UPSC 2024 Expected Cutoff, Category-Wise & Previous Trends

The UPSC 2024 detailed Analysis by PWOnlyIAS and expected cutoff for Prelims is provided here. Gain insights into previous years' trends, category-wise cutoffs, and detailed analysis here!

PWOnlyIAS September 15, 2024 0

The UPSC 2024 detailed Analysis by PWOnlyIAS and expected cutoff for Prelims is provided here. Gain insights into previous years' trends, category-wise cutoffs, and detailed analysis here!

UPSC 2024 Expected Cutoff, Category-Wise & Previous Trends

Every year, after the final results are released, UPSC releases the final cut-off on the official website. However, before that many experts and coaching centers released the UPSC Prelims and Mains expected cutoff based on the level of difficulty of the exam. The UPSC Prelims 2024 expected cut-off is between 90 to 95 marks. The reason is that the UPSC prelims 2024 was seen as Moderate. The UPSC Prelims 2024 result has been released on the official website on July 01, 2024. Candidates who have made it to the list will qualify for the Mains exam. Category Wise UPSC Cutoff 2024 (expected) is provided here based on the data of the changing trends in the UPSC Prelims Exams. 

Our expert from PWOnlyIAS has estimated the UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff based on the difficulty level of the UPSC Prelims GS Paper 1 and GS Paper 2 (CSAT). Check the UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff Category Wise to get ready for the next stage.

UPSC Prelims 2024 Result Roll Number-Wise PDF

UPSC Prelims 2024 Result

The UPSC Prelims result 2024 has been released on the official website, Candidates who appeared in the UPSC Prelims 2024 can check their results by finding their names and roll numbers in the list.

The UPSC Prelims 2024 was held on 16th June 2024 and the UPSC Prelims Results 2024 was released on July 01, 2024. The result includes the list of selected candidates who have qualified for the UPSC Mains examination, which is scheduled to be held between September 20 & September 29, 2024. Here candidates can find the direct links to download the UPSC Prelims Results 2024 PDFs.

UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff Category Wise

UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff Category Wise data reflect the trend of GS paper this year. The table below contains the UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff Category Wise: 

Expected Cutoff for UPSC Prelims 2024 Category Wise
Category of Candidates UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff Marks
General 90-95
EWS 80-85
OBC 85-90
SC 70-75
ST 65-70
PwBD 1 60-65
PwBD 2 60-65
PwBD 3 55-60
PwBD 5 50-55

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UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff Category-Wise Analysis

The UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff Category Wise is very important for UPSC aspirants belonging to every category. UPSC Prelims Cutoff Analysis 2024 Category Wise will help the aspirants to analyse the pattern and difficulty of the questions asked in UPSC Prelims. 

Let us have a look at the UPSC Prelims Cutoff Analysis 2024 Category Wise:

I. UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff General Category

The UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 range for the General category is between 90-95 marks. This indicates a slight variation in the expected competition level compared to previous years.

II. UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff EWS Category

For EWS candidates, the UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 is expected to be between 80-85 marks. This cutoff is marginally lower than that for the General category, reflecting the reservation policy’s attempt to balance opportunities for economically weaker candidates.

III. UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff OBC Category

The UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 for OBC candidates ranges from 85-90 marks. This is slightly lower than the General category cutoff, but still pretty high, showing how UPSC has changed the Exam difficulty level.

IV. UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff SC and ST Category

SC candidates have a UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 range of 70-75 marks, while the ST category cutoff is expected to be between 65-70 marks. This lower cutoff compared to the General and OBC categories. 

V. UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff PwBD Categories

The UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 for PwBD candidates vary based on the type of disability:

  • PwBD 1 & PwBD 2: Both have a UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 range of 60-65 marks.
  • PwBD 3: The UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 is between 55-60 marks.
  • PwBD 5: The UPSC Prelims Expected Cutoff 2024 is the lowest, at 50-55 marks.

