Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities (Article 350B) – Functions & Objectives

Explore Article 350B and the role of the Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities. Learn about duties, powers, and importance.


November 27, 2023

Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities (Article 350B) – Functions & Objectives

Constitutional Mandate

  • Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities, also known as Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India (CLM), is a constitutional body under Article 350B of the constitution.

Who are Linguistic Minorities?

  • Definition: Linguistic Minorities are those groups of individuals residing in the territory of India or any part in the future having a distinct language or script of their own. 
    • However, the constitution of India has not defined linguistic minorities.
  • At State Level: Linguistic Minorities are also identified at state level. They are those groups of people whose mother tongues are different from the principal language of the State.
  • Protection: Linguistic minorities are given protection under Articles: 29, 30, 347, 350, & 350A and Article 350B; and the Articles: 14, 15 & 16.

When did the Commission for the linguistic minorities was created?

  • Reason: The creation of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities was recommended by the States Reorganisation Commission (SRC) 1956, in order to address the grievances of the Linguistic Minorities.
    • Based on the recommendations, the 7th Constitutional (Amendment) Act, 1957 was enacted, whereby Articles, 350 A & B were included in the Constitution.
  • Headquarters: The current headquarters is located in New Delhi. There are three regional offices in Belgaum, Chennai and Kolkata.

What are the Objectives of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities?

  • Ensuring Equal Opportunities: CLM has the mandate to provide equal opportunities to linguistic minorities for inclusive development and national integration
  • Spreading Awareness: The CLM needs to spread awareness amongst the linguistic minorities regarding the rights that safeguard them.
  • Effective Implementation: The CLM will ensure effective implementation of the rights and safeguards guaranteed by the Constitution of India

How Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities is appointed?

  • Provision: The constitution of India does not have any provisions related to appointment, qualifications, tenure, removal, or any such matters related to the CLM.
  • Authority: The President of India appoints the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities
  • Report: The commissioner comes under the Ministry of Minority Affairs and hence reports to the President through the ministry.

What are the key functions of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities?

  • Main Mandate: The main function of the commissioner is to investigate all the matters relating to the Safeguards provided for the linguistic minorities in India under the Constitution and report to the President.
  • Other Functions:
    • Sending Report to the President: The commissioner is required to investigate all matters related to the welfare of linguistic minorities and send a report to the President of India.
    • Investigate Matters: Investigate matters related to safeguard of linguistic minorities.
    • Monitor Implementation: Monitoring implementation of the safeguards through visits, seminars, meetings, and other review mechanisms.
    • State level Monitoring: The Commissioner maintains liaison with State Governments and Union Territories through nodal officers appointed by them in order to monitor the rights of linguistic minorities.
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Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities FAQs

Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities, also known as Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India (CLM), is a constitutional body under Article 350B of the constitution.

The Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India (CLM) was set up under the 7th Constitutional (Amendment) Act, 1957, whereby Articles, 350 A & B were included in the Constitution.

The main function of the commissioner is to investigate all the matters relating to the Safeguards provided for the linguistic minorities in India under the Constitution and report to the President.

Linguistic Minorities are those groups of individuals residing in the territory of India or any part in the future having a distinct language or script of their own.

The commissioner comes under the Ministry of Minority Affairs and hence reports to the President through the ministry.

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