Government launches Indian Forest and Wood Certification Scheme

Context: The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has launched the Indian Forest and Wood Certification Scheme. 

About the Indian Forest and Wood Certification Scheme

  • It is a national forest certification scheme, designed to promote sustainable management of forest and trees outside forest. 
Tree outside Forest (TOF) 

  • India State of Forest Report defines TOF as trees existing outside the recorded forest area in the form of block, linear & scattered size of patches. 
  • Features of Scheme: 
    • Mechanism: It offers voluntary third-party certification designed to promote sustainable forest management and agroforestry. 
    • Demand: It will provide market incentives to various entities that will ensure responsible forest management and agroforestry practices in their operation. 
    • Certification: There is provision for Forest Management Certificates, Trees outside Forest Management Certificate and chain of custody certification. 
    • Standard: Forest Management certification is based on the Indian Forest Management Standard that was launched earlier this year. 
  • Implementation
    • Body: The Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal will be overseeing the implementation of the scheme. 
      • IIFM, Bhopal: It is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. It imparts education and training in Forest Management. 
    • Guidelines: The Quality Council of India will accredit the certification bodies that will assess the adherence of various entities on the standards of this scheme. 
      • Quality Council Of India: It is an autonomous body set up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, as an accreditation body, to raise the standards in all spheres of activity.
What is Forest Certification?

  • Forest certification is a mechanism for monitoring timber, wood and pulp products and non-timber forest products where the quality is judged against a series of agreed standards.

Significance of Forest Certification

  • Certification helps the buyers know that forest product like timber has been sourced from well-managed forests or from recycled products. 
  • It also discourages the use of supplies from illegal sources. 
  • Ensures forest activities lead to environmental, social and economic benefits.

Source: PIB


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