T-90 Bhishma Tank
Context: The Indian Army has recently rolled out its first overhauled T-90 Bhishma tank.
More on the news
- Local Manufacturing: T-90 tanks are built under license at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi, Chennai, boosting India’s defense manufacturing capacity.
About T-90 Bhishma tank
- It is a main battle tank used by the Indian Army since 2003.
- It is an upgraded version of the Russian T-72 tank
- Weight: 47 tonnes (approx)
- It is 9.6 meters long and 2.8 meters wide.
- This tank has 3 crew people : a commander, a gunner, and a driver.
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Key Features of the Overhauled T-90 Bhishma Tank
- Excellent Maneuverability: The tank is compact and can move quickly through various terrains.
- It makes it to manoeuvre through forests, marshy terrain, and mountains at a speed of 60 kilometres per hour.
- Strong Protection: The tank is well-protected against enemy fire.
- Firepower: Armed with a 125 mm smoothbore gun capable of firing various ammunition like Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot ( APFSDS) and High-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds.
- Protection: Equipped with advanced composite armor, explosive reactive armor (ERA), and an active protection system for better battlefield survivability.
- Mobility: Powered by a 1,000 hp engine, enabling it to operate effectively in diverse terrains.
- Fire Control System: Features a modern fire control system with laser rangefinder, thermal imaging sights, and a ballistic computer to enhance accuracy.
Kappaphycus Alvarezii
Context: The cultivation of Kappaphycus alvarezii, a non-native invasive species, has been promoted by the Indian government in recent times.
About Kappaphycus Alvarezii
- Kappaphycus alvarezii is a species of red seaweed cultivated for its high content of carrageenan, a natural thickener and stabiliser used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries.
- Locally, it is referred to as “Pepsi pasi,” with “pasi” meaning seaweed in Tamil.
- Seaweed refers to various species of marine non-flowering algae, found in oceans and other water bodies. Example: Gracilaria, Sargassum etc.
- Habitat: This species primarily thrives in tropical regions.
- Invasive Status: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies Kappaphycus alvarezii as one of the world’s 100 most invasive species.
- Economic Importance: The Indian government is prioritising Kappaphycus alvarezii in its efforts to develop an aquaculture economy, recognizing its economic viability amid a global demand for seaweed products that is growing at 10% annually.
- Seaweed Farming also serves as an alternate form of livelihood to the fishermen community.
- Challenges in Cultivation
- Initial Struggles: Early cultivation encountered limited seed availability and fish predation, hindering growth.
- Declining Productivity: By 2013, significant productivity declines adversely impacted farmers’ livelihoods.
- Current Issues: Present challenges include excessive heat, high salinity, strong ocean currents, elevated costs, and low market prices (30-32 rupees per kg).
- Environmental Concerns
- Invasive Species: It is recognized as an invasive species, affecting six of the 21 islands in the Gulf of Mannar.
- Impact on Ecosystems: The species poses threats to coral ecosystems by forming dense mats that hinder coral growth.
- Fishing Hurdles: The seaweed gets entangled in fishing nets, negatively affecting local fishing activities.
- Government Initiatives: The NITI Aayog, has published a strategy document on seaweed cultivation and processing in June 2024.
Murine Typhus
Context: A 75-year-old man from Kerala, who recently returned from Vietnam and Cambodia, has been diagnosed with murine typhus, a rare bacterial disease, marking the state’s first reported case of this disease.
About Marine Typhus
- Murine typhus is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by the flea-borne bacteria Rickettsia typhi.
- Zoonotic diseases are infectious illnesses that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Examples: Rabies, salmonellosis etc.
- Transmission: It is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected fleas.
- The disease is spread when infected flea faeces come into contact with cuts or scrapes in the skin.
- Transmission can also happen through exposure of mucous membranes to infected flea faeces.
- Murine typhus is not spread from one person to another, or from person to fleas.
