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June 14, 2024
India plays a significant role in international nuclear treaties and arrangements, leveraging its vast thorium reserves and advanced nuclear capabilities. Despite not being a signatory to some key treaties like the NPT, India has actively engaged in global nuclear diplomacy and cooperation. This involvement spans various agreements and collaborations aimed at promoting peaceful nuclear energy use and enhancing global nuclear security. India’s pursuit of NSG membership and its bilateral agreements with numerous countries underscore its commitment to being a responsible nuclear state.
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT): It is a landmark treaty aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)
India’s Stance on the NPT: India has consistently maintained a position of not signing the NPT, primarily due to its concerns about the discriminatory nature of the treaty, which distinguishes between nuclear-armed states recognized under the treaty and non-nuclear-armed states.
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
Access to Nuclear Technology: NSG membership would provide India with access to advanced nuclear technologies, equipment, and materials for its civilian nuclear program.
India has signed nuclear energy agreements with various countries as part of its efforts to enhance its nuclear power capabilities and promote civilian nuclear cooperation.
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India’s strategic participation in international nuclear treaties and arrangements reflects its dedication to maintaining global nuclear security and advancing its civilian nuclear program.
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