Railways in India: Infrastructure and Innovation

June 24, 2024 5689 0

India boasts the fourth-largest railway system globally, behind only the US, Russia, and China. With a vast network spanning over 126,366 km of tracks and over 7,335 stations, Indian Railways is a crucial mode of transportation for millions.

Railways in India: Achievements and Goals

  • Origin: Railway was first introduced in 1853, from Bombay to Thane during the Governor Generalship of Lord Dalhousie.
  • Global Status: India ranks 4th globally in railway infrastructure, trailing only the US, Russia, and China.
  • Railways Infrastructure: Indian Railways encompasses 126,366 km of track and 7,335 stations.
    • Track Development: During 2022-23, 5,243 km of track was laid, with a record daily average of 14.4 km.
    • Daily Operations: include 13,523 passenger trains and 9,146 freight trains daily.
    • Freight loading: reached a record high of 1,512 MT in 2022-23, with a target of 2,024 MT by 2024.
  •  High-speed Rail Project: The Mumbai-Ahmedabad high-speed rail project, costing $14.27 billion, is underway.
  • Railway Electrification: Indian Railways aims for complete electrification by 2023, saving $1.55 billion annually.

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    • Over 61,813 km of Broad-Gauge network has been electrified, advancing towards 100% electrification.
    • Significant progress has been made in railway electrification, with 38,650 km achieved by Oct 2023.
  • Wi-Fi: It has been installed at 6,089 railway stations nationwide.
  • Green Initiatives: More than 1,000 stations have been solarized to support green initiatives.
  • Safety System: Automatic Block Signaling (ABS) has been implemented along 3,946 route km.
    • Kavach, a safety system, covers 1,465 route km and 139 locomotives across several states.
  • Vande Bharat Trains and Gati Shakti Cargo terminals: Plans include manufacturing 400 Vande Bharat Trains and developing 100 PM Gati Shakti Cargo terminals in the next three years.
  • Gauge Conversions: From 2014 to 2022, 1,544 km of new lines, gauge conversions, and doubling projects have been commissioned, showing a significant increase compared to the previous period.
    • 18 Zones: The Indian Railways has been divided into 18 zones: Northern Railway (Largest), North Eastern Railway, Northeast Frontier Railway (Smallest), Eastern Railway, South Eastern Railway, etc.

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    • 100% FDI: is allowed in railway infrastructure under the automatic route.
    • Classification based on the width of track: Broad gauge (1.676 metres), Metre gauge (1m) and Narrow gauge (0.762m or 0.610m; generally confined to hilly areas)
    • Indian Railways has two UNESCO World Heritage Sites
      • The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Mumbai (2004) and
      • The Mountain Railways of India (1999, 2005, 2008): Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Nilgiri Mountain Railway, Kalka-Shimla Railway.
  • Railway Infrastructure Projects in India:
  • Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs):
    • Eastern DFC (EDFC): 1,856 km long from Ludhiana (Punjab) to Dankuni (West Bengal); Covers Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.
    • Western DFC (WDFC): 1,504 km long from Dadri (UP) to Jawaharlal Nehru Port (Maharashtra); Covers Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.
The Diamond Quadrilateral is an Indian Railways project to establish a high-speed rail network that will connect the four mega cities of India, viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai
Trans-Continental Railway Lines
Trans–Siberian Railway (Russia) St. Petersburg (west) to Vladivostok (east)
Trans–Canadian Railways Halifax (east) to Vancouver (west)
Australian Trans–Continental Railway Perth (west coast) to Sydney (east coast)
Orient Express Paris to Istanbul


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Railways in India continue to evolve, with projects like high-speed rail networks and dedicated freight corridors transforming the nation’s transportation infrastructure. As India marches towards its vision of modernization and connectivity, its railways remain a symbol of progress and development, shaping the future of transportation in the country.

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