Radio-Tagging of Eurasian Otter in Satpura


April 13, 2024


Recently, For the first time in India, a Eurasian otter was radio-tagged in the Satpura Tiger Reserve (STR) in Narmadapuram district in Madhya Pradesh

Radio-Tagging Eurasian Otters in Satpura Tiger Reserve

  • Radio Tagging is jointly carried out by Team of The Satpura Tiger Reserve and the NGO Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT).
  • Except for the smooth-coated otter, there was no evidence of the other two otter species from Central India till 2016 when the first photographic evidence of the Eurasian otter was recorded in STR, extending the species’ geographical range to Central India.

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Eurasian Otter 

  • Scientific Name of Eurasian Otter: Lutra lutra.
  • About : 
    • It  is a captivating semiaquatic mammal native to Eurasia. 
    • They are shy and nocturnal and are found near small streams in the interior forests and hunt their prey during the night.
  • Eurasian Otter Habitat: The Eurasian otter lives in a wide variety of aquatic habitats, including highland and lowland lakes, rivers, streams, marshes, swamp forests and coastal areas. 
  • Distribution: It is distributed throughout three continents i.e., Europe, Asia and Africa. In India, it occurs in Northern India, Central India  and southern India
  • Conservation Status: 

Why the Radio-collar Study of Eurasian Otters Significant?

  • The radio-collar study will help to collect fine-scale data on the home ranges, movement, activity patterns, and habitat suitability of the Eurasian otters in the landscape.
  • To understand and address the complex interactions between climate change, forests, freshwater availability, biodiversity.
    • Monitoring aquatic species like the Eurasian otter is critical for assessing the health and resilience of aquatic ecosystems.

Eurasian Otter

Satpura Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh 

  • Satpura is one of the most rugged landscapes in central India, with steep mountains and deep gorges.
    • The vegetation of the reserve is mainly categorized as moist deciduous forest.
  • Located in : Narmadapuram district in Madhya Pradesh
  • It comprises of Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Satpura National Park and Bori Wildlife Sanctuary
  • It supports a large number of ethno-medicinal flora and faunal diversity
    • Flora: It supports teak (Tectona grandis), Sal (Shorea robusta)and also few representatives of northern Himalayan genera such as Hypericum, Rubus, Berberis and Pteridium
    • Fauna: Apart from otters, several other species like the Indian skimmer, Black-bellied tern, Curlew sandpiper, Marsh crocodile and a variety of fishes, Large carnivores such as tiger, leopard, wild dog and jackal and small carnivores like smooth coated otter and pangolin, Among the arboreal mammals, Indian Giant squirrel (Ratufa indica) and Indian Flying squirrel (Petaurista petaurista) & Major ungulates and primates consist of sambar, chital, gaur and langur are dependent on these forest streams and rivers.


Also Read: Wildlife Conservation In India


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