National Sample Survey Office: NSSO Full Form in Economics, Year of Establishment

The full form of NSSO is National Sample Survey Organization, is an essential institution in India for gathering socio-economic data. Discover its role in policy-making, economic planning, and its significance in UPSC exams. Explore the significance of NSSO's insights in shaping informed decisions for the nation's progress.

Ananya Gupta

August 26, 2023

National Sample Survey Office: NSSO Full Form in Economics, Year of Establishment

National Sample Survey Office

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), known as NSSO, was established under the Ministry of Statistics in 1950. It was founded with the primary goal of conducting comprehensive surveys across diverse socio-economic groups to gain insights into various facets of the nation’s growth and development. NSSO’s surveys follow a methodical approach, spanning from six months to over a year, to gather valuable data.

These objective surveys play a pivotal role in shaping policies and decisions. Notably, on 23rd May 2019, NSSO transformed into the National Statistical Office (NSO) following its merger with the Central Statistical Office (CSO). This amalgamation was aimed at enhancing coordination between the two entities. The NSO is overseen by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOSPI). Aspiring candidates preparing for exams such as the IAS will find pertinent insights into these organizations, fostering a deep understanding of NSSO’s significance for upcoming examinations.

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What is NSSO?

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), now known as the National Statistical Office (NSO), is a prominent statistical organization in India. It was established under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOSPI) in 1950. The primary objective of NSSO is to collect and analyze data related to various aspects of the economy and society through nationwide surveys.

NSSO conducts surveys that cover a wide range of topics, including employment, education, health, consumption patterns, income distribution, poverty, and more. These surveys involve collecting data from a representative sample of households and individuals across different socio-economic groups. The data collected from these surveys is used to assess the socio-economic condition of the population, monitor trends over time, and inform policymaking and planning.

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The surveys conducted by NSSO provide valuable insights into the living standards, economic activities, and overall development of the country. The organization’s data is widely used by government agencies, researchers, policymakers, and various stakeholders to formulate policies, design programs, and make informed decisions.

In 2019, NSSO was restructured and re-designated as the National Statistical Office (NSO) to reflect its expanded role in statistical activities beyond sample surveys. The NSO continues to be a crucial institution for generating reliable and comprehensive statistical information that contributes to India’s socio-economic progress.

NSSO Full Form

NSO stands for “National Statistical Office.” It is an organization in India responsible for conducting comprehensive statistical activities, including collecting, analyzing, and presenting data on various socio-economic aspects of the country. The NSO plays a crucial role in providing accurate and reliable statistical information that informs policy decisions, economic planning, and development strategies.

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Full Form of NSSO, CSO,NSO
NSSO Full Form National Sample Survey Office
CSO Full Form Central Statistical Organization
NSO Full Form National Statistical Office
Year of NSSO-CSO Merger 2019

NSSO and CSO Merger

The merger of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) and the Central Statistical Office (CSO) was a significant administrative change aimed at streamlining and enhancing the statistical activities and functions of these two organizations in India. Here are the key details about the NSSO and CSO merger:

Merger Details:

  • Date: The merger of NSSO and CSO took place on May 23, 2019.
  • Formation of NSO: After the merger, the combined entity was designated as the National Statistical Office (NSO). The NSO operates under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI).

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Objective of the Merger:

  • The primary goal of merging NSSO and CSO was to improve coordination, efficiency, and synergy between these two statistical organizations.
  • The merger aimed to create a unified and more streamlined approach to collecting, analyzing, and disseminating statistical data related to various socio-economic aspects of India.


  • The NSSO and CSO were both engaged in the collection and analysis of statistical data but often focused on different aspects of the economy and society.
  • The merger intended to avoid duplication of efforts, promote consistency in data collection methodologies, and enhance the overall quality of statistical information.

Expanded Scope of NSO:

  • The creation of the NSO broadened its mandate to cover a wide range of comprehensive statistical activities beyond the scope of both NSSO and CSO.
  • The NSO’s role encompasses collecting data on economic, social, demographic, and other pertinent indicators.

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  • The merger aimed to provide more integrated and holistic data to policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders for informed decision-making.
  • It sought to enhance the efficiency of statistical data collection processes and improve the accuracy and relevance of statistical publications.

The merger of NSSO and CSO into the National Statistical Office reflects India’s commitment to modernizing its statistical infrastructure, ensuring consistency and reliability in data, and facilitating evidence-based policy formulation and planning.

