Gupta Empire Golden Age of Ancient India

May 9, 2024 7990 0

During the Gupta Empire in ancient India, a remarkable flourishing of art, architecture, literature, and sciences occurred, marking it as the Golden Age of the subcontinent. With a profound influence of religion, particularly Buddhism, Gupta art and architecture displayed sculptures, vibrant paintings, and monumental temple structures. This period also witnessed significant literary contributions, scientific advancements, and the establishment of renowned centers of learning like Nalanda University.

Gupta Empire: A Flourishing Art, Literature, and Science

Buddhist Art  

  • Sculptures
      • Bronze image of Buddha in Sultanganj near Bhagalpur.
      • Images of Buddha from Mathura and Sarnath.
  • Paintings
      • Ajanta paintings are life-like and natural. They are marked by their brilliance of colours. 
        • They depict various life events in the life of Buddha.
      • The paintings are also seen at Bagh caves (Dhar, Madhya Pradesh).
      • Paintings at Sigiriya in Sri Lanka were highly influenced by the Ajanta style.
  • Stupas
    • Stupas were found in Samat (Uttar Pradesh), Ratnagiri (Orissa) and Mirpur Khas (Sind).

Temple Architecture

  • Evolution of Architectural Styles: Both Nagara and Dravidian styles of art evolved, but most architecture had been lost due to foreign invasions like that of the Huns.
    • There was no influence of the Gandhara style in architecture.
    • In the temples, images of Vishnu, Shiva and some other Hindu Gods were found. 
    • The leading God is large and represented in the centre, with subordinate gods smaller and around him.
  • Brick Temples: Only a few brick temples of this era remained. 
    • Example: The temples of Bhitargaon in Kanpur, Bhaitari in Ghazipur, Nachnakutara in Panna and Deogarh in Jhansi.
  • Gupta Sculptures: The sculptures in the temple at Garhwas near Allahabad remain important specimens of the Gupta art.
  • Nalanda University: The earliest brick structure of Nalanda University belongs to this period.
    • Kumargupta:  laid the foundation of Nalanda university.
    • It was an acclaimed Mahavihara and a large Buddhist monastery.
    • It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and was a centre of learning from the 5th to 12 century AD.
    • Nalanda flourished under the patronage of the Gupta Empire in the fifth and sixth centuries and later under Harsha, the emperor of Kannauj.
    • At its peak, Nalanda attracted scholars and students from Tibet, China, Korea and Central Asia.
    • Archaeological findings also confirm the contact with the Shailendra dynasty of Indonesia, and one of the kings built a monastery in the complex.
    • Nalanda was ransacked and destroyed by an army of the Mamluk dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate under Bakhtiyar Khalji in 1200 AD.

Stone and Metal Sculptures

  • Stone Sculpture: of erect Buddha from Sarnath.
    • Stone sculpture of the great Boar (Varaha) at the entrance of a cave at Udayagiri.
  • Copper Image of Buddha: at Nalanda and the Sultanganj Buddha.

Terracotta and Pottery

  • Clay Figurines: were used both for religious and secular purposes.
  • Red Ware: The most distinctive class of pottery of this period is the “red ware”.
  • Remains of Gupta Pottery: were found at Ahchichhatra, Rajgarh, Hastinapur and Bashar.
Prayaga Prashasthi (Allahabad Pillar Inscription)

  • It is engraved on the Asokan pillar and composed by Harisena in classical Sanskrit using the Nagari script.
  • It describes the personality of Samudragupta, the circumstances of his accession, his military campaigns in North India and Deccan, his relationships with other contemporary rulers and his accomplishments as a poet and scholar.
  • In this inscription, Samudragupta is compared to Purusha (Supreme Being).


    • Secular and Religious Works: This era is known for the production of various secular as well as religious literature.
    • Sanskrit: became the official language, and all their epigraphic records were written in it. 
      • The period saw the last phase of Smriti literature.
    • Nagari Script: evolved from the Brahmi script.
    • Evolution of Prakrit Languages: The Gupta age witnessed the evolution of many Prakrit forms such as Suraseni used in Mathura and its vicinity, 
      • Ardh Magadhi is spoken in Awadh and Bundelkhand and Magadhi in modern Bihar.
      • Prakrit had patronage outside the court circle.
    • Characteristics of plays during the Gupta period:
      • They were all comedies.
      • The characters of the higher and lower classes do not speak the same language. 
      • Women and Sudras speak Prakrit, while others speak Sanskrit.
    • Works of Bhasa: wrote 13 plays, which include:
      • 1. Pratijna Augandharayana, 2. Svapnavasavadatta, 3. Charudatta, 4. Pancaratra, 5. Madhyama Vyayoga, 6.Pratima-nataka, 7. Duta Vakyam, 8. Duta Ghatotkacha, 9. Karnabharam, 10. Urubhanga, 11. Avimaraka, 12. Balacarita, and 13. Abhiseka
    • Composition of Puranas: in their present form were composed during this period. 
      • There are 18 Puranas, the most important among them are the Bhagavatha, Vishnu, Vayu and Matsya Puranas.
    • Mahabharatha and Ramayana: were written in the present form during this period.
    • Buddhist Works: The earlier Buddhist works were in Pali, and the later ones in Sanskrit. 
      • Prominent Buddhist writers of the Gupta period were Arya Deva, Arya Asanga, Vasubandhu and Dignaga. [UPSC 2022]
  • The first regular Buddhist work on logic was written by Vasubandhu.
  • Jain Literature: first appeared in Prakrit and later shifted to Sanskrit.
    • Jain writer Vimala wrote the Jaina version of Ramayana.
    • Siddasena Divakara laid the foundation of logic among the Jainas.
  • Insights from Fa Hien’s Travels: Accounts of the Chinese traveller Fa Hien provide valuable information on the religious, social and economic conditions of the Gupta empire.

