

June 12, 2024


Saparmurat Niyazov was the eccentric former dictator of Turkmenistan. He wrote a book that all children were required to study, built a 37 km long staircase that all citizens had to climb monthly, and erected a 15 meter tall rotating golden statue of himself.

Relevancy for Prelims: Dictatorship, Characteristics of Modern Spin Dictatorship etc.

Relevancy for Mains: Forms of Government, Dictatorship and Spin Dictatorship, etc.

Dictatorship – A Deadly Concept

  • Millions Killed: Millions were killed under the dictatorships of Hitler in Germany and Mao Zedong in China.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre: In 1989, China used tanks against protesting students in the Tiananmen Square massacre.
  • Origins in Roman Empire: Dictatorship originally emerged in the Roman Empire to handle crises.
  • Lord Acton’s Warning: Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

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What is Dictatorship?

  • Absolute Power: Form of government where one leader or party holds all power. No regular free elections; constitution does not limit the dictator’s power.
  • No Rights: Citizens have no rights, including right to protest. Dictator makes all key economic and educational decisions.
  • Suppression: Opposition is brutally suppressed.

Prevalence of Dictatorship

  • Widespread: As of 2019, 92 countries had some form of dictatorship, vs 87 democracies.
  • Post-Colonial Dictatorships: Many countries that gained independence with India became dictatorships.
  • Modern “Spin Dictatorships”: Modern “spin dictatorships” use information control vs direct suppression.
  • Rise to Power: Dictators come to power by mobilizing people with ideologies and illusions of a better future.

Characteristics of Modern “Spin Dictatorship”

  • Military Control: Powerful institutions like military under direct control of dictator/party.
  • No Legal Challenges: Control over courts prevents legal challenges to the regime.
  • Propaganda: Media narratives portray dictator as larger than life.
  • Nationalism: Aggression justified in name of nationalism, historical grievances.

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“Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried” – Winston Churchill.

Despite its flaws, democracy is better than dictatorship. We must support individual liberty, rule of law, and independent institutions.

Mains Question:

GS-02: Constitution of India —historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.

Q. Critically analyze the mechanisms by which modern “spin dictatorships” maintain control over their populations. How do these methods differ from traditional forms of dictatorial suppression?      (15 Marks, 250 Words) 


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