UPSC Mains Cutoff – Check Out The Last 5 Years UPSC Cut-off Now!

PWOnlyIAS September 15, 2024 04:20 15211 0

UPSC Mains Cutoff 2023 is published on April 18, 2024. Official UPSC Prelims Cut Off 2023 for the General Category is 75.41, while UPSC Mains CutOff 2023 for the General Category is 741. Learn more about the UPSC Mains Cutoff, the last 5 years UPSC Mains Cutoff marks, and the factors that determine the cutoff scores in this blog.

UPSC Mains Cutoff – Check Out The Last 5 Years UPSC Cut-off Now!

UPSC Mains Cutoff 2023 is published on April 18, 2024. Official UPSC Prelims Cut Off 2023 for the General Category is 75.41, while UPSC Mains CutOff 2023 for the General Category is 741. Learn more about the UPSC Mains Cutoff, the last 5 years of UPSC Mains Cutoff marks, and the factors that determine the cutoff scores in this blog.

The Union Public Service Commission in India administers the Civil Services Examination, which includes the UPSC Mains Cutoff as a mandatory component. For thousands of applicants fighting for elite posts in the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Foreign Service, and other services, UPSC Mains Cutoff is a crucial factor in deciding their future. 

The UPSC Cutoff Marks 2023 for the Civil Service preliminary, main, and final rounds were made available on April 18, 2024, at The UPSC Mains Cutoff marks were released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). To get a sense of the exam’s complexity, applicants who have taken the test and are getting ready for future UPSC examinations can review the last 5 years UPSC Mains Cutoff.

UPSC Mains Exam:

There are a total of nine papers in the UPSC mains exam stage. Seven of the nine papers in UPSC Mains exam are taken into consideration for merit ranking. The two remaining papers are qualifying in character; they are the English Language Paper and the Indian Language Paper. As required by the UPSC, candidates must obtain a minimum qualifying score in these language exams, which is predetermined at 25%, or 75 marks. 

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Candidates are deemed eligible for the interview, the last step of the selection process, if they get more than the UPSC Mains Cutoff marks. The below table is the overview of the UPSC mains Examination:

Exam Name UPSC Mains Exam 2024
Exam Format Descriptive Paper
Number of Papers 9
Exam Duration 3 hours for each paper
Qualifying Papers Paper A (Indian Language)

Paper B (English)

Qualifying Marks: 25% or 75 Marks

Merit Papers Essay

General Studies 1

General Studies 2

General Studies 3

General Studies 4

Optional Paper 1

Optional Paper 2

Total Marks 1750

UPSC Cutoff Marks 2023

UPSC Mains Cutoff Marks 2023 is out now! Candidates can improve their IAS preparation path and score higher than the UPSC cutoff of the previous year by analyzing the UPSC mains cutoff marks of 2023. The table below allows candidates to view the category-specific UPSC Cutoff marks for all exam levels in 2023:

Category Prelims Mains Final
General 75.41 741 953
EWS 68.02 706 923
OBC 74.75 712 919
SC 59.25 694 890
ST 47.82 692 891
PwBD-1 40.40 673 894
PwBD-2 47.13 718 930
PwBD-3 40.40 396 756
PwBD-5 33.68 445 589

UPSC Mains Cutoff 2023:

On April 18, 2024, UPSC published the UPSC Mains CutOff 2023 on its official website. The UPSC Mains CutOff 2023 for General, EWS, OBC, SC, ST, and PwBD has been made available separately based on category. This year, the general category cutoff for UPSC Mains is 741, and the EWS category cutoff is 706. To be considered for the UPSC CSE exam, students must achieve a score higher than the UPSC mains Cutoff 2023, which is published on the Commission’s official website. 

