Election Commission of India (ECI): Provisions, Functions, and Independence

March 26, 2024 8947 0


The Election Commission of India (ECI) is an autonomous constitutional authority responsible for administering and supervising electoral processes in India. Established in 1950, the ECI ensures the conduct of free, fair, and transparent elections for national parliamentary elections to state legislative assemblies and the office of the President and the Vice-President of India. The Constitution of India provides for a separate State Election Commission for the elections of panchayats and municipalities in the states.

The ECI plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity of India’s democratic system by enforcing election laws and regulations impartially and efficiently. 

Constitutional Provisions of Election Commission of India

  • Article 324, Part  XV
  • ECI conducts elections to Parliament, State Legislatures, the office of President of India and the office of Vice-President of India.
  • ECI is a unitary feature of the Indian constitution.
  • By President
  • When any other election commissioner is so appointed, the chief election commissioner shall act as the chairman of the election commission.
  • The President may also appoint after consultation with the election commission such regional commissioners as he/she may consider necessary to assist the election commission.
Qualification Qualification is not prescribed by the Constitution.
    • Strength is not specified in the Constitution and is left at the discretion of the President.
    • Presently, a 3-member body. [UPSC 2017]
      • 16th October 1989: For the first time two additional Commissioners were appointed but abolished in January 1990
      • 1st October 1993: Two additional Election Commissioners were appointed. 
      • The concept of a multi-member Commission has been in operation since then.
    • The matter is decided by the Commission by the majority if there is a divergent opinion.
  • Members can resign at any time or can also be removed before the expiry of their term.
Tenure and Salary
  • The Constitution does not specify the terms of the members of the Election Commission.
  • Currently, 6 years or age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
  • The Constitution has not debarred from further appointment.
  • Conditions of Service and Tenure of Office are determined by the President.
  • Salary equal to judge of SC.
  • CEC and two other election commissioners have equal powers, salary, and allowances.
Resignation To the President.
Removal Procedure
  • Removal in the same manner and on the same grounds as a judge of the Supreme Court i.e. removed by the president based on a resolution passed by both Houses of Parliament with a special majority, only on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity.
  • He does not hold office during the pleasure of the President.
Other Aspects
  • All-India Body: Common to both Central and state governments.
  • Not concerned with elections to panchayats and municipalities in the states.
  • At the state level, EC is assisted by the chief electoral officer, who is appointed by the CEC in consultation with the state government. 
  • At the district level, the  collector acts as the district returning officer. He appoints a returning officer for every constituency in the district and a presiding officer for every polling booth in the constituency.

Powers and Functions of ECI

  • Delimitation of Electoral Constituencies: Determination of territorial areas of the electoral constituencies based on the Delimitation Commission Act of Parliament.
  • Electoral Rolls: Prepare and periodically revise electoral rolls and register all eligible voters.
  • Election Processes: Notification of dates and schedules of elections and scrutinize nomination papers.
  • Recognition of Political Parties: Grant recognition to political parties and allot election symbols to them.
    • Settlement of Disputes: Settle disputes related to granting recognition to political parties and allotment of election symbols to them.
    • Registration of political parties and grant of status of national or state parties on the basis of their poll performance.
  • Electoral Inquiry Officers: Appoint officers to inquire into disputes relating to electoral arrangements.
  • Electoral Code of Conduct: Determine the code of conduct to be observed by the parties and the candidates at the time of elections.
  • Prepare a roster for publicity of the policies of the political parties on radio and TV in times of elections.
  • Advisory Role: Advise the President with respect to disqualifications of the members of Parliament.
    • Advise the Governor  with respect to disqualifications of the members of the State legislature.
    • To advise the President to hold elections in a state under the President’s rule in order to extend the period of emergency after one year.
  • Cancellation of Poll: To cancel polls in the event of rigging, booth capturing, violence and other irregularities.
  • Requisition of Staff: Request the President or the Governor to requisition the staff necessary for conducting elections.
  • Supervision of Electoral Machinery: Overseeing the electoral machinery nationwide to ensure fair and unbiased elections.

Independence of ECI

  • Chief Election Commissioner:
    • Provided with the security of tenure
    • He cannot be removed from his office except in the same manner and on the same grounds as a judge of the Supreme Court.
    • Other election commissioners: Cannot be removed from office except on the recommendation of the CEC.
    • Service conditions cannot be varied to his disadvantage after his appointment.

Challenges to the Independence and Impartiality of the Election Commission

  • The Constitution does not provide the following related to ECI.
  • Qualifications of the members of the Election Commission.
  • The term of the members of the Election Commission.
  • The Constitution has not debarred retiring election commissioners from any further appointment by the government.
  • In Anoop Baranwal case (2023), the Supreme Court gave the following directions to ensure the independence and neutrality of the Election Commission, free from all external political and executive interference:
    • It declared that the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and the other Election Commissioners shall be made on the recommendations of a three-member committee consisting of the 
      • Prime Minister.
      • The Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha. (in case there is no Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, then the Leader of the largest opposition party in terms of numerical strength)
      • The Chief Justice of India.
    • It is desirable that the grounds for the removal of the other Election Commissioners shall be the same as that of the Chief Election Commissioner.
    • The conditions of service of the other Election Commissioners shall not be varied to their disadvantage after appointment.
    • The above directions shall be in effect until the Parliament makes a law in consonance with Article 324 of the Constitution.

The Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners Bill, 2023 

  • Both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha passed this Bill in Dec 3023.
  • The Bill replaces the Election Commission Act, of 1991 which provided for the appointment, salary, and removal of the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and Election Commissioners (ECs).

Some Important Provisions of the Bill

  • The CEC and ECs will be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of a Selection Committee.   
  • Selection Committee: This committee will consist of the Prime Minister, a Union Cabinet Minister, and the Leader of Opposition/leader of the largest opposition party in Lok Sabha.
  • Search Committee:  Headed by the Cabinet Secretary will propose a panel of names to the Selection Committee.  
    • Eligibility for the posts includes holding/or having held a post equivalent to the Secretary to the central government.
  • Salary and Conditions of Service: It will be equivalent to that of the Cabinet Secretary. 1991 Act provides the salary and condition of service of the CEC and ECs equivalent to that of a Supreme Court Judge.


  • The Election Commission of India (ECI) stands as a vital guardian of democracy, entrusted with the responsibility of conducting free, fair, and transparent elections across the nation. 
  • Through its diligent oversight, the ECI ensures the integrity of electoral processes, upholding the fundamental principles of democracy and ensuring the voice of the people is heard through legitimate means.

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