UPSC Prelims Cutoff Analysis 2019, Detailed Information Out Now!

PWOnlyIAS May 01, 2024 01:22 2514 0

UPSC prelims cutoff analysis 2019 is a good way for candidates to begin their preparation. Analysis will give them valuable tips about tackling the prelims examination.

UPSC Prelims Cutoff Analysis 2019, Detailed Information Out Now!

UPSC prelims cutoff analysis 2019 will turn out to be a game changer for all the aspirants planning to appear for prelims 2024. The cutoff marks analysis will focus on changing trends in prelims examination and how a candidate must approach the examination.

UPSC Prelims Cutoff marks is the minimum marks a candidate has to secure to gain qualification for UPSC Mains. The cutoff marks for the General Studies paper of prelims vary yearly as it depends on multiple factors. The cutoff marks of CSAT paper is static at 33% (66.67) marks. A candidate has to score these marks in order to qualify for further stages. Cutoff analysis is very important, as it will help candidates focus their preparation in the right direction.

Overview of UPSC Prelims 2019

UPSC prelims 2019 consisted of two papers: General Studies (Paper 1) and CSAT (Paper 2). The marks scored only in Paper 1 will be considered for determining cutoff marks. Paper 2 is just qualifying in nature and the marks will not be considered while determining score. The detailed information about prelims exam is given in the following table:

Type General Studies  CSAT
Name of Exam Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination 2019
Question Paper Pattern MCQ MCQ
Number of Questions 100 80
Total Marks 200  200 
Marks for Correct Answer +2  +2.5 
Negative marks for Incorrect


-0.66  -0.83 
Exam Duration 2 Hours 2 Hours
Minimum Qualifying Marks Merit List Based on Varying Cut-Off Marks. 33% (66.67)
Medium of Questions English and Hindi English and Hindi

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Check UPSC Prelims 2019 Cutoff

UPSC releases the cutoff marks for prelims on its official website after the declaration of final results. The detailed steps to check out prelims cutoff marks 2019 are as follows:

  • Step 1: Visit UPSC website at
  • Step 2: Move to the ‘Examination’ tab and select the ‘Cut-off marks’ option
  • Step 3: Download the PDF file link of ‘Civil Services Examination 2019’
  • Step 4: Open the downloaded PDF file and check your cutoff marks.

UPSC prelims cutoff analysis 2020
UPSC prelims cutoff analysis 2019

Category-wise UPSC Prelims Cutoff 2019 Analysis

UPSC has released category-wise cutoff marks for prelims 2019. A candidate has to score marks equal to cutoff to qualify for the next stage. The cutoff marks for prelims as well as mains and final list is given below.

Category  Cutoff Marks for Prelims  Cutoff Marks for Mains Cutoff Marks for Final List
General 98 751 961
EWS 90 696 909
OBC 95.34 718 925
SC 82 706 898
ST 77.34 699 893
PwBD 1 53.34 663 861
PwBD 2 44.66 698 890
PwBD 3 40.66 374 653
PwBD 5 61.34 561 708

UPSC prelims cutoff analysis 2019

Major Takeaway from UPSC Prelims Cutoff Analysis 2019

The UPSC prelims 2019 cutoff marks for general has remained static at 98 marks. This is an indication that the difficulty level of the examination has remained fairly the same. The vacancy number for 2019 has also had an impact on the cutoff marks.

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The difficulty level of the CSAT paper has increased drastically compared to previous years. The questions based on reading comprehension have been on the difficult side.

There has been a significant difference between the cutoff marks for the general and EWS categories. 

This is mainly due to the number of applicants applying under these categories. The cutoff marks is likely to go down in the subsequent years as the difficulty level of questions is likely to increase.

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NCERT Notes For UPSC UPSC Daily Current Affairs
UPSC Blogs UPSC Daily Editorials
Daily Current Affairs Quiz Daily Main Answer Writing
UPSC Mains Previous Year Papers UPSC Test Series 2024


UPSC Prelims Cutoff Analysis 2019 FAQs

Prelims cutoff analysis will provide valuable insight for aspirants such as difficulty level and help them decide future strategies.

Candidates can visit the official website of the UPSC and download the PDF file for checking cutoff marks for prelims.

The minimum marks for UPSC Prelims General Studies paper vary depending on various factors. The minimum mark for the CSAT paper is fixed at 33%.

A candidate has to score 66.67 marks on the CSAT paper, regardless of their category.

UPSC releases prelims cutoff marks on its official website after the final results are declared.

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