State Legislatures in India: Structure, Function, and Constitutional Provisions

March 26, 2024 2789 0


Each state in India has a legislature comprising the Governor and either one or two Houses, depending on the state. There is no uniformity in state legislatures. In Bihar, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh, there are two Houses known as the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly. Conversely, in the remaining states, there is only one House known as the Legislative Assembly. =

  • Constitutional provisions regarding state legislature have been covered in Part VI- Articles 168 – 212.
  • The Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) is chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies in the state.
  • Composition: Governor + Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) + Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad) (in case of bicameral).
  • Article 169: Parliament can abolish a Legislative Council or create it if the legislative assembly of the concerned state passes a resolution by a Special Majority to that effect. 
    • This Act of Parliament is not to be deemed as an amendment of the Constitution for the purposes of Art. 368 and is passed like an ordinary piece of legislation (by Simple Majority).

Legislative Assembly Composition and Functioning in India

  • Maximum strength: 500
  • Minimum strength: 60
  • Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Goa: Min strength is 30
  • Mizoram – 40, Nagaland – 46
Manner of election Directly elected on the basis of universal adult franchise.
Nominated members
  • Article 334: One Anglo-Indian could be nominated by the Governor to the assembly.
  • 104th CAA (2019): Abolished the reservation to Anglo-Indians.
  • Normal Term: 5 years from the date of its first meeting after the general elections.
  • Governors can dissolve at any time.
  • Terms can be extended by parliament during a national emergency for one year at a time
  • However, this extension cannot continue beyond a period of six months after the emergency has ceased to operate.
Territorial Constituencies
  • Each state is divided into territorial constituencies.
  • Demarcation of constituencies is done in such a manner that the ratio between the population of each constituency and the number of seats allotted to it is the same throughout the state.
Readjustment after each census
  • After each census, a readjustment is to be made in the (a) total number of seats in the assembly of each state and (b) the division of each state into territorial constituencies.
  • Parliament is empowered to determine the authority and its manner.
Reservation of seats for SCs & STs
  • Each State: Based on their population ratios.
  • Originally for 10 years, but extended by 10 years thereafter continuously.
  • 104th CAA: Reservation extended for another 10 years till 2030.



Legislative assemblies serve as the cornerstone of democratic governance, where elected representatives debate, enact, and amend laws to address the needs and concerns of society. Through robust deliberation and collaboration, they strive to uphold the principles of accountability, representation, and transparency, fostering a vibrant democratic system that reflects the will of the people.


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