- Alternative Names: Also known as endemic typhus, flea-borne typhus, or flea-borne spotted fever.
- Primary Reservoirs: Rodents such as rats, mice, and mongooses.
- Other Hosts: Disease-carrying fleas can inhabit other small mammals, including pets like cats and dogs.
- Flea Life Cycle: Once infected, fleas can transmit the disease throughout their lifespan.
- Geographical Prevalence: Murine typhus has been reported in coastal tropical and subtropical regions where rat populations are high.
- In India, cases have been noted in Northeast states, Madhya Pradesh, and Kashmir.
- Symptoms: Symptoms typically onset 7 to 14 days after exposure and include fever, headaches, body aches, joint pains, nausea, skin rash.
- Treatment for Murine Typhus
- Diagnosis: Advanced techniques such as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) can confirm the diagnosis.
- Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)/ massively parallel or deep sequencing, is a DNA sequencing technology that enables rapid and comprehensive analysis of genetic information.
- Treatment Options: No vaccine is currently available.
- Antibiotic doxycycline is effective, but early diagnosis is crucial.
- Prevention Strategies
- Flea Control: Households with pets should maintain flea control through regular washing and treatments.
- Rodent Prevention: It is essential to keep rodents away from homes and kitchens, ensuring that food items are properly covered to minimise exposure to flea faeces.
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PM Internship scheme
Context: The Indian government launched the PM Internship Scheme to connect young people with top companies.
About PM internship scheme
- Launch Date: October 12
- Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
- Objective: To provide hands-on experience in key sectors, helping bridge skill gaps and creating long-term job opportunities for India’s youth.
- Eligibility
- Age: 21-24 years old
- Education: High school diploma or undergraduate degree (BA, B.Sc, B.Com, BCA, BBA, B.Pharma)
- Family Income: Less than ₹8 lakh annually (approx. $9,600 USD)
- Not enrolled in government skill or apprenticeship programs
- No family members with permanent government jobs
- Program Details
- Internships offered across 24 sectors like oil & gas, travel & hospitality, and banking.
- Opportunities available in 737 districts across India.
- Internship Duration: 1 year
- Stipend: ₹5,000 per month (approx. $60 USD)
- Funding and Timeline
- The government has allocated ₹800 crore for this pilot project.
- The first batch of interns is expected to start by the first week of December.
- The selection process will take place in November.
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
Context: The United States is deploying an advanced anti-missile system, THAAD, to Israel along with a US military crew to operate it.
About Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
- THAAD is an American anti-ballistic missile defense system designed to shoot down short, medium, and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase (descent or reentry).
- It is a vital component of Israel’s air defense system, especially in the face of increasing threats from Iran and its proxies.
- Capabilities of THAAD: It Can intercept missiles in their terminal phases using a hit-to-kill approach.
- It is coupled with space-based and ground-based surveillance stations for early warning and target identification.
- Range: THAAD can hit targets at ranges of 150 to 200 kilometers.

UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon)
Context: Israel Defence Forces (IDF) tanks destroyed the main gate of a facility of the UN peacekeeping forces at Ramyah in south Lebanon.
More on the news
- UNIFIL condemned the breach, citing it as a violation of international law and Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006).
- Call for Action: A joint statement by 40 troop-contributing countries, including India, condemned the attacks on peacekeepers and called for respect for UNIFIL’s mission to ensure the safety of its personnel.
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About UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon)
- UNIFIL was established in March 1978 under Security Council Resolutions.
- Objective:
- To confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon.
- Restore international peace and security.
- Assist the Lebanese government in re-establishing effective authority in the area.
- Composition: Approximately 10,500 peacekeepers from 48 contributing countries.
- Largest Contributors: Indonesia, Italy, India, Nepal, and China.
- Funding: Funded through a separate account approved annually by the UN General Assembly, part of the broader UN Peacekeeping Force.
- Rules of Engagement: Peacekeepers may use force only in self-defense or to fulfill their mandated duties.
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