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Category-wise UPSC Cutoff 2024 Analysis 

The 2024 UPSC Prelims cutoff stands at 75.41 for the General category and 74.75 for OBC candidates. For Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), the prelims cutoff is 68.02. In the Mains exam, the cutoff for General candidates is 741, for OBC candidates it’s 712, and for EWS candidates it’s 706. Final cutoff for UPSC exam stands at 953 for the General category, 919 for OBC category, and 923 for EWS category.

For Scheduled Castes (SC), the prelims cutoff is 59.25, while for Scheduled Tribes (ST), it’s 47.82. In the Mains exam, the cutoff for SC candidates is 694, and for ST candidates, it’s 692. The final cutoff for SC candidates stands at 890, and for ST candidates, it’s 891.

upsc cutoff 2023

Download the Cutoff Here!

UPSC Set Record for Lowest Cutoff for Prelims

In 2024, the UPSC CSE 2023 Prelims Cutoff set a new record with the lowest cutoffs ever seen: 75.41 for the General category and 74.75 for OBC candidates. When it came to the Mains exam, General category applicants needed to score at least 741, while OBC candidates had a cutoff of 712. And for the overall UPSC exam, the cutoffs hit an all-time low: 953 for General candidates and 919 for OBC candidates. This downward trend in cutoff marks tells us that the competition is changing, giving us a glimpse into the evolving nature of the UPSC examination.

UPSC Prelims Cutoff – Last 5 Years

The Prelims cutoff marks play a crucial role in determining the success of aspirants in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. Looking at the cutoff trends from 2018 to 2022 across different categories – General, OBC, SC, ST, EWS, and PWD – provides valuable insights into the competitiveness of the exam. By analyzing these cutoff scores over the years, we can identify patterns and trends, helping aspirants gauge the level of competition and strategize their preparation effectively. The UPSC Prelims Cutoff marks over the last five years have varied, reflecting the changing trends in the examination’s difficulty level and competition.

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Category 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
General 75.41 88.22 87.54 92.51 98 98
OBC 74.75 87.54 89.12 89.12 95.34 96.66
ST 59.25 69.35 70.71 68.71 77.34 83.34
SC 47.82 74.08 75.41 74.84 82 84
PWD 1 40.40 49.84 68.02 70.06 53.34 73.34
PWD 2 47.13 58.59 67.33 63.94 44.66 53.34
PWD 3 40.40 40.40 43.09 40.82 61.34 40.00
PWD 4 33.68 41.76 45.80 42.86 61.34 45.34
EWS 69.02 82.83 80.14 77.55 90 ——

UPSC Final Result 2023: PWOnlyIAS Selection

The UPSC has announced the results for the Civil Services Examination 2023. Congratulations to all the successful candidates. Aditya Srivastava has become the UPSC 2023 topper by securing the first rank in the examination, while Donuru Ananya Reddy has emerged as the leading female candidate.


UPSC Mains Cutoff for Previous 5 Years

The UPSC Mains cutoff marks for different categories vary each year. Here are the cutoff scores for the past few years for different categories like General, OBC, SC, ST, and PWD. These scores help determine the minimum marks required to qualify for the UPSC Mains examination.

The UPSC Mains Cutoff marks have fluctuated in the past five years, indicating shifts in the exam’s difficulty and competition levels. It’s crucial for candidates to study these trends carefully to plan well for their upcoming exams.

Category 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
GENERAL 741 748 745 736 751 774
OBC 706 714 707 698 718 732
ST 712 706 700 682 699 719
SC 694 699 700 680 706 719
PWD 1 692 677 688 648 663 711
PWD 2 673 706 712 699 698 696
PWD 3 718 351 388 425 374 520
PWD 4 396 419 560 300 561 460
EWS 589 715 713 687 696 —-

UPSC Final Cutoff for Last 5 Years

Over the last five years, the UPSC Final Cutoff marks have shown fluctuation, reflecting changes in the exam’s difficulty level and competition. Understanding these trends is crucial for candidates to tailor their preparation effectively for upcoming exams. Let’s explore how the cutoff marks have evolved across different categories like General, OBC, SC, ST, and PWD.

