Atapaka Bird Sanctuary: A Haven for Migratory Birds

Atapaka Bird Sanctuary: A Haven for Migratory Birds


Recently, nature lovers and many tourists have visited the Atapaka Bird Sanctuary, where thousands of migratory birds have arrived at Kolleru Lake.

Over 1.50 lakh Migratory Birds Visited Sanctuaries, Wetlands in Andhra Pradesh this winter, Say Forest Officials

  • According to the forest authorities, over 1.50 lakh migratory birds visited sanctuary wetlands in Andhra Pradesh this winter.
  • Nearly 50,000 birds were counted in Kolleru Lake, 43,130 birds at Coringa Sanctuary, 37,150 winged visitors at Pulicat Lake, around 16,000 birds at Nelapattu, and 8,000 birds at Uppalapadu.

About Atapaka Bird Sanctuary

  • Located: 

    • It is located in Kolleru Lake on Krishna-West Godavari borders, Andhra Pradesh.
      • It falls under the Kaikalur forest range.
  • Recognition: 

    • It was officially declared as a sanctuary in the year 1999 by the Andhra Pradesh government.
      • It is also known as a bird’s paradise.

Atapaka Bird Sanctuary

  • Threats:

    • Habitat Loss: Urbanization, encroachment and conversion of natural habitats pose a significant threat to the sanctuary’s avian species.
    • Pollution: Discharge of industrial effluents and pollution from nearby human settlements can degrade water quality and negatively impact birdlife.
    • Climate Change: Rising temperatures, weather change and sea-level rise can disrupt bird migration, nesting and feeding patterns.
  • Few Important Flora & Fauna:

    • Flora: Avicennia Marina (white mangrove), Rhizophora Mucronata (red mangrove), Ceriops Decandra, etc.
    • Fauna: Spot-billed Pelican, Open-billed Stork, Painted Stork, Asian Openbill Stork, White Ibis, Grey Heron, Little Cormorant, Eurasian Spoonbill, etc.
  • Significance:

    • Biodiversity Conservation: It is one of the critical habitats for several endangered and migratory bird species, contributing to the conservation of avian biodiversity.
    • Ecotourism Potential: It possesses beauty and diverse birdlife making it an attractive destination for eco-tourists and bolstering local economies.

About Kolleru Lake

  • Location: It is located between the Krishna and Godavari rivers and deltas in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Recognition: It was designated as a Wildlife Sanctuary in 1999 under India’s Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.
    • It was declared a wetland of international importance in 2002 under the Ramsar convention.
  • Significance: It is a natural flood-balancing reservoir for the Krishna and Godavari rivers.
    • It is an essential habitat for an estimated 20 million residents and migratory birds like Grey or Spot-billed pelicans.

Also Read: Bird Sanctuaries in India

News Source: The Hindu

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