Indian Fiscal Structure: Consolidated Fund, Public Account, and Contingency Fund

March 26, 2024 1682 0


The Constitution of India provides for how the accounts of the Government have to be kept. Article of the Constitution provides for the creation of a Consolidated Fund of India, Contingency Fund, and Public Account of India.

Comparison Between Different Types of Funds

Consolidated Fund of India Public Account of India Contingency Fund of India
Article 266 Article 266 Article 267
All receipts are credited and all payments are debited. It Includes,  All public money other than those which are credited to the CFI shall be credited here. Amounts determined by parliament by law are paid from time to time into this fund.
It includes, 

  • All revenues received by the GOI
  • All loans raised by the Government by the issue of treasury bills, loans or ways and means of advances
  • All money received by the government in repayment of loans forms the Consolidated Fund of India.
Includes PF deposits, Judicial deposits, S/B deposits, Departmental deposits, Remittances and so on. It include amounts determined Parliament by law are paid from time to time to meet unforeseen expenditure
All legally authorized payments on behalf of the GoI are made out of this fund. The payments from this account can be made without parliamentary appropriation. Payments are mostly in the nature of banking transactions. Placed at the disposal of the president, and he can make advances out of it to meet unforeseen expenditure.
No money out of this fund can be issued except in accordance with a parliamentary law. [UPSC 2015] Operated by executive action. Held by the finance secretary on behalf of the president. It is operated by executive action.

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