Sufi Movement: Seeking Divine Connection in India

May 15, 2024 1375 0


Sufism, known as “tasawwuf” in Islamic texts, is the mystical dimension of Islam. The origin of the word is debated. It might derive from “suf” (wool), referencing the woollen garments Sufis wore, “safa” (purity), or “suffa,” referencing a platform near the Prophet’s mosque where devoted followers gathered to learn faith. Its essence is seeking deeper, personal communion with God.

Exploring the Sufi Movement in India

Origin of Sufism in India

  • Expansion of the Sufi Movement: With the expansion of the Muslim empire, the Sufi movement spread all over the Muslim world with a missionary zeal to preach Islam.
  • Origins of Sufism in India: In India, it started with the advent of trade when foreign merchants started to settle on the western coast. 
    • Later on, with successive Muslim invasions, Sufis gained prominence in India.
  • Shaikh Ali Hujwari: of Data Gunj was the first reputed Sufi in India. He paved the path for the future sufis in India through his book, Kashful-ul-Mehjub. 
    • Key Teachings: He emphasised the basic doctrines of Sufism, like worship of God, love of God, knowledge of God, purification, and annihilation.

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Sources to Study the Sufi Movement:

  • Malfuzat: A collection of conversations of Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya, compiled by Amir Hasan Sijzi Dehlavi.
  • Maktubat:  Letters written by Sufi masters addressed to their disciples.
  • Maktubat-i Imam Rabbani are the letters of the noted Naqshbandi Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, whose ideology is often contrasted with the liberal and non-sectarian views of Akbar.
  • Tazkiras(biographies): Siyar-ul-Auliya of Mir Khwurd Kirmani was the first sufi tazkira written in India. It dealt principally with the Chishti saints. 
    • The most famous tazkira is the Akhbar-ul-Akhyar of Abdul Haqq Muhaddis Dehlavi (d. 1642). 
    • The authors of the tazkiras often sought to establish the precedence of their own orders and glorify their spiritual genealogies.
  • Poetry and Music: The use of music, particularly in Sufi gatherings (Sama), has been a source of spiritual inspiration and expression. 
    • Example: Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti popularised music recitations called Sama (Mehboob-i-ilahi).

Main Principles of Sufism: [UPSC 2012]

  • Guidance of the Spiritual Master: Direct communion with divine reality (Haqiqat) can be established by traversing the Sufi path (tariqa) only under the strict supervision of a shaikh, pir, or murshid, who had himself successfully traversed it.
  • Progression Through Spiritual Stages: Disciple (murid) progressed through the ‘stages’ by practising spiritual exercises such as self-mortification, recollection of God’s name to attain concentration (Zikr), and contemplation.
  • Sama: The Sufis organised an impassioned musical recital (sama). The practice of sama was intended to induce a mystical state of ecstasy.
  • Role of the Hospice: The hospice (Khanqah) was the centre of the activities of a Sufi order, which was supported by endowment and charity. It was the place where the pir imparted spiritual training to his disciples. 
    • The popularity of the Khanqah and its capacity to attract disciples depended on the reputation of the ‘pir’.
  • Emphasise Spirituality: Sufis emphasise personal spirituality over ritualistic practises.
  • Seeking Deeper Connection: They sought a deeper connection with God through meditation, chanting, and personal interpretations of the Qur’an.  
  • Tawakkul: They also believe in  Tawakkul (meaning completely trusting in the plan of God. It symbolized the idea of observing containment).

Orders of Sufism (Silsilah)

  • Major Orders of Sufism: There are many major and minor orders. Some of them were founded in India itself. The major orders are as follows.
    • (1) Chishtiya order.  (2) Qadriya order  
    • (3) Suharwardiya order                (4) Naqsh bandiya order.
  • The Minor Orders: emerged as the offshoot of one or the other major orders.

Sufi Movement

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The Sufi movement in India emerged as a path to seek a personal connection with the divine, emphasizing direct communion with God and spiritual growth under the guidance of a mentor. Through literature, poetry, music, and spiritual practices, Sufis aimed to transcend ritualistic norms and attain inner purity. The establishment of hospices and the propagation of orders like Chishtiya, Qadriya, Suharwardiya, and Naqshbandiya played crucial roles in spreading Sufism’s message of love, compassion, and trust in the divine plan across India.

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