Students can examine the category-wise UPSC Mains Cutoff 2023 from the table below:

UPSC Mains CutOff 2023

Category UPSC Mains CutOff
General 741 
EWS 706 
OBC 712 
SC 694 
ST 692 
PwBD-1 673 
PwBD-2 718 
PwBD-3 396 
PwBD-5 445 

UPSC Mains Cutoff: Last 5 Years Analysis

UPSC Mains Cutoff is important for the candidates to qualify for the final round, and it impacts the overall rank of the IAS candidates. Applicants must review the previous year’s UPSC Mains cutoff marks since they must get the required UPSC cutoff to go through each round. The below table represents the UPSC Mains Cutoff marks for the last five years of UPSC exam:

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UPSC Mains Cutoff Marks- Last 5 Years Analysis

Category 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
GENERAL 741 748 745 736 751
OBC 712 714 707 698 718
ST 692 706 700 682 699
SC 694 699 700 680 706
PWD 1 673 677 688 648 663
PWD 2 718 706 712 699 698
PWD 3 396 351 388 425 374
PWD 5 445 419 560 300 561
EWS 706 715 713 687 696

UPSC Mains Cutoff: How To Download the UPSC Cutoff Marks

UPSC Mains Cutoff 2023 is a crucial criterion that determines a candidate’s qualifying score based on their category. Students are keen to get the most recent UPSC Mains Cutoff marks released by the UPSC Commision. Here’s how to download the file and how to check the UPSC Mains Cutoff marks easily.

Step 1: Go to the official UPSC website.

Step 2: Hover over the “Examination” Tab that appears on the menu.

Step3: Select “Cut Off Marks 2023”.

Step 4: Download the PDF file of UPSC cutoff 2023.

Step 5: The UPSC cutoff 2023 file has the cutoff marks for all the 3 levels of exam.

The UPSC Cut Off 2023 was announced following the conclusion of the hiring procedure for the 2023 test cycle. 

Download the UPSC Cutoff 2023 here

Variables Affecting UPSC Mains CutOff Marks:

Several variables affect the UPSC mains CutOff, which is a critical component in establishing the minimal score needed for candidates to advance to the next phase of the Civil Services Examination. Officials compute the cutoff for each exam stage, including the preliminary, main, and final UPSC cutoffs, taking these considerations into account. The following are the main variables affecting the UPSC CSE Cut Off:

  • Exam Difficulty Level: A more difficult question paper could result in a lower cutoff since applicants could find it more difficult to achieve high scores. On the other hand, if the exam is very simple, more applicants may pass, and the cutoff point may rise.
  • Number of Openings: Since more candidates can be accepted based on their performance, a bigger number of openings may result in a lower UPSC cutoff.
  • Candidate Performance: The cutoff may get higher if most candidates have very strong performances. Conversely, the cutoff may drop if the performance is ordinary overall.
  • Reservation Policy: The UPSC has policies on reservations for several groups, including General, OBC, SC, ST, and so forth. Depending on the number of applicants and the number of seats allotted for each category, the cutoff marks for certain categories may change.
  • Overall Competition: The UPSC cutoff may also be impacted by the quantity and caliber of candidates that apply in a given year. A higher cutoff could result from increased competition.

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Following the announcement of the final result, or after the examination cycle, the UPSC Mains cutoff marks are released by the UPSC Commision. The UPSC Mains cutoff marks are the minimum scores that candidates must achieve in the UPSC Mains exam to qualify for the next stage, the Personality Test. These marks serve as a benchmark for selecting candidates who demonstrate the necessary competence and knowledge.

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UPSC Mains Cutoff FAQs

The UPSC mains Cut off is primarily determined by the following four variables: Number of Open Positions Number of candidates appearing Candidate Category and Exam Level.

Indeed, the UPSC mains CutOff 2023 was made available on the UPSC's official website on April 18, 2024.

For the General category of students, the UPSC Cut Off 2023 for the Civil Services Mains Examination is 741 marks.

In the UPSC 2023 exam, Aditya Srivastav topped the first rank.

Students can determine if they qualify for the next phase of the exam by looking at the UPSC CutOff analysis.

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