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This article is expressing concerns about the technology-facilitated sexual violence (TFSV), which is a growing problem mainly affecting college students across India.
Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence (TFSV):
Few Associated Terms:
Concerns with TFSV:
Way Forward:
Additional Information:
News Source: The Hindu
This article is exploring the scenario of the right to employment and reservation in the promotion of persons with disabilities in India.
Persons with Disabilities:
History of Legislative Events in India:
Year | Event |
1995 | The Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, (1995 PwD Act, 1995), introduced 3% reservation for the disabled in employment. |
1998 | The Department of Personnel and Training issued an order recognizing reservation in promotion for persons with disabilities in Groups A and B. |
2005 | The Department of Personnel and Training issued an order withdrawing reservation of the disabled in promotion in Groups A and B. |
2008 | Rajeev Gupta filed a case (no. 36035/3/2004-Estt(Res)) in the Supreme Court against the Union of India regarding the withdrawal of reservation in promotion. |
2016 | Supreme Court judgment granted reservation in promotion for the disabled in Groups A and B. |
2017 | Rajeev Gupta filed a case of contempt against the government for not implementing the judgment.
Siddaraju vs State of Karnataka & Ors. also upheld reservation in promotion for the disabled. |
2020 | Government filed a miscellaneous application for clarification on implementing reservation in promotion, but it was dismissed. |
2022 | The Department of Personnel and Training issued an order on reservation for the disabled in recruitment, but did not mention reservation in promotion. |
2023 | The issue of reservation in promotion for persons with disabilities is still pending for final adjudication. |
Pros of Reservation in Job Promotion for Disabled Individuals:
Cons of Reservation in Job Promotion for Disabled Individuals:
The judiciary has played a significant role in granting justice and equality to the disabled especially after the enactment of the PwD Act, 1995, and now it’s the time for the judiciary to proactively make a decision keeping in mind the inclusive constitutional wisdom of the Indian republic.
Additional Information:
News Source: The Hindu
India announced that it wants to modify the 62-year-old Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) with Pakistan, citing what it called Pakistan’s “intransigence” in resolving disputes over the Kishenganga and Ratle hydropower projects, both in Jammu and Kashmir.
Negotiations to amend the Indus Water Treaty:
Timeline of India-Pakistan Arbitration at the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration:
Challenges in Treaty Review:
Way Forward:
News Source: The Hindu
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