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Iconic Temple Architectures: A Journey Through Time and Faith

June 19, 2024 259 0

Iconic temple architectures embody diverse cultural and religious expressions.  Each temple represents a unique fusion of art, faith, and cultural identity, drawing millions of visitors to witness the grandeur and spiritual resonance that transcends time and borders, leaving an indelible mark on the world’s architectural and religious tapestry.

Mahabalipuram: The Grand Sculptural Marvel of the Pallava Dynasty

Location: Mahabalipuram is a coastal town with Pallava temples dating back to the seventh and eighth centuries.

  • Grand Panel: The sculptural panel in Mahabalipuram is one of the world’s largest and oldest, measuring nearly 30 meters in length and 15 meters in height. 
  • Uniqueness: Cleverly utilizing a natural cleft in the rock, sculptors created a water channel that flows down to a massive tank in front of the sculpted wall.
  • Different Opinions: Scholars offer different interpretations of the panel; some believe it represents the descent of the Ganga, while others associate it with Kiratarjuniya or Arjuna’s penance, a work by the poet Bharvi.
  • Tableau Prashasti: There is speculation that the entire tableau serves as a prashasti, praising the Pallava king, possibly seated in front of the sculpted backdrop.
  • Penance Scene: The relief prominently features a temple with ascetics and worshippers, along with an emaciated figure identified as either Bhagirath or Arjuna engaged in penance.
  • Shiva’s Blessing Gesture: Shiva is depicted with one hand in a boon-bestowing gesture, and a dwarf, possibly symbolizing the powerful pashupata weapon.
  • Linear Animated Figures: The artistic style is characterized by slender, linear figures in animated movement, including naturalistically carved birds and animals, such as lifelike elephants.
  • Humorous Cat Metaphor: A humorous element is introduced with a cat standing on its hind legs, imitating Bhagirath or Arjuna, surrounded by rats—possibly a metaphor for undisturbed penance.
  • Symbolic Tribute: The overall theme of the sculptural panel is richly detailed and symbolic, blending religious and poetic narratives, potentially serving as a tribute to the Pallava king.
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Sculptural panel in Mahabalipuram

Ravana Shaking Mount Kailasha

Time Period: Ravana shaking Mount Kailasha depicted in Ellora’s Kailashnath temple (Cave No.16), dated to the eighth century CE.

Carvings on outer wall, Kailashnath temple, Ellora
  • Ravana’s Might: Colossal sculpture with multi-faced, multi-armed Ravana in the lower tier, showcasing ease in shaking the mount.
  • 3-D View: Three-dimensional space effect achieved through detailed carvings of multiple hands.
  • Divided Half: The upper half is divided into three frames, center featuring Shiva and Parvati; Parvati is portrayed with dramatic light and shade effect, scared by the commotion.
    • Pronounced volume in sculpture, attendant figures and gana (dwarf) figures in dynamic action.
    • Celestial beings above Shiva and Parvati are frozen in movement.
  • Volume and Recession: Protrusion of volume and recession in space are key features in Ellora cave images.
  • Play of Light and Darkness: Utilization of light and darkness to create full-round images, emphasizing slender torsos and slim arms.
  • Angular Frontality Harmony: Attendant figures on the sides exhibit angular frontality, contributing to structural harmony.

Lakshmana Temple In Khajuraho

Patronising: Khajuraho temples, made of sandstone, were patronized by the Chandella dynasty.

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Lakshmana Temple
  • Completion: Lakshmana temple, representing the developed Chandella temple architecture, was completed in 954 CE by Yashovarman.
  • Mandapas: Temple plan is panchayana type with ardhamandapa, mandapa, maha mandapa, and garbhagriha with vimana.
    • Constructed on a heavy plinth, each part has a separate roof rising backwards.
    • Projected porches on halls’ walls for light and ventilation, not accessible to visitors.
  • Exterior Sculpture Adornments: Outer walls adorned with sculptures, especially on garbhagriha and circumambulatory paths.
  • Shikhara and Erotic Carvings: Tall shikhara on garbhagriha, known for erotic sculptures, many carved on the plinth wall.
  • Wall Arrangements: Tier arrangements on walls provide specific spaces for image placement.
  • Voluminous Pillars and Lintels: Interior halls were decorated profusely, entrance to garbhagriha was sculpted with voluminous pillars and lintels.
  • Chaturmukha Vishnu image in the garbhagriha, four shrines in each corner, featuring Vishnu and Surya.
  • Drapery and ornaments receive meticulous attention in the sculptures.
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Iconic temple architectures transcend time and borders. Mahabalipuram’s Shore Temple, with its Descent of the Ganges sculpture, is a marvel of Pallava art. Ellora’s Kailashnath temple features the dramatic Ravana Shaking Mount Kailasha. The Lakshmana Temple in Khajuraho, built by the Chandellas, showcases intricate carvings and a panchayana plan. These structures embody the rich tapestry of cultural and religious expressions in Indian architecture.

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