Vijayanagara Sangama Dynasty Rulers: Key Figures & Legacy

May 14, 2024 1794 0


The Vijayanagara Sangama Dynasty, founded by Harihara I and Bukka Raya I, emerged in the 14th century from the Yadava lineage. Under rulers like Harihara II and Deva Raya I, the dynasty expanded its territory, reaching coastal Andhra and Indian ports like Goa. Devaraya II, the greatest ruler of the Sangama dynasty, notably defeated the Gajapati rulers of Odisha and recruited trained Muslim cavalry.

Key Rulers of the Sangama Dynasty

1. Harihara (1336-56)

  • Defeat of the Hoysala Ruler: Defeated the Hoysala ruler of Mysore and executed him.
  • Succession of Bukka: His brother, Bukka (1356-77) succeeded him.
  • Foundation of a New City: He founded a new city on the South bank of a tributary to river Krishna and undertook to rule his new kingdom as the agent of a deity to whom all the land south of the river Krishna was supposed to belong. [UPSC 2015]  

2. Harihara II (1377-1404)

  • Acquisition of Belgaum and Goa: Took control over Belgaum and Goa from the Bahamani kingdom.
  • Expedition to Northern Sri Lanka: Sent an expedition to northern Sri Lanka.

3. Deva Raya I (1404-1422)

  • Defeat by Firuz Shah Bahmani: He was defeated by the Bahmani ruler Firuz Shah
  • Alliance with Warangal: Later, he entered into an alliance with Warangal, which changed the balance of power in the Deccan and defeated Firuz Shah Bahmani and annexed the entire Reddi territory up to the mouth of Krishna River.
  • Dam and Water Management: He constructed a dam across the Tungabhadra and Hiradra rivers and used canals to counter the shortage of water.
  • Nicolo Conti: visited Vijaynagar in 1420

4. Devaraya II (1422–46)

  • Defeat of Gajapati Rulers of Odisha: Greatest ruler of the Sangama dynasty.
    • He defeated the Gajapati rulers of Odisha.
  • Recruitment of Trained Muslim Cavalry: According to Ferishta (Court HistorIan of Deccan Sultans), he recruited trained Muslim cavalry and gave archery training to his soldiers.
  • Visit of Abdur Razaak: Abdur Razaak visited Zamorin of Kochi and the Vijayanagar court during his reign.
  • Attempt to Recover Territories: Tried to cross Tungabhadra in 1443 to recover areas like Mudkal, Bankapur, etc., from the Bahamani sultans, but in the end, the two sides had to agree to the existing frontiers.
  • Tribute from Kings of Sri Lanka and Tennasserim: According to Nuniz, the kings of Sri Lanka and Tennasserim (Malay and Burma) paid tribute to him.
  • Civil Wars for the Throne: Primogeniture was not established in Vijayanagar, which led to a series of civil wars for the throne after his death.
Saluva Dynasty

Saluva Narasimha

  • Establishment: He established the short-lived Saluva dynasty in 1485. Saluvas were military commanders.
  • Viranarsimha: his elder son, started the Tuluva dynasty in 1505.


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Despite its initial successes, the Sangama dynasty faced challenges from succession conflicts and encroachment by neighboring kingdoms like the Bahamani Sultanate. The dynasty’s downfall under Virupaksha Raya II marked the end of its rule. However, its legacy, including military conquests and cultural patronage, continued to shape the history of the Vijayanagara Empire.

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