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Category 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
General 953 960 953 944 961 982
OBC 923 923 910 907 925 938
SC 919 893 886 875 898 912
ST 890 900 883 876 893 912
PWD 1 891 879 892 867 861 899
PWD 2 894 913 932 910 890 908
PWD 3 930 632 689 675 653 754
PWD 4 756 590 701 465 708 718
EWS 589 926 916 894 909 ——

UPSC Overall Cutoff 2023: Minimum Qualifying marks

As per the notification released by UPSC, the category-wise cutoff for UPSC 2022 Civil Services Examination is given here:

upsc cutoff 2023

UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2023: Category-Wise

On June 5, 2022, the UPSC Prelims 2022 examination was held in two phases (9:30 AM to 11:30 AM and 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM). The UPSC Prelims cutoff for 2022 is indicated by the table below. Aspirants should observe the cutoffs and study accordingly to achieve a high mark on the UPSC exam in 2024.

Note: Candidates need to understand that the Cutoff for IAS, IPS, and IFS are still the same.

Category 2022
General 75.41
EWS 68.02
OBC 74.75
SC 59.25
ST 47.82
PWD 1 40.40
PWD 2 47.13
PWD 3 40.40
PWD 5 33.68

Category-wise UPSC Mains Cutoff 2023

Upon exceeding the UPSC Mains Cutoff marks, candidates are deemed qualified for the last phase of the selection procedure, which is the interview section.

Seven of the nine papers in the UPSC Mains are taken into consideration for merit placement. The English Language Exam and the Indian Language Exam are the two final papers, and they serve as qualifying exams. As required by the UPSC, applicants must obtain an acceptable qualifying score in these language exams.

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Here is a category-wise UPSC Mains Cutoff 2023 published by UPSC:

Category 2023
General 741
EWS 706
OBC 712
SC 694
ST 692
PwBD-1 673
PwBD-2 718
PwBD-3 396
PwBD-4 445

Category-wise UPSC Final Interview Cutoff 2023

The applicants’ scores from the Mains Exam and the Interview exam phase are combined to calculate the UPSC CSE Final Cutoff markings. Seven exams make up the Mains Examination weighting, with the remaining papers coming from the Interview process. The result of every applicant is assessed, and the final Cutoff is determined by adding up all of their scores.

The UPSC Final Cutoff scores are the benchmark for eligibility for candidates to be appointed to the civil services, with the ranking of candidates determined by merit. The candidate’s ranking, preference, and the number of openings are taken into consideration while allocating services.

The Table Below is a Category-wise UPSC CSE Final Round Cutoff 2023 Published by UPSC:

Category UPSC Final Interview Cutoff 2023
General 953
EWS 923
OBC 919
SC 890
ST 891
PwBD-1 894
PwBD-2 930
PwBD-3 756
PwBD-4 589

UPSC Overall Cutoff 2022

As per the notification released by UPSC, the category-wise cutoff for the UPSC 2022 Civil Services Examination is given here:

UPSC Cutoff list 2022

Category-Wise UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2022

On June 5, 2022, the UPSC Prelims 2022 examination was held in two phases (9:30 AM to 11:30 AM and 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM). The UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2022 is indicated by the table below. Aspirants should observe the Cutoffs and study accordingly to achieve a high mark on the UPSC exam in 2024. 

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Note: Candidates need to understand that the Cutoff for IAS, IPS, and IFS are still the same. 

Category 2022
General 88.22
OBC 87.54
ST 69.35
SC 74.08
PWD 1 49.84
PWD 2 58.59
PWD 3 40.40
PWD 4 41.76
EWS 82.83

Category-wise UPSC Mains Cutoff 2022

Upon exceeding the UPSC Mains Cutoff marks, candidates are deemed qualified for the last phase of the selection procedure, which is the interview section. 

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Seven of the nine papers in the UPSC Mains are taken into consideration for merit placement. The English Language Exam and the Indian Language Exam are the two final papers, and they serve as qualifying exams.

As required by the UPSC, applicants must obtain an acceptable qualifying score in these language exams.

