High Courts of India: Constitutional Framework and Role in Upholding Justice

March 26, 2024 621 0


Integrated Judicial System: The high court operates below the Supreme Court but above the subordinate courts. 

  • State judiciary includes the High Court + subordinate courts.
The institution of the High Court originated in India in 1862 when High courts were set up in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras. The Fourth High Court was established in Allahabad in 1866.
  • Presently, there are 25 High Courts in India. Calcutta High Court, established in 1862, is the oldest High Court in India.
  • Note: The Constitution of India gives the High Courts jurisdiction over revenue matters, which it did not enjoy in the pre-constitution era.


Constitutional Provisions About High Court

Parameters Description
Basic Facts
  • Constitution: Originally provided for one high court for each state.
  • 7th Amendment Act of 1956: Authorized the Parliament to establish a common High court for two or more states or for two or more states and a UT.
  • Territorial Jurisdiction of a High Court: Co-terminus with the territory of a state.
  • Territorial jurisdiction of a common high court: Co-terminus with the territories of the concerned states and union territory.
  • Parliament can extend the jurisdiction of a high court to include or exclude UT.
  • Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir: Only UTs in India having a High Court of their own.
  • UT of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh have a common high court.
Strength and Composition
  • The Constitution does not specify the strength of HC. It is at the discretion of the President.
  • Every High Court (exclusive or common) consists of a Chief Justice and such other judges as the president may from time to time deem necessary to appoint.
Appointment (Article  217)
  • For Chief Justice: President after consulting CJI + Governor of the concerned state.
  • For Other Judges: President after consulting CJI (Second Judges case) + Governor + CJ of State High Court.
  • In case of the appointment of high court judges, the chief justice of India to consult a collegium of two senior-most judges of the Supreme Court. (Third Judges case).
  • Common High Court: Governors of all the states concerned are consulted by the President.
Qualification of Judges 

(Article 217)

  • A citizen of India.
  • He should have held judicial office in Indian territory for 10 years or
  • He should have been an advocate of the High Court (or high courts in succession) for 10 years.
  • No minimum age prescribed.
  • Unlike in the case of the Supreme Court, the Constitution makes no provision for the appointment of a “distinguished jurist” as a judge of a High Court in the opinion of the president.
Oath or Affirmation (Article 219)
  • Makes and subscribes to an oath or affirmation before the Governor of the state or some person appointed by him for this purpose.
Salaries and Allowances (Article 221)
  • Determined from time to time by the Parliament.
  • Cannot be varied to their disadvantage after their appointment except during a financial emergency (Article 360).
  • Salaries of judges of HC are charged upon “Consolidated Fund of State”.
  • Pensions of judges of HC are charged upon “Consolidated Fund of India”.
    • The Constitution does not provide for a fixed tenure of judges of HC.
  • Four provisions:
  • Until 62 years (65 in case of SC).
  • Resign by writing to the President.
  • Can be removed from office by the President on the recommendation of Parliament.
  • He vacates his office when he is appointed as SC judge or when he is transferred to another HC.
Removal of Judges
  • Procedure for the impeachment of a judge of a HC is the same as that for a judge of the SC. [UPSC 2019]
  • Same manner and on the same grounds as the judge of the SC.
  • Procedure: Governed by the Judges Enquiry Act (1968).
  • Removed by order of the President only on Parliament’s recommendation.
  • The address must be supported by a special majority of each House of Parliament.
  • Ground of Removal: Proved misbehaviour or/and incapacity.

No judge of a High Court has been impeached so far.

Judges Enquiry Act, 1968 Removal Motion

  • Signed by 100 members (Lok Sabha) or 50 members (Rajya Sabha).
  • The Speaker/Chairman may admit the motion or refuse to admit it.
  • If admitted: Three-member committee (Committee of Chief justice /judge of SC, Chief Justice of HC, and distinguished jurist) to enquire into charges.
  • If found guilty, the motion is taken up for the consideration of the House. 
  • The address must be supported by a special majority of each House of Parliament.
  • Order passed by President.
Transfer of Judges 

(Article 222)

  • The President can transfer a judge from one HC to another after consulting the CJI.
  • On transfer: Judges are entitled to receive in addition to his salary such compensatory allowance as may be determined by Parliament.
  • SC in 1977: The transfer of high court judges only as an exceptional measure and public interest, not by way of punishment.
  • SC in 1994: Judicial review is necessary to check arbitrariness in transfer of judges. Only the judge who is transferred can challenge it.
  • Third Judges Case (1998): CJI should consult, in addition to the collegium of four senior most judges of the SC, the chief justice of the two high courts (transferring and receiving).
Acting Chief Justice 

(Article 223)

  • The President can appoint a judge of HC as an acting chief justice of HC, when the office of HC chief justice lies vacant; he is temporarily absent; or unable to perform the duties of office.
Additional and Acting Judges (Article 224)
    • The President can appoint duly qualified persons as additional judges of a HC for a temporary period not exceeding two years when there is a temporary increase in high court business and there are arrears of work in high court.
    • Additional Judges:
      • Appointed by the President can appoint duly qualified persons as additional judges of an HC for a temporary period not exceeding two years when there is a temporary increase in high court business and there are arrears of work in high court.
    • Acting Judges:
      • Appointed by President
      • These are appointed when a judge of that high court
  • Unable to perform the duties of his office due to absence or any other reason
  • Appointed temporarily as chief justice of that high court.
      • Holds office until the permanent judge resumes his office.
  • Both the additional or acting judge cannot hold office after attaining the age of 62 years.
Retired Judge (Article 224 A)
  • At any time, the CJ of HC can request any retired judge of that HC or any other HC to act as a judge of the HC of that state for a temporary period.
  • He can do so only with the previous consent of the President and also of the person to be so appointed.
  • May enjoy all the jurisdiction, powers and privileges of a judge of that high court. But, he will not otherwise be deemed to be a judge of that high court.
Independence of High Court
  • Mode of Appointment: Judges appointed by the President by consulting the judiciary itself (CJI + CJ of HC). [UPSC 2013]
  • Security of Tenure: Judges are removed only in the manner prescribed by the Constitution.
  • Fixed Service Conditions: Cannot be changed to their disadvantage after their appointment except during a financial emergency (Art.360).
  • Expenses charged on consolidated funds of the State. The pension of a high court judge is charged on the Consolidated Fund of India and not the state.
  • Conduct of judges cannot be discussed: Except when impeachment motion is in consideration of the Parliament.
  • Ban on Practice after Retirement: Except the SC and the other high courts.
  • Power to Punish for its Contempt: A high court can punish any person for its contempt
  • Freedom to appoint its staff.
  • Jurisdiction cannot be curtailed but it can be changed both by the parliament and the state legislature.
  • Separation from the Executive (Article 50) (DPSP): Separation of judiciary from executive).



Endowed with extensive jurisdiction over state and Union Territory matters, High Courts serve as guardians of justice and arbiters of constitutional rights within their respective jurisdictions. Their establishment, composition, jurisdiction, and powers are outlined in the Constitution, reflecting the commitment to a decentralized yet unified system of justice aimed at ensuring access to justice and the protection of individual liberties across India.

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