to dismantle racial segregation and discrimination, the movement achieved desegregation in schools and public spaces, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. The goals of the movement extended beyond legal changes, sparking a societal transformation in attitudes towards race and equality.

Importance of Goals in Life:

Goals play a pivotal role in shaping our lives, acting as catalysts for external achievements and crucibles for personal growth. Their significance lies in providing direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose, propelling individuals toward continuous evolution.

An exemplary illustration is found in Malala Yousafzai’s story, a Pakistani education activist advocating for girls’ education despite the oppressive Taliban. This goal led to remarkable accomplishments, like becoming the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, and acted as a crucible for her growth into a global symbol of resilience and courage.

On a more personal level, consider someone striving to climb the corporate ladder, striving for a leadership position. This involves continuous learning, skill development, and adaptability, serving as a crucible for a more competent, resilient, and knowledgeable individual. Here, the importance of goals is evident in both external success and internal growth.

Furthermore, goals create a framework for individuals to channel energies, focus efforts, and overcome challenges. They provide a roadmap, allowing individuals to break down larger aspirations into manageable steps, facilitating external success, and ensuring a methodical process of personal development.

In essence, the importance of goals lies in their ability to act as guiding beacons, illuminating the path towards external achievements with clarity and motivation while fostering profound internal growth. Whether on a global stage like Malala or in personal endeavours, goals have the power to shape not only what we accomplish but, more importantly, who we become.

Balancing Achievements and Personal Growth:

Balancing achievements and personal growth requires a nuanced understanding of success. Howard Hughes, an American business magnate, achieved immense success in the mid-20th century, amassing wealth in aviation and film. However, his relentless pursuit of external accomplishments led to neglecting mental and physical well-being, resulting in reclusiveness and severe mental health issues. Despite wealth and achievements, Hughes’ life deteriorated, highlighting the consequences of an imbalanced focus on external success.

On the contrary, individuals who skillfully balance achievements and personal growth often find enduring fulfilment. Warren Buffett, a highly successful investor, exemplifies the balance between achievements and personal growth. Beyond financial success, Buffett prioritizes personal development, humility, simplicity, and a genuine love for learning. His commitment to intrinsic values over external markers contributes to long-term success and a life characterized by contentment and meaningful relationships.

In everyday life, professionals pursuing career advancements without neglecting personal relationships, mental well-being, or continuous learning showcase a delicate equilibrium. Approaching success holistically, considering external achievements and internal growth, leads to more fulfilled lives. While the balance varies based on personal values and circumstances, the overarching lesson is clear: achievements provide external validation, but mindful cultivation of personal growth ensures that success is a continuous and fulfilling journey.

What difficulties do individuals face while striving to achieve their goals, and how can these challenges be overcome?

Individuals pursuing their goals encounter a labyrinth of challenges on their transformative journey. Navigating the unknown and confronting uncertainties in uncharted territories can be daunting. Understanding that uncertainty is inherent and embracing it as an opportunity for growth, inspired by the wisdom of philosophers, is crucial. As Seneca noted, “He suffers more than necessary, who suffers before it is necessary.”

Procrastination and a lack of motivation pose formidable challenges to goal attainment. The struggle to initiate tasks, coupled with external factors, can lead to progress delays. Ethical insights, such as Aristotle’s virtue ethics, encourage connecting goals to personal values. Aligning actions with virtuous principles and breaking down goals into smaller tasks helps overcome procrastination. Aristotle’s emphasis on cultivating good habits aligns with establishing disciplined routines to overcome these hurdles.

External challenges and resistance, whether from criticism, competition, or unforeseen circumstances, cast shadows on goal pursuit. Drawing inspiration from thinkers like Nietzsche, who emphasized embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, individuals can build resilience. Seeking constructive feedback, preparing for challenges, and fostering a supportive network become ethical strategies to overcome external pressures.

Internally, individuals grapple with self-doubt and impostor syndrome, threatening confidence. Insights from existentialist philosophy, particularly Sartre, highlight the importance of self-awareness. Confronting and questioning internal struggles helps challenge negative thoughts. Seeking mentorship, inspired by the existentialist concept of the “Other,” becomes a valuable approach to overcoming internal challenges.

Balancing priorities and managing time is a common difficulty, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. To overcome these problems, individuals prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. Effective planning and creating realistic schedules align with the utilitarian principle of maximizing overall well-being by making thoughtful choices about time allocation.

In linking these challenges and their solutions, individuals weave a tapestry of resilience, adaptability, and perseverance. The transformative journey is enriched not only by external achievements but also by the internal growth cultivated through navigating these challenges. Each challenge, met with ethical insights, becomes a stepping stone towards a more profound and meaningful journey of personal development and goal achievement.

Values required to succeed in life 

In the pursuit of goals, these timeless values serve as beacons, guiding individuals on a journey that transcends mere achievements. Take the Bhagavad Gita—it highlights doing your duties without becoming overly attached to the outcomes. It encourages self-discipline and working for the greater good, underscoring the paths of selfless action (Karma Yoga) and knowledge (Jnana Yoga) for spiritual growth.

From Greek philosophy, Socrates and Aristotle add their wisdom. Socrates promotes cooperative argumentative dialogue and self-examination for virtuous living. Aristotle suggests that fulfilment comes from developing virtues like courage and wisdom, which form the basis of his virtue ethics.

Immanuel Kant emphasizes moral obligations regardless of consequences, stressing the duty to act according to universal laws. Transitioning to Confucius in Chinese philosophy, the focus is on moral virtues for social harmony and ethical conduct in both personal and societal life.

Buddhist thought, particularly the Madhyamaka philosophy, suggests the Middle Wayavoiding extremes and embracing balance. This philosophy rejects the inherent existence of phenomena, encouraging a nuanced perspective on reality.

In our everyday roles, as we navigate the terrain of leadership and personal development, values like prudence, proactiveness, and continuous learning become reliable companions. They are not just abstract concepts but actionable principles that shape our character and influence the world around us. They are practical tools that foster meaningful connections and resilience.

From a simple standpoint, these values offer more than just a way to reach goals; they form a fundamental guide to living a rich and meaningful life. It’s not just about what we achieve; it’s about the values we embody in the process, defining our character and contributing to a fulfilling existence.


As we conclude our exploration into the profound interplay between achieving goals and personal transformation, we find ourselves standing at the intersection of past accomplishments and future aspirations. The journey toward our goals, laden with challenges and guided by enduring values, shapes not only what we attain but, more importantly, who we become in the process.

Looking ahead, let’s remember the wisdom of Robert Frost: “I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.” Embrace the unique paths, as they often lead to the most transformative experiences. The changing landscape of personal growth invites us to keep moving forward, learning from challenges, and holding onto the values that light our way.

In life’s tapestry, the threads of discipline, resilience, and empathy weave a story that goes beyond just chasing goals. Our journey becomes proof of the transformative power found in every step, every challenge, and every victory. It’s not just about reaching the destination but relishing the changing landscapes of our character.

As we stand on the threshold of the future, let our goals be more than mere waypoints; let them be catalysts for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world. Let our values be the North Star, guiding us through uncharted territories. In the unfolding chapters of our lives, may we continue to find purpose, wisdom, and fulfilment not just in what we achieve but in the profound journey of becoming.

In the words of T.S. Eliot, “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” Our journey toward goals and growth is a perpetual exploration, a continuous cycle of self-discovery that enriches our lives with meaning and purpose.

So, let us step boldly into the future, guided by the lessons of the past, and let the pursuit of our goals be an odyssey of transformation—a journey that not only shapes our destinies but also leaves an indelible mark on the tapestry of humanity.


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