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Question 1 of 5
1. Question
2 points
Which of the following are quasi-judicial bodies?
1) Central Information Commission
2) Union Public Service Commission
3) Press Council of India
4) Central Administrative Tribunals
Which of the following are correct?
Ans: C
A Quasi Judicial Body is an entity such as an arbitrator or a tribunal, generally of a Public Administrative Agency, which has powers and procedures resembling that of a Court of Law or Judge, and which is obliged to objectively determine facts and draw conclusions from them so as to provide the basis of an official action.
Some quasi-judicial bodies in India are:
National Company Law Tribunal
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
National Human Rights Commission
Central Information Commission
Press Council of India
Securities and Exchange Board of India
Reserve Bank of India
Central Administrative Tribunals
Employees Provident Fund Organisation, etc.
Ans: C
A Quasi Judicial Body is an entity such as an arbitrator or a tribunal, generally of a Public Administrative Agency, which has powers and procedures resembling that of a Court of Law or Judge, and which is obliged to objectively determine facts and draw conclusions from them so as to provide the basis of an official action.
Some quasi-judicial bodies in India are:
National Company Law Tribunal
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
National Human Rights Commission
Central Information Commission
Press Council of India
Securities and Exchange Board of India
Reserve Bank of India
Central Administrative Tribunals
Employees Provident Fund Organisation, etc.
Question 2 of 5
2. Question
2 points
Consider the following statements regarding National Biodiversity Authority (NBA):
1) It is a statutory body under Biological Diversity Act, 1975, which notifies Biodiversity Heritage Sites.
2) Nallur Tamarind Grove in Bengaluru was the first biodiversity heritage site in India.
Which of the following above statement(s) is/are incorrect?
Ans: A
Statement 1 is incorrect: NBA was established in 2003 by the central government under Biological Diversity Act, 2002. It is a statutory body that regulates, facilitates and advises the Government of India on the issue of conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. Under section 37 of Biological Diversity Act, 2002, State governments in consultation with local bodies may notify areas of biodiversity importance as Biodiversity Heritage Sites.
Statement 2 is correct: Nallur Tamarind grove in Karnataka was the firstBiodiversity Heritage Site in India. Presently, there are 40 Biodiversity Heritage Sites in India, including 4 recently notified by the West Bengal government in April, 2023.
Ans: A
Statement 1 is incorrect: NBA was established in 2003 by the central government under Biological Diversity Act, 2002. It is a statutory body that regulates, facilitates and advises the Government of India on the issue of conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. Under section 37 of Biological Diversity Act, 2002, State governments in consultation with local bodies may notify areas of biodiversity importance as Biodiversity Heritage Sites.
Statement 2 is correct: Nallur Tamarind grove in Karnataka was the firstBiodiversity Heritage Site in India. Presently, there are 40 Biodiversity Heritage Sites in India, including 4 recently notified by the West Bengal government in April, 2023.
Question 3 of 5
3. Question
2 points
Consider the following statements with respect to Tribunals in India:
1)The original Constitution itself contained provisions regarding establishment and functioning of Tribunals.
2)The concept of Tribunalisation started in pre-independence India.
3)Under Article 323B, the state legislature has the authority to form Tribunals.
Which of the following statements are correct?
Ans: B
Statement 1 is incorrect: The original constitution contained no provisions regarding Tribunals. Part XIV A consisting of tribunals was added by 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976. This part is entitled as ‘Tribunals’ and contains only two Articles – Article 323A and Article 323B. Article 323 A empowers the Parliament to provide for the establishment of Administrative Tribunals, whereas Article 323B empowers appropriate legislature to establish Tribunals on other matters.
Statement 2 is correct: The idea of Tribunalisation came into being in India before the country’s independence, with the creation of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal.
Statement 3 is correct: Under Article 323B, the appropriate legislature may by law provide for adjudication or a trial by tribunals on matters like taxation, foreign exchange, industrial labouring, land reforms, rent and tenancy Rights, etc. Here the appropriate legislature includes both Parliament and state legislature.
Ans: B
Statement 1 is incorrect: The original constitution contained no provisions regarding Tribunals. Part XIV A consisting of tribunals was added by 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976. This part is entitled as ‘Tribunals’ and contains only two Articles – Article 323A and Article 323B. Article 323 A empowers the Parliament to provide for the establishment of Administrative Tribunals, whereas Article 323B empowers appropriate legislature to establish Tribunals on other matters.
Statement 2 is correct: The idea of Tribunalisation came into being in India before the country’s independence, with the creation of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal.
Statement 3 is correct: Under Article 323B, the appropriate legislature may by law provide for adjudication or a trial by tribunals on matters like taxation, foreign exchange, industrial labouring, land reforms, rent and tenancy Rights, etc. Here the appropriate legislature includes both Parliament and state legislature.
Question 4 of 5
4. Question
2 points
Consider the following Statements with respect to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India:
Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal works as the disputes settlement body of TRAI.
Under the TRAI Act, 1997 , it has powers to issue licences to telecom companies and OTT(over the top) flatforms.
TRAI has powers to issue orders and directions on DTH services and mobile number portability.
Select the correct Statement(s) using the code given below.
Ans: A
Statement 1 is correct: TRAI was established by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 to regulate telecom services, including fixation/revision of tariffs for telecom services. It provides a fair and transparent policy environment which promotes a level playing field and facilitates fair competition. Telecommunications Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) – adjudicate any dispute between a licensor and a licensee, between two or more service providers, between a service provider and a group of consumers, and to hear and dispose of appeals against any direction, decision or order of TRAI.
Statement 2 is incorrect: The TRAI act does not have any provisions to regulate OTT platforms. Recently, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) released the draft Indian Telecommunications 2022 Bill to regulate Internet-based OTT (Over-The-Top) telecom services.
Statement 3 is correct: TRAI regularly issues orders and directions on various subjects such as tariffs, interconnections, quality of service, DTH services and mobile number portability.
Ans: A
Statement 1 is correct: TRAI was established by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 to regulate telecom services, including fixation/revision of tariffs for telecom services. It provides a fair and transparent policy environment which promotes a level playing field and facilitates fair competition. Telecommunications Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) – adjudicate any dispute between a licensor and a licensee, between two or more service providers, between a service provider and a group of consumers, and to hear and dispose of appeals against any direction, decision or order of TRAI.
Statement 2 is incorrect: The TRAI act does not have any provisions to regulate OTT platforms. Recently, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) released the draft Indian Telecommunications 2022 Bill to regulate Internet-based OTT (Over-The-Top) telecom services.
Statement 3 is correct: TRAI regularly issues orders and directions on various subjects such as tariffs, interconnections, quality of service, DTH services and mobile number portability.
Question 5 of 5
5. Question
2 points
Which of the following is NOT TRUE with respect to the Central Information Commission (CIC)?
Ans: D
Option A is correct: The salary, allowances, and other service conditions of the members shall be as prescribed by the Central Government (RTI Amendment Act, 2019).
Option B is correct:Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) is not eligible for reappointment.
Each Information Commissioner shall on vacating the office be eligible for appointment as the CIC. Further, His/her term of office shall not be more than five years in aggregate as the IC and the CIC.
Option C is correct:
The First Appellate Authority happens to be an officer senior in rank to the CPIO. The second appeal lies with the Central Information Commission. The Central Information Commission (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005 govern the procedure for deciding appeals by the Commission.
Option D is incorrect: The Chief Information Commissioner is appointed by the President on the recommendation of a committee consisting of the Prime Minister as Chairperson, the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, and a Union Cabinet Minister nominated by the Prime Minister. Recently, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and the Election Commissioners shall be made by the President on the advice of a Committee consisting of the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition of the Lok Sabha and Chief Justice of India (CJI).
Ans: D
Option A is correct: The salary, allowances, and other service conditions of the members shall be as prescribed by the Central Government (RTI Amendment Act, 2019).
Option B is correct:Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) is not eligible for reappointment.
Each Information Commissioner shall on vacating the office be eligible for appointment as the CIC. Further, His/her term of office shall not be more than five years in aggregate as the IC and the CIC.
Option C is correct:
The First Appellate Authority happens to be an officer senior in rank to the CPIO. The second appeal lies with the Central Information Commission. The Central Information Commission (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005 govern the procedure for deciding appeals by the Commission.
Option D is incorrect: The Chief Information Commissioner is appointed by the President on the recommendation of a committee consisting of the Prime Minister as Chairperson, the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, and a Union Cabinet Minister nominated by the Prime Minister. Recently, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and the Election Commissioners shall be made by the President on the advice of a Committee consisting of the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition of the Lok Sabha and Chief Justice of India (CJI).
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Comprehensive coverage with a concise format Integration of PYQ within the booklet Designed as per recent trends of Prelims questions हिंदी में भी उपलब्ध
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