Q. How can biotechnology help to improve the living standards of farmers? (250 words, 15 marks)




  • Briefly outline the transformative potential of biotechnology in agriculture.


  • Discuss the ways in which biotechnology helps to improve the living standards of farmers.
  • Substantiate with appropriate examples.


  • Summarize the transformative potential of biotechnology in uplifting Indian farmers’ living standards.


​​Biotechnology promises a transformative impact on Indian agriculture, serving as a key lever to uplift the living standards of Indian farmers by enhancing crop yields, resilience, and nutritional content, while reducing input costs.


Ways in which biotechnology help to improve the living standards of farmers:

  • Genetically Modified (GM) Crops:
    • GM crops like Bt cotton have already demonstrated substantial yield improvement.
    • By inserting the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) gene into cotton, the plants gained resistance against bollworms, a common pest.
    • As a result, Bt cotton farmers have seen increased yields and reduced pesticide usage, improving their income and environmental sustainability.

Bt cotton

  • Drought and Salinity Resistant Crops:
    • Biotechnology can help create crops resistant to extreme conditions like drought or salinity, which can be a boon in parts of India where water is scarce or soil is saline.
    • For instance, research is ongoing on the development of a GM rice variety called “Saltol” for improved salt tolerance, which could significantly improve crop yield and farmer income in coastal areas with saline soils.
  • Biofertilizers and Biopesticides:
    • Biotechnological advancements are leading to the development of biofertilizers and biopesticides, which are environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
    • These help improve soil fertility and crop protection while reducing environmental impact and farmer expenditure on inputs.
  • Disease-Resistant Varieties:
    • Through genetic modification, disease-resistant crop varieties can be developed, which could significantly reduce crop losses.
    • An example is the ongoing development of Banana varieties resistant to Panama disease, a devastating fungal disease, which could safeguard livelihoods of many Banana farmers.
  • Nutrient Enriched Crops:
    • Biotechnology can help develop nutrient-enriched crops to tackle malnutrition.
    • An example is Golden Rice, a GM variety rich in Vitamin A, which could not only improve farmer income but also address nutritional deficiencies in areas where rice is a staple.


The deployment of biotechnology in agriculture, with its numerous advantages, has the potential to fundamentally improve the lives of Indian farmers. However, careful stewardship, rigorous evaluation, and open societal dialogues are crucial to address potential ecological or health concerns, and to ensure that these technologies truly serve the interests of the farmers and society at large.

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