Books For UPSC, Best Books for UPSC Prelims & Mains Preparation

UPSC Books: Check the best books for UPSC Prelims and Mains 2023 preparation. Get UPSC Study Material, IAS Preparation books for optional subjects.


August 03, 2023

Books For UPSC, Best Books for UPSC Prelims & Mains Preparation

Books for UPSC: UPSC Books play a very crucial role in the IAS Preparation. UPSC books are essential for IAS preparation because they cover the vast syllabus comprehensively. These books are written by experts, ensuring reliability and accuracy. They align with the exam pattern and provide practice material, helping candidates gain confidence.

When preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Exam, selecting the appropriate study material is vital. With numerous books and resources accessible online and offline, aspirants should research and pick the best materials to excel in their preparation. It’s advisable to begin with NCERT books and then progress to standard reference books.

UPSC Books – Best Books For UPSC Prelims

The UPSC preliminary exam has two papers, each carrying 200 marks. The first paper is on General Studies, while the second one is known as CSAT. To prepare for this exam, there are some highly popular and recommended books available. Here are the names of those books:

Best Books For UPSC Prelims

Subject UPSC Books List
History NCERT 11th Ancient and Medieval

NCERT 12th Modern Indian History

Indian Art & Culture by Nitin Singhania

India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra

Geography NCERT VI-X Old Syllabus

NCERT XI, XII New Syllabus

World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)

Certificate Physical Geography – G C Leong

Indian Polity NCERT IX-XII

Indian Polity – M Laxmikanth


Economic Development & Policies in India – Jain & Ohri

Economics Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania
International Relations Current Affairs

NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics)

CSAT Tata McGraw Hill CSAT Manual

Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R S Aggarwal

Solved Papers IAS General Studies Prelims Solved Papers by Vishal Publications

UPSC Preparation Books – Best Books For UPSC Mains

Once candidates successfully clear the Preliminary stage, they advance to the Mains stage of the IAS Exam. The Mains stage in UPSC 2023 consists of 9 theory papers, with two of them focused on the optional subject chosen by the candidates. To ensure the best preparation, candidates are advised to follow important IAS general studies Mains books.

Best Book For UPSC Mains

Subject UPSC Books
History, Indian Heritage & Culture

[GS Paper 1]

Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania

India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra

India after Independence by Bipan Chandra

History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra

Ancient India by R.S Sharma


[GS Paper 1]

Geography of India by Majid Husain

World Geography by Majid Husain

World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)

Certificate Physical and Human Geography – G C Leong

Fundamentals of Physical Geography NCERT Class 11

Polity & International Relations

[GS Paper 2]

Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth

Introduction to the Constitution of India by DD Basu

International Relations: Pushpesh Pant


[GS Paper 3]

Indian Economy – Nitin Singhania

Environment and Disaster Management – Tata McGraw Hill

Challenges to Internal Security of India – Ashok Kumar


[GS Paper 4]

Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Main Examination by Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chaudary
Solved Papers IAS General Studies Prelims Solved Papers – Vishal Publications

UPSC Syllabus Books – Optional Books

Check the Latest Optional Books for UPSC Exam.

UPSC Syllabus Books – Optional Books

Agriculture Agronomy By Yellamananda Reddy

Soil Science – D.K Das Or Brady

Genetics By B.D.Singh

Entomology – Vasantha Raj & David

Special Issue of Agriculture by The Hindu

Anthropology N. Hasnain: Tribal India

Herskovits: Cultural Anthropology

Surender Nath: Forensic Anthropology

Herskovits: Cultural Anthropology

Stein & Rowe: An Introduction to Physical Anthropology

Botany   Taxonomy: Nair along with Datta

Embryology: Bhojwani and Bhatnagar

Physiology and Biochemistry: Salisbury and Ross or Fritz and Noggle

Economic Botany: Kochar or Verma

Chemistry Theoretical principles of inorganic chemistry – G.S. Manku,

Extradiction of metals, Principle of inorganic chemistry – Puri, Sharma, Jauhar.

Advance physical chemistry – Gurdeep Raj

A guide to mechanism in organic chemistry – Peter Sykes

Economics International Economics – Bo Soderston

National Income Accounting – Bakerman

Banking – S.B. Gupta

International Trade – Bo Soderston

History History of Modern India – Shekhar Bandopadhyaya/Bipan Chandra

India’s Ancient Past – R.S. Sharma

The Wonder That Was India – A.L. Basham

Ashoka and the Decline of the Mauryas – Romila Thapar

India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipan Chandra and Others

Management Financial: Pandey/Chandra/Khan & Jain/Bearley

Economics: Any good economics book

Operations: Adams/Taha

Organisational Design: Khandwala; Madhukar Shukla

Mathematics Ordinary Differential EQs:- MD Raising Lumina, Golden series-NP Bali

Real Analysis – Shantinarayan, Royden

Linear Programming – SD Sharma

Solid Mechanism – Kazmioo

Electrical Engineering Modern Central Engineering – Ogata

Electromagnetic Waives and Field – R.N. Singh

Surveying and Levelling – T P Kanetakar

Heat Conversion – Arora & Kundwar

Urdu Urdu Shairi ka Tauqidi Mutala – Suenbul Nigar

Urdu Nasr ka Tauqidi Mutala – Suenbul Nigar

Urdu Adab Ki Tarikh – Noorul Hasan Naqvi

Psychology Psychology Robert A Baron

Social Psychology Baron & Byrne

The Psychology of Small Groups Shaw

UPSC Study Material

PWOnlyIAS provides the best UPSC Study Material for IAS Aspirants. In addition to the previously mentioned books, there are several other important study materials for UPSC preparation, including:

  1. 2nd ARC Report (For more details, refer to the linked article.)
  2. Economic Survey (Latest edition)
  3. Budget (Latest edition)
  4. Finance Commission Report (Latest edition)
  5. Annual reports released by central ministries
  6. Current Affairs
  7. The Hindu Newspaper
  8. Yojana Magazine
  9. Press Information Bureau Releases
  10. Niti Aayog Action Agenda

These study materials cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable insights for candidates preparing for the UPSC exam. Including them in your preparation can enhance your chances of success in the exam.

Important of UPSC Books

The importance of UPSC books cannot be overstated for IAS preparation. Aspirants often search for the “best UPSC books” to enhance their chances of success in the exam. These books are crucial due to several reasons:

Comprehensive Coverage: The best UPSC books offer comprehensive coverage of the vast syllabus, ensuring that candidates don’t miss out on any important topics.

Authored by Experts: These books are written by subject matter experts, providing reliable and accurate information to the candidates.

Exam-Oriented Content: The content in these books is tailored to align with the UPSC exam pattern, making it easier for aspirants to prepare effectively.

Practice Material: Many UPSC books come with practice questions and previous year’s papers, allowing candidates to assess their progress and improve their performance.

Conceptual Clarity: The best UPSC books emphasize conceptual clarity, helping candidates understand complex topics in a clear and structured manner.

Recommended by Toppers: Successful UPSC toppers often endorse specific books that were instrumental in their success, making them a trusted resource for aspiring candidates.

Enhancing Self-Study: While coaching institutes provide guidance, UPSC books act as valuable supplements for self-study, empowering candidates to study at their own pace.

Updated and Relevant: The best UPSC books are regularly updated to reflect the latest changes in the UPSC exam pattern and syllabus, ensuring that candidates stay up-to-date with the current trends.

Fostering Confidence: Studying from these books instills confidence in candidates, as they know they are preparing from trusted sources recommended by experts.

Books For UPSC FAQs

The recommended books for IAS has been discussed above in the article.

NCERT from class 6th to 12th are the best recommended books for UPSC beginners.

The top recommended book to cover the Political Science syllabus is "Indian Polity" by M Laxmikant. For the Mains optional paper, candidates can benefit from using "An Introduction to the Constitution" authored by DD Basu.

To gain advantage in history subjects, aspirants must refer to NCERT books.

M. Laxmikant is the best recommended book for Polity.

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