UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator, Know How to Calculate UPSC CSAT Score?

Madhavi Gaur June 20, 2024 11:42 14575 0

UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator will help the candidates to calculate UPSC CSAT Marks. Check the UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator.

UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator, Know How to Calculate UPSC CSAT Score?

UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator for UPSC CSAT Score: The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a highly esteemed exam in India, and success requires a comprehensive understanding of the exam pattern and scoring system. 

The UPSC CSAT is an integral part of the UPSC CSE Prelims Exam, and it is vital for aspirants to grasp the process of using UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator for UPSC CSAT Score. We will see the method of how to calculate UPSC CSAT Score.

Let us have a look at the UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator for UPSC CSAT Score. The step by step guide for calculating the UPSC CSAT Score using the UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator is given here.

UPSC Marks Calculator – How to Calculate UPSC CSAT Score?

Before knowing the use of UPSC Marks Calculator  for UPSC CSAT Score, UPSC Aspirants should know the basics. To gain an edge in cracking the UPSC exam, candidates must navigate through the extensive IAS syllabus, which covers various subjects and their respective topics. Familiarising yourself