Notable Works and Authors During Gupta Rule

Sudraka Mrichchhakatika

(The Little Clay Cart)

Palakapya Hastayurveda or the veterinary science
Bharavi Kiratarjuniya – story of conflict between Arjuna and Shiva. Vagbhata Astanga Samgraha (Summary of the eight branches of medicine).
Dandin Kavyadarsa and Dasakumaracharitha Brahmagupta Brahmasphutasiddhanta and Khandakhadyaka
Subhandu Vasavadatta Amarasimha Amarakosha (a thesaurus in Sanskrit) [UPSC 2020]
Vishnu Sharma Panchatantra Chandrogomia Chandravyakaranam

(Sanskrit Grammar)

Patanjali  Mahabhashya (Sanskrit Grammar)
Patanjali wrote commentary on some selected sutras of Panini ‘s Ashtadhyayi which he named Vyakaran Mahabhashya.
Kalidasa [UPSC 2020]

  • His Sanskrit drama Abhijnanasakuntalam was considered to be one of the best hundred literary works in the world. It was also one of the earliest Indian works to be translated into European languages.
  • Plays: Malavikagnimitram and Vikramorvashiya
    • Malavikagnimitram is the love story of King Agnimitra and the court dancer Malavika.
  • Epics: Raghuvamsa and Kumarasambhava 
  • Lyrics: Ritusamhara and Meghaduta.


  • Devichandraguptam and Mudrarakshasa provide details about the rise of the Guptas. [UPSC 2023]
    • Devichandraguptam is the story of Gupta King Ramagupta who decides to surrender his queen Dhruvadevi to a Shaka invader but his younger brother Chandragupta enters the enemy camp disguised as queen and kills the enemy. 
    • In the climax of the play, Chandragupta dethrones Ramagupta and marries Dhruvadevi.
    • Mudrarakshasa narrates the ascent of the king Chandragupta Maurya.

Other Sources of Gupta History

  • Narada, Vishnu, Brihaspati and Katyayana smritis.
  • Kamadandaka’s Nitisara, a work on polity addressed to the king (400 AD).
  • Smritis are religious texts covering a wide range of subjects such as ethics, politics, culture and art. Dharmasastras and Puranas form the core of this body of literature.

Sciences During Gupta

    •  Birth of Zero and the Decimal System: The invention of the theory of zero and the evolution of the decimal system were to be credited to the thinkers of this age.
  • Aryabhatta
      • Aryabhatiyam: Deals with arithmetic, geometry and algebra.
      • Surya Siddhanta: Examined the true cause of the solar eclipses.
      • He was also the first to declare that the earth was spherical in shape and that it rotated on its own axis.
  • Varahamihira
    • Panchasiddhantika: on five astronomical systems. It is a summary of Surya Siddhanta, Romaka Siddhanta, Paulisa Siddhanta, Vasishtha Siddhanta, Paitāmaha Siddhanta.
    • Brihadsamhita: An encyclopedia on astronomy, physical geography, botany and natural history.
    • Brihat Jataka: Astrology
  • The medical trio of ancient India were Vagbhata, Charaka and Susruta.
    • Charaka and Susruta lived before the Gupta age.
  • Navanitakam: was a medical work during the Gupta age, which is a manual of recipes, formulation and prescriptions.
  • Hastyayurveda: or the veterinary science authored by Palakapya, attests to the advances made in medical science during the Gupta period.
Must Read
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Upsc Notes  Upsc Blogs 
NCERT Notes  Free Main Answer Writing


The Gupta Empire was a special time when art, books, and science were at their best. Through its profound contributions in various fields, including Buddhist art, temple architecture, literature, and scientific discoveries, the Gupta era left an indelible mark on Indian history and continues to inspire admiration for its rich cultural heritage.

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