Different Divisions of NSSO

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), now known as the National Statistical Office (NSO), comprises four divisions responsible for various aspects of statistical data collection, analysis, and dissemination. While the structure may have evolved over time, here are four major divisions that were present in NSSO:

1. Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD):

  • Responsibilities: Formulating survey plans, designing questionnaires, defining concepts and variables, strategizing survey methodologies, analyzing results, and presenting findings.
  • Headquarters: Kolkata.

2. Data Processing Division (DPD):

  • Responsibilities: Selecting representative samples, developing software for data processing, processing and validating collected data, structuring data for presentation.
  • Headquarters: Kolkata.

3. Co-ordination & Publication Division (CPD):

  • Responsibilities: Coordinating among NSSO divisions for smooth functioning, publishing NSSO reports, journals, and findings for wider dissemination.
  • Headquarters: Delhi.

4. Field Operations Division (FOD):

  • Responsibilities: Collecting primary data through field surveys, ensuring accuracy and quality of data collection, sharing collected data with relevant government departments.
  • Headquarters: Delhi/Faridabad.

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Central Statistical Organization (CSO)

The Central Statistical Organization (CSO) is a prominent statistical agency in India that plays a vital role in collecting, compiling, and analyzing statistical data related to various aspects of the economy and society. The CSO operates under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) and is responsible for providing accurate and reliable statistical information to support informed decision-making and policy formulation.

The CSO’s primary functions include:

  1. National Income Accounting: The CSO calculates and publishes important economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross Value Added (GVA), and various sectoral contributions to the economy. These figures provide insights into the overall economic performance of the country.
  2. Economic Surveys: CSO conducts economic surveys that provide data on industrial production, manufacturing, mining, and other economic activities. These surveys contribute to understanding economic trends and patterns.
  3. Industrial Classification: CSO is responsible for maintaining and updating the National Industrial Classification (NIC), which categorizes industries based on their economic activities. This classification system is widely used for data collection and analysis.
  4. Price Indices: The CSO compiles and publishes consumer price indices (CPI) and wholesale price indices (WPI). These indices help in monitoring inflation and price changes in the economy.
  5. National Accounts Statistics: CSO compiles and disseminates comprehensive national accounts statistics, which include data on consumption, investment, savings, and other economic indicators.
  6. Social Sector Statistics: CSO collects and analyzes data related to education, health, employment, and other social indicators. This information is crucial for assessing social development and planning policies.
  7. Coordination: The CSO coordinates with various government departments and agencies to ensure the uniformity and quality of statistical data collected across the country.
  8. Data Dissemination: CSO publishes statistical reports, data tables, and publications that are widely used by policymakers, researchers, businesses, and the general public.

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National Statistical Office (NSO)

The National Statistical Office (NSO) is an important organization in India that deals with collecting and understanding different kinds of information. It came into existence when two other organizations, the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) and the Central Statistical Office (CSO), joined together. Even though the government didn’t specifically talk about NSO’s exact role, it’s now the name used for both of these organizations.

The NSO is part of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. The leader of this ministry, called the Secretary, oversees the NSO. The merging of NSSO and CSO didn’t change how the National Statistical Commission (NSC) works. The NSC is the group that looks after all the activities related to gathering and analyzing data in the country.

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The coming together of NSSO and CSO means some changes, like NSSO now working under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. This change might affect how independent data collection and sharing are. But the main goal of this merger is to make sure that the information collected is accurate and can be used by the government to create better policies and plans for the country.

In simple terms, the NSO is like a big information hub that brings together data from different places, so the government can make good decisions based on reliable facts.

Frequently Asked Questions

NSSO stands for the National Sample Survey Office. It is an organization under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation in India that conducts surveys to collect socio-economic data.

The main purpose of NSSO is to collect, analyze, and present statistical data related to various aspects of the economy and society. This data is used for policy-making, planning, and decision-making.

NSSO conducts surveys on a wide range of topics, including employment, education, health, consumption, income, agriculture, and more. These surveys provide insights into the living conditions and economic activities of the population.

NSSO's data provides valuable insights into sectors like employment, agriculture, and industry. This data helps in understanding the economic trends and patterns, aiding in effective economic planning.

NSSO is an important topic in the Indian Economy subject for UPSC exams. Understanding its functions, surveys, and significance is essential for aspirants preparing for the exams.

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