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All About The Important Sites and Features of IVC

April 20, 2024 254 0


The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) flourished around 3300–1300 BCE and left behind a wealth of archaeological sites and features. From well-planned cities like Mohenjo-Daro to intricate drainage systems, these remnants offer insights into ancient urban life.

Prominent Sites and Features of IVC

Site  Features
State – Punjab (Pakistan)

River- Ravi 

  • First archaeological site of the Indus Valley civilization to be discovered, that’s why the civilization is named after it.
  • Two rows of six Granaries, Male torso (Red sandstone), Stone symbols of lingam and Yoni, Mother Goddess and Dice, Mother goddess.

State – Sindh (Pakistan)
River – Indus

  • Largest site of the Indus Valley civilization
  • Post cremation burial, Great Granary, Great Bath (largest building), Seal with Pashupathi and mother goddess, Bronze statue of the dancing girl, Bronze buffalo, bearded man.
  • It had a planned town built on a platform, having two distinct areas. One is identified as a citadel and the other as the lower town
State – Sindh (Pakistan)
River – Indus
  • Exclusively devoted to craft production, including bead-making, shell-cutting, metal-working, seal-making and Weight-making, dog’s paw imprint on brick, Terracotta model of bullock cart, and Bronze toy cart.
State – Gujarat
River – Confluence of Bhogava and 

Sabarmati river

  • Important naval trade site,Port and Dockyard, Granaries, Rice husk, Double burial (male and female together).
  • The Citadel was not walled off but was built at a height.
  • The entire settlement was fortified, and sections within the town were also separated by walls.
State – Gujarat
River – Luni
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Unique water harvesting and system and its stormwater drainage system, Megalithic stone circle, specialised drill,  giant water reservoirs [UPSC 2021]
  • Stone was used in construction.
  • An ancient signboard had been found with letters engraved on it.
  • Only site is divided into 3 parts (Citadel, Middle town and Lower town).
  • The entire settlement was fortified, and sections within the town were also separated by walls.
State – Gujarat
  • Oval grave, Pot burials.
State – Rajasthan
River – Luni
  • Bangle factory, Ploughed field surface, Camel bones, Fire altars, Bronze figure of a bull.

State – Haryana
River – Rangoi

  • Centre of  Pre-Harappan, Mature and Late Harappan civilisation.
  • Oval-shaped settlement, Barley grains, Lapis Lazuli (blue gem), Fire altars.
  • Lack of systematic drainage and the only city with Radial streets.
State – Punjab
River – Sutlej
  • First site to be excavated after independence.
  • Dog buried with human; oval pit burials.
  • A copper axe was found.
Rakhi Garhi 

State – Haryana

  • Largest Indian site of the Indus Valley Civilization. 
  • Shows all three phases of Harappa Culture.
State – Gujarat
River – Madar
  • Remains of both pre-Harappan and mature Harappan culture: Yellow and grey colour pots of pre-Harappan people.

State – Uttar Pradesh
River – Hindon

  • Late Harappan Culture.
  • A broken copper blade and an impression of cloth on a trough.
State – Maharashtra
River – Pravara
  • Bronze images (charioteer with chariot, ox, elephant and rhinoceros).
State – Sindh (Pakistan)
River – Sindh
  • The fortification was made of mud bricks and stone.
  • Wellfired red and buff wares’ pottery is found with common motifs like horned deity, pipal leaves and fish scales executed in black.
State – Sindh (Pakistan)
River – Sindh
  • Pre-Harappan settlement; Transitional culture between pre and post-Harappan culture; actual remains of rhinoceros.
State – Sindh (Pakistan)
River – Dasht River
  • Ash-filled pot, copper axe, earthen bangles & pottery
  • Originally a port later cut off from sea due to coastal upliftment; had trade links with  Babylon.


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  • The sites and features of IVC illuminate the sophistication of early urban planning and engineering. 
    • Through their well-organized cities, advanced infrastructure, and distinctive artifacts, the IVC continues to captivate scholars and enthusiasts, providing valuable glimpses into ancient civilization.
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