Here is a category-wise UPSC Mains Cutoff 2022 published by UPSC:

Category UPSC Mains Cutoff 2022
General 748
EWS 715
OBC 714
SC 699
ST 706
PwBD-1 677
PwBD-2 706
PwBD-3 351
PwBD-4 419

UPSC Final Interview Cutoff 2022

The applicants’ scores from the Mains Exam and the Interview exam phase are combined to calculate the UPSC Final Cutoff markings. Seven exams make up the Mains Examination weighting, with the remaining papers coming from the Interview process. The result of every applicant is assessed, and the final Cutoff is determined by adding up all of their scores. 

The UPSC Final Cutoff scores are the benchmark for eligibility for candidates to be appointed to the civil services, with the ranking of candidates determined by merit. The candidate’s ranking, preference, and the number of openings are taken into consideration while allocating services.

The table below is a category-wise UPSC Final round Cutoff 2022 published by UPSC:

Category UPSC Final Interview Cutoff 2022
General 960
EWS 926
OBC 923
SC 893
ST 900
PwBD-1 879
PwBD-2 913
PwBD-3 632
PwBD-4 590

UPSC Overall Cutoff 2021

The following image is the official cutoff announced by the UPSC board for the UPSC 2021 exam. Candidates should check the minimum marks required to study well for the following exams.

UPSc 2021 final Cutoff

Category-wise UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2021

The table below provides an in-depth look at the UPSC Cutoff for Prelims 2021 for each category:

Category UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2021
General 87.54
OBC 89.12
ST 70.71
SC 75.41
PWD 1 68.02
PWD 2 67.33
PWD 3 43.09
PWD 4 45.80
EWS 80.14

UPSC Mains Cutoff 2021

Officially announced, the UPSC Mains Cutoff 2021 was found to be 745. Applicants can review the UPSC Mains Cutoff 2021 by category in the table as follows:

Category UPSC Mains Cutoff 2021
General 745
EWS 713
OBC 707
SC 700
ST 700
PwBD-1 688
PwBD-2 712
PwBD-3 388
PwBD-4 560

UPSC Final Cutoff 2021

The official UPSC Cutoff 2021 has been released to the public, and the general category’s score was 953. The table following shows the UPSC 2021 final mark for the remaining categories: 

Category UPSC Final Cutoff 2021
General 953
EWS 916
OBC 910
SC 886
ST 883
PwBD-1 892
PwBD-2 932
PwBD-3 689
PwBD-4 701

UPSC Overall Cutoff 2020

The following image is the official cutoff announced by the UPSC board for the UPSC 2020 exam. Candidates should check the minimum marks required to study well for the following exams.

upsc cutoff list 2020

UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2020

The following table lists the minimal qualifying scores and the final applicant’s claimed score for the preliminary round of UPSC 2020:

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Category UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2020
General 92.51
OBC 89.12
ST 68.71
SC 74.84
PWD 1 70.06
PWD 2 63.94
PWD 3 40.82
PWD 4 42.86
EWS 77.55

UPSC Mains Cutoff 2020:

Here is the UPSC Mains 2020 Cutoff, which the UPSC board has publicly declared: 

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Category  2020
General 736
EWS 687
OBC 698
SC 680
ST 682
PwBD-1 648
PwBD-2 699
PwBD-3 425
PwBD-4 300

UPSC Final Cutoff 2020:

The UPSC Cutoff 2020 final score for the general group was 944. Below is a table that shows the final score for each category for the 2020 exam phase: 

Srijan 2024

Category 2020
General 944
EWS 894
OBC 907
SC 875
ST 876
PwBD-1 867
PwBD-2 910
PwBD-3 675
PwBD-4 465

UPSC Overall Cutoff 2019: Minimum Qualifying marks

UPSC released the cutoff for UPSC Civil Service Exam 2019. The below image represents the category-wise cut-off for 2019 exam:

UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2019:

The official UPSC Cutoff 2019 is listed in the table below for each category:

Category 2019
General 98
OBC 95.34
ST 77.34
SC 82
PWD 1 53.34
PWD 2 44.66
PWD 3 61.34
PWD 4 61.34
EWS 90

UPSC released the cutoff for UPSC Civil Service Exam 2019. The below image represents the category-wise cut-off for 2019 exam:

Category Mains Cutoff 2019
General 751
EWS 696
OBC 718
SC 706
ST 699
PwBD-1 663
PwBD-2 698
PwBD-3 374
PwBD-5 561

UPSC Final Cutoff 2019:

This table shows the final Cutoff of UPSC 2019 as announced by the commission:

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Category Final Cutoff 2019
General 961
EWS 909
OBC 925
SC 898
ST 893
PwBD-1 861
PwBD-2 890
PwBD-3 653
PwBD-5 708

UPSC Overall Cutoff 2018: Minimum Qualifying marks

UPSC Cut-off Marks 2018 has been released by the UPSC commission. You can find the category-wise cutoff of UPSC 2018 for prelims, Mains and final interview round as follows:

UPSC final cutoff 2018

UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2018:

The below table lists the required minimum score for each category in the UPSC 2018 Exam preliminary round:

Category 2018
General 98
OBC 96.66
ST 83.34
SC 84
PWD 1 73.34
PWD 2 53.34
PWD 3 40.00
PWD 4 45.34

UPSC Mains Cutoff 2018:

For applicants in the general category, the cutoff score for the 2018 Upsc mains examination is 774. Check out the following table for the various categories’ 2018 mains exam Cutoff: 

Category  Mains Cutoff 2018
General 774
OBC 732
SC 719
ST 719
PwBD – 1 711
PwBD – 2 696
PwBD – 3 520
PwBD – 5 460

UPSC Final Cutoff 2018:

The final Cutoff of UPSC 2018 is given in the following table format as per the UPSC announcement:

Category  Final Cutoff 2018
General 982
OBC 938
SC 912
ST 912
PwBD – 1 899
PwBD – 2 908
PwBD – 3 754
PwBD – 5 718

How Can I Verify UPSC Cutoff Marks?

Here is the easy way to check the UPSC IAS Cutoff and check scores. Students are excited to discover the most updated UPSC IAS Cutoff 2024 since it is a crucial criterion that determines a candidate’s qualification mark based on their category. 

Step 1: Go to the official UPSC website. 

Step 2: Search the “Examination” Tab that appears on the drop-down list. 

Step 3: Select “Cutoff Marking” 

Step 4: You can obtain the PDF for the Civil Service Exam Cutoff by downloading it. 

Notice: The UPSC Cutoff 2023 will be made public soon. 

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How the 2023 UPSC Cutoff was calculated:

The UPSC Cutoff fluctuates annually as a result of several reasons, as the tables above make clear. Official UPSC CSE exam Cutoffs are determined by taking into account the following factors:

Difficulty Level: As applicants’ average scores are affected, as demonstrated in 2022, the harder the question paper, the lower the Cutoff and vice versa.

Number of Positions Available: The cutoff will rise if there are fewer positions available overall, and vice versa. For instance, the UPSC Cutoff 2022 for the General category preliminary test was 88.22.

Average Performance: The candidates’ overall performance at each stage is also important because the UPSC Cutoff is determined by averaging the marks of all candidates who have appeared out of the total.

Debatable Questions: As observed in previous years, there is a possibility that some questions in the UPSC preliminary exam will be eliminated because of disputed answers. This will have an impact on the final score and, ultimately, the overall cutoff following normalization. 

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UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cutoff FAQs

The expected UPSC Prelims 2024 Cutoff is anticipated between 90 to 95 marks.

The last section of the test, the interview, will be worth 275 marks; there is no minimum required to pass. The candidates' final ranking would be determined by the marks they received in both the written portion and the interview in the Main Examination.

Eighty questions totaling 200 marks, with 2.5 marks assigned to each question, make up the UPSC Prelims GS-2. The 2.5 marks will be awarded for each right response; 0.83 marks will be subtracted for each wrong response.

The UPSC determines on the basis of the overall number of openings, the total number of candidates who attempted the test at each level, the marking schemes, the difficulty level of the previous year's questions, and the previous year's Cutoff trends.

The cutoff for UPSC 2024 is expected to be between 90 and 95 marks, based on expert analysis.

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