UPSC Essay Q4: : Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane.

Gaurav Soni October 05, 2023 02:42 10874 0

Discover the surprising source of creativity in this UPSC essay prompt. Explore how finding wonder in the ordinary can spark innovation and unlock artistic expression.

UPSC Essay Q4: : Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane.

Q4: : Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane.


  • The present essay theme highlights the power of creativity that makes simple things seem magical. The essay becomes relevant as it focuses on simple and mundane joys of life amidst our fast paced and highly materialized world that has made happiness and satisfaction elusive concepts to us.


  • here we can link some anecdotes where a scientist made a great discovery from observing some very mundane thing or some poet finding a poem in a similar manner.


  • First part: Here we explain the meaning of the quote as we have understood and add some context for it.
  • In this section we show how ignorant and elusive we have become for simpler joys in life and how we often link our happiness, success, and achievement to a few big things.
  • Examples: importance of family relations, loneliness epidemic and decline in friendships, etc.
  • Second part: here we discuss the importance of such an approach to life where we see the great potential in unimaginable places.
  • We must link it with how we often put this approach into practice without knowing how to bring calmness to ourselves.
  • Example: Nurturing of a child, nature’s beauty, changing seasons etc.
  • Third Part: here we can show the negative side of this idea where overreliance or over dependence on anything be it creativity or simplicity might impact us negatively.
  • Over romanticization, lack of effort for better things in life, escapism etc. can be negative fallouts.


  • Here we suggest a balanced and mindful approach to seeing and approaching things.
  • We can suggest measures to foster such creative thinking in society which is adequately balanced with creative and rational thinking.

“In the ordinary, we find the extraordinary.” – Lao Tzu

A scientist was working in his lab on bacterial infections. He was supposed to go on vacation the next day and he was thus in a hurry to wrap up all the work. Incidentally, he left one of the petri dishes not properly cleaned as was required and left. When he came back from the vacation, he observed that a mold called Penicillium notatum was growing in the petri dish. Curiously, the area around the mold was clear of bacteria, creating a zone of inhibition where the bacteria couldn’t grow. The scientist Alexander Fleming stumbled upon one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century that was the antibiotics known as Penicillin.

The story of penicillin’s discovery highlights the importance of serendipity and open-mindedness in scientific research. Fleming’s willingness to investigate the unexpected mold contamination in his laboratory led to one of the most significant advancements in modern medicine. It can be said that there is no such thing as an insignificant detail, all it takes is an observing and open mind to take notice.

Inspiration is the spark that ignites creativity. It is the driving force behind the creation of art, music, literature, and other forms of expression. While inspiration can come from many sources, one of the most powerful is the effort to find magic in the mundane.

The mundane refers to the ordinary, everyday aspects of life that we often take for granted. It includes things like our daily routines, our surroundings, and the people we interact with. These things may seem unremarkable at first glance, but they are full of hidden beauty and wonder that can be uncovered with a little effort and attention.

To say there is extraordinary in the ordinary will not be wrong.  We are surrounded by such wonders of nature that the moment we start observing we find novelty and freshness in almost every aspect of it. Nature is the biggest inspiration, and it is human’s innate curiosity that transforms inspiration into innovation. When we try to seek magic in the mundane, we are often trying to find inspiration with us. It is the magic of the moment that when a person adjusts the lens of their outer observation, it often opens the doors to their fascinating imagination.

Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc², was partly inspired by a clock on a wall. While traveling in a bus, he happened to pass a clock tower and the moving arms of the clock struck his imagination. Einstein wondered what it would be like to ride a beam of light, and this thought experiment led him to the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and energy.

When we make an effort to look for the magical in the mundane, we are opening ourselves up to new possibilities and perspectives. We begin to see the world in a different light, noticing details and nuances that we may have overlooked before. This shift in perception can be incredibly powerful, leading to new ideas and insights that can fuel our creativity.

Why should we seek this magic in mundane?

On the surface, it might seem that observing the mundane or insignificant things around us diverts our attention from the more important tasks in life. However, this might not be completely true. When we decide to relax and find the meaning in simpler things, we are paying more attention to the small but significant details of our existence. Joy and beauty in such simpler things help us appreciate and fill us with a sense of gratitude and satisfaction.

Today, we all want to live in metropolitan cities, but when we need to have some meaning, inspiration, and appreciation for our lives, we want to go close to nature and observe a simpler and organic way of life for a while. In a world often characterized by complexity and busyness, observing the mundane can remind us of the beauty and elegance in simplicity. It encourages us to appreciate the uncomplicated aspects of life.

Nature, being the greatest teacher, always has so much to teach us. Many creative ideas and innovative solutions arise from observing the ordinary in new and unexpected ways. Mundane observations can spark fresh insights and novel approaches to problems. The greatest Indian Surgeon Sushruta was in fact inspired by nature, particularly the different kinds of beaks of birds to make his surgical instruments. Till date, the inspiration holds true and saves lives of millions daily.

In day-to-day life we have many examples those teaches us life is full of joy when we look in naturally unmodified things. A writer might find inspiration for a story by observing the interactions between people in a grocery shop. By paying attention to the subtle gestures and expressions that pass between them, the writer can create a rich and nuanced portrait of human relationships. Similarly, a Painter on road might find beauty in the patterns of light and shadow cast by a streetlamp on a rainy night, capturing a moment of magic in an otherwise ordinary scene.

But next question is what required to observe things in Mundane? The effort to find magic in the mundane requires us to slow down and pay attention to the world around us. It involves being present in the moment and engaging with our surroundings in a meaningful way. This can be challenging in a world that often values speed and efficiency over reflection and contemplation. However, it is precisely this willingness to slow down and look deeper that can lead to some of the most profound moments of inspiration.

In addition to uncovering hidden beauty in our surroundings, the effort to find magic in the mundane can also help us connect more deeply with ourselves and others. By paying attention to the small details of our lives, we can gain a greater appreciation for the richness and complexity of the human experience. We may discover new aspects of ourselves that we had not previously recognized, or we may find common ground with others who share our interests and passions.

Paradoxically, observing the mundane can lead to moments of transcendence and wonder. It can remind us that even in the everyday, there is something extraordinary to be found. Thus, observing the mundane is not about dismissing the ordinary but rather about recognizing its inherent value and potential. It encourages us to slow down, pay attention, and find significance in the seemingly simple aspects of life. By doing so, we can enhance our well-being, foster creativity, and gain a deeper appreciation for the world we inhabit.

Today we live a very fast paced life. Our lives are centred around our work and rarely do we find the time to simply relax and observe the world around us. Even when we do, we see the world through the lens of algorithms of social media. From being able to choose what we want to see we today have become slaves to algorithms that guide us as to what we should see.

We are slowly losing this art of looking beauty in simpler things as with the growth of consumerist and capitalist mentality, we are forced to run after material things. In this race to hoard more and more material wealth we are losing the perspective of a good life. There is an epidemic of loneliness where people are forced into isolation due to their way of leading lives. There is a decline in friendships and families are becoming smaller and smaller. The comfort of connections and beauty of relationships which developed with time and patience today is slowly fading away. That seen though the data of increased suicides in early age of the life among youths.

Personal as well as professional growth today is judged by the material assets today and the beauty of character development is taking a back seat. The role of family in character building of a child is being substituted by the role of family in providing material comfort to the child. Similarly, the role of education to prepare the child for a good way of life is replaced by the role of education to make the child a high net worth individual. The joy of nurturing a child, reliving one’s childhood with them, making them capable of living life in a simple and meaningful manner is thus fading away due to lack of patience and regard for mundane things in life.

It is true that one needs to aspire for better things in life and the life we have made for ourselves becomes a lot more difficult if we decide to become too focused on finding the mundane as inspiring. Although nothing is ordinary and we must have the ability to see extraordinary things in it but, at the same time we need to prioritize and balance both the aspects. Many a time, when one starts running after beauty in mundane, it is seen that they may lose perspective in life.

It may be argued that constantly seeking the magical in the mundane can lead to an unrealistic or overly romanticized view of the world. This may create a disconnect between one’s expectations and reality, potentially causing disappointment or dissatisfaction. Today, one might feel inspired by a story and want to tell it by means of some artistic expression. But in a world where Artificial intelligence is taking over creative pursuits, to survive with constantly shrinking resources for many an artist will be a practical challenge.

It may help one escape the hum drums of life for a while but when taken too far it can also cause a sense of escapism from the issues and challenges of life. Amidst constant stress and anxiety, immersing oneself too deeply in the quest for magic in the mundane can be distracting. It may divert attention away from practical responsibilities and the need to address real-world issues and challenges. Individuals should not use creativity as a way to avoid facing problems or responsibilities in their lives. While creativity is valuable, it should not serve as a means to evade important issues.


Thus, it’s important to strike a balance between creativity and efficiency, especially in professional or goal-oriented contexts. One needs to set clear goals and have a productive approach towards life. Inspiration is the beginning of something and should not be treated as an end. To find inspiration for creativity from the mundane things will have no meaning unless this creativity is put to good and productive use.

In our world full of complex issues today, we need a more balanced and nuanced approach to balance this creativity and productivity. First, we need to inculcate and nurture our innate curious natures and learn the art of observing and finding meanings in things around us. We need to develop a more diverse outlook, an open mind and patience to be able to step back and soak in the knowledge and beauty surrounding us in real life. Here role of school and family come forward. School should be stress free and cultivate the values of observing simple things and find happiness , creativity and inspiration. We have a legacy of Shantinekitan founded by Ravindranath Tagore in this context for more naturalistic simple life long education.

We also need to develop the art of mindfulness as a way of life. Being mindful of our surroundings, words, actions etc. can help us feel more connected and grounded with nature. Activities like yoga, hiking, walking, communicating, etc. can help us become more aware of the present moment, reduce stress, and clear mental clutter, creating space for creative thinking. Any creative idea often takes time to develop. To be patient with oneself and give one’s mind the space it needs to incubate ideas is thus crucial for leading a more organic life.

Towards the end we can say that ,finding magic in the mundane is not always easy. It requires us to be patient, persistent, and open-minded. It may also require us to step outside of our comfort zones and try new things. However, the rewards of this effort can be profound, leading to a deeper appreciation for life and a renewed sense of purpose and creativity

In the end, one must always be ready to learn like a diligent student, for the moment of serendipity can be any moment. That is, inspiration from the mundane can come at any unexpected moment and one must be open in one’s mind and heart to receive that inspiration. At the same time, one must try to become a capable and innovative person that can not only give that inspiration a creative expression but can also put it to the best use for all. One should always be one path to widen one’s horizon, as William Blake says,

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour

Useful quotes:

“In the ordinary, we find the extraordinary.” – Lao Tzu

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust

“There is no such thing as an insignificant detail.” – Edward Abbey

“The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.” – Thomas Moore

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – Eden Phillpotts



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