Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti 2024: 394th Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti will be celebrated on 19 February 2024, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire.

PWOnlyIAS February 17, 2024 0

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti will be celebrated on 19 February 2024, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire.

Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti 2024: 394th Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj


Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti will be celebrated on 19 February 2024, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire.

  • Mahatma Jyotirao Phule initiated the celebration of Shivaji Jayanti in 1870 after discovering Shivaji Maharaj’s grave in Raigad in 1869, approximately 100 miles from Pune. Bal Gangadhar Tilak further popularised these celebrations in 1894.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: Early Life and Background

  • Birth: Chhatrapati Shivaji was born in 1630 at Shivneri Fort
  • Parents: His father, Shahaji Bhosale, was a Maratha general, and his mother, Jijabai, was a deeply religious woman who had a significant influence on Shivaji’s upbringing.
  • Shivaji Maharaj’s name is derived from the local Goddess Shivai, who blessed his mother by granting her prayers for a son.
    • Shivaji Raje Bhosle is the other name of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
  • 1680: Shivaji’s demise.

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Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: Founder of Maratha Empire

  • Chhatrapati Shivaji envisioned a sovereign state, free from Mughal domination. 
    • He inherited the jagir of Poona from his father in 1637.
  • 1674: Chhatrapati Shivaji was the founder of Maratha Empire in the 17th century. 
    • He created an independent Maratha kingdom with Raigad as its capital.
  • Conquest of Torna Fort: His journey began with the conquest of the Torna Fort, leading to the establishment of the Maratha kingdom.
  • Succession: After Shivaji’s death, his son Sambhaji succeeded him. Shivaji’s legacy continued to inspire generations, playing a crucial role in shaping the Indian ethos.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shivaji’s Key Battles and Conquests

Battle Date Outcome
Battle of Pratapgarh 1659 Decisive Maratha victory
Battle of Kolhapur 1659 Maratha triumph
Treaty of Purander (1665)

  • Signed between Raja Jai Singh (under Aurangzeb) and Shivaji.
  • Shivaji ceded some forts to Mughals & visited Agra to meet Aurangzeb.
Siege of Panhala 1660 Tactical retreat by Shivaji

Chhatrapati Shivaji’s Administrative Structure

  • Administration: Ashta Pradhan (Council of Ministers).
    • Different portfolios like Finance, Defense, etc.
Minister Responsibility
Peshwa (Mukhya Pradhan) Finance & general administration. Later became prime minister
Senapati (Sar-i-Naubat) Military commander
Majumdar (Amatya) Accountant General
Waqenavis (Mantri) Intelligence, posts and household affairs
Sachiv (Surnavis) Correspondence
Dabir (Sumant) Foreign minister & Master of ceremonies.
Nyayadhish Justice
Panditrao (Sadar) High Priest, managing internal religious matters
  • Division of Provinces: He divided the territory into three provinces. 
    • Provinces were divided into Prants which were subdivided into Parganas or Tarafs.
  • Military Administration: Shivaji had well organized Army & Navy. 
    • The regular army was called Paga, while the loose auxiliaries called silahdars & were supervised by havildars.
    • Salary in cash was paid to the regular soldier, though sometime the chiefs received revenue grants (saranjam).
  • Revenue Collection: The revenue system of Shivaji was based on that of Malik Amber of Ahmednagar.
    • Land was measured using measuring rod called Kathi.
    • Discouraged revenue farming.
    • Chauth (1/4th of land revenue) paid to Marathas to avoid Maratha raid.
    • Sardeshmukhi was additional levy of ten percent, that is.1/10 of standard land revenue on those lands on which the Marathas claimed hereditary rights.
    • Reduced the power of existing Deshmukhs and Kulkarnis.
    • Appointed own revenue officer called Karkuns.
  • Use of Native Language: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj promoted the use of regional languages such as Marathi and Sanskrit in his court and administration, surpassing the prevailing standard language of Persian.
  • Emphasis on Hindavi Swarajya: It is an ambitious vision for an independent and flourishing Indian state. 
    • He remains a symbol of Maratha pride, lauded for his reign in promoting the Marathi language and culture.
  • Diplomacy and Alliances: Shivaji’s tenure was marked by various alliances and treaties, notably the Treaty of Purandar (1665) with the Mughals, showcasing his diplomatic acumen.

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Father of Indian Navy: Know Chhatrapati Shivaji’s Naval Strategies

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

  • Father of Indian Navy: He established the Maratha naval force, built fortified naval bases, and introduced innovative naval tactics. 
    • His establishment of fortified naval bases, development of a fleet comprising various types of ships, and introduction of innovative naval tactics like guerrilla warfare at sea.
  • Ganimi Kava: Shivaji Maharaj is celebrated for his military acumen, particularly for pioneering guerrilla warfare techniques known as “Ganimi Kava,” which proved highly successful against the formidable Mughal army.
  • Mountain Rat: Shivaji was called a mountain rat because of his awareness of the geography of his land and his tactics like raiding, ambushing and taking the enemy by surprise.
  • Forts Built by Shivaji: 
    • Shivneri Fort: Birthplace of Shivaji.
    • Sindhudurg Fort: A formidable naval fort.
    • Rajgad Fort: The capital of Maratha Empire for over 25 years.

Shivaji’s Contribution To Cultural and Social Harmony

  • Promotion of Marathi and Sanskrit: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj promoted the use of regional languages such as Marathi and Sanskrit in his court and administration, surpassing the prevailing standard language of Persian.
    • It bolstered regional identity but also enriched the cultural landscape.
    • “Shivaji Digvijaya” by Shivaram Rajguru & “Shivabharat,” a biography of Shivaji Maharaj written by poet Paramanand, in Marathi.
    • “Rajyabhisheka Paddhati,” detailing the coronation of Shivaji in Sanskrit.
  • Literary Patronage: He supported scholars and poets, leading to a renaissance in Marathi and Sanskrit literature. 
    • Texts such as “Shivrajyabhishek” in Sanskrit by Gangabhatta highlighted the spiritual and philosophical dimensions of Shivaji’s reign.
  • Contribution to Regional Identity: The arts and literature under Shivaji Maharaj solidified the Marathi cultural identity. 
    • Ex: “Dasbodh,” a spiritual guide by Samarth Ramdas, Shivaji’s spiritual guru.
  • Respect for All Religions: Shivaji was known for his religious tolerance. 
    • He respected all religions, ensuring that his policies did not discriminate against any community.
  • Protection of Places of Worship: His administration was known for protecting mosques and churches alongside temples, indicating a progressive approach towards religious harmony.
  • Abolition of Unjust Practices: Shivaji Maharaj took significant steps to abolish socially unjust practices prevalent in society. 
    • He was against caste-based discrimination and promoted equality among his subjects.
  • Women’s Honor and Safety: His laws severely punished those who harmed women, reflecting his progressive stance on women’s safety and respect.
  • Maratha Identity: He fostered a sense of pride and unity among the Marathas, which played a crucial role in their resistance against external invasions.

Promotion of Art Forms During Maratha Rule

  • Classical Music: The Maratha court was a center for classical music, with famous musicians like Tansen being patronized. 
    • This era saw the development of the Gwalior Gharana of music.
  • Dance Performances: Folk dances like Lavani and Tamasha were popular, often performed in the court, showcasing vibrant local culture.
  • Folk Theater: Folk theater, known as Sangeet Natak, thrived. 
    • Plays such as “Shivraj Bhushan” by Kavi Bhushan depicted Shivaji Maharaj’s life and victories.
  • Court Paintings: The Maratha court developed a unique style of painting, which can be seen in the intricate miniatures found in palaces like Raigad.
  • Sculpture: The sculptures in the Bhavani Temple at Tuljapur, renovated by Shivaji Maharaj, are examples of the era’s intricate craftsmanship.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Shivaji Maharaj was born in 1630 at Shivneri Fort.

His father was Shahaji Bhosale, a Maratha general, and his mother was Jijabai.

Shivaji is known as the Father of the Indian Navy. He established the Maratha Navy, introducing fortified naval bases and innovative tactics.

He pioneered guerrilla warfare techniques known as "Ganimi Kava."

Shivaji implemented the Ashta Pradhan system and promoted regional languages.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (1630–1680) from the Bhosale clan, founded the Maratha Empire and fought against the Mughal Empire.

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