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Soil Conservation: Types, Methods, Cause & Solutions

December 14, 2023 3151 0

Introduction to Renewable Resources and Soil Conservation

The resources which can be renewed or reproduced by physical, chemical or mechanical processes are known as renewable or replenishable or non-conventional resources. Some of these are unlimited and are not affected by human activities, such as solar and wind energy. Yet careless use of certain renewable resources like water, soil and forest can affect their stock, emphasizing the importance of soil conservation.

Soil Conservation & Erosion: Causes, Types, and Strategies

  • Definition: Soil erosion, the denudation of the soil cover and subsequent washing down, underscores the critical importance of soil conservation. 
  • Interplay of Soil Formation and Erosion: The processes of soil formation and erosion go on simultaneously and generally there is a balance between the two. 
    • Both human and natural factors can lead to degradation of soils. 
  • Factors of Soil Erosion: Factors which lead to soil degradation are deforestation, overgrazing, construction and mining, overuse of chemical fertilizers or pesticides, rain wash, landslides and floods, highlighting the pressing need for effective soil conservation measures. 
  • Various form of soil erosion are:
    • Gullies: The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes deep channels as gullies. 
      • Thus, the land becomes unfit for cultivation and is known as bad land
      • In the Chambal basin such lands are called ravines
    • Sheet Erosion:  Sometimes water flows as a sheet over large areas down a slope. 
      • In such cases the top soil is washed away. 
      • This type of erosion is known as sheet erosion. 
    • Wind Erosion: Wind blows loose soil off flat or sloping land known as wind erosion. 
Terrace Farming
Terrace Farming

Soil Conservation Techniques: Methods to Safeguard Our Land and Promote Sustainable Agriculture

  • Mulching for Soil Conservation: The bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like straw. 
    • It helps to retain soil moisture.

Soil conversation

  • Contour barriers: Stones, grass, soil are used to build barriers along contours. 
    • Trenches are made in front of the barriers to collect water.
Contour Ploughing
Contour Ploughing
  • Rock dam: Rocks are piled up to slow down the flow of water. 
    • This prevents gullies and further soil loss. 
  • Terrace farming: Broad flat steps or terraces are made on the steep slopes so that flat surfaces are available to grow crops. 
    • They reduce surface runoff and soil erosion.  
    • Western and central Himalayas have well developed terrace farming. (Refer Figure).
Shelter Belts
Shelter Belts
  • Intercropping for Soil Conservation: Different crops are grown in alternate rows and are sown at different times to protect the soil from rain wash. 
  • Contour Ploughing:  Soil erosion is also caused due to defective methods of farming. 
    • Ploughing in a wrong way i.e. up and down the slope form channels for the quick flow of water leading to soil erosion. 
    • Ploughing parallel to the contours of a hill slope to form a natural barrier for water to flow down the slope. 
    • This is called contour ploughing. 
  • Strip Cropping: Large fields can be divided into strips. 
    • Strips of grass are left to grow between the crops. 
    • This breaks up the force of the wind. 
    • This method is known as strip cropping.
  • Shelterbelts:  Planting lines of trees to create shelter are called shelter belts. 
    • These shelter belts have contributed significantly to the stabilization of sand dunes and in stabilizing the desert in western India (Refer Figure). 

In conclusion, prioritizing soil conservation practices is essential for preserving our vital resource. Through methods like mulching, contour plowing, and terrace farming, we can safeguard against soil erosion and ensure sustainable agricultural practices. Embracing soil conservation is key to maintaining the health and productivity of our land

Also Read: Water Conservation: Challenges & Strategies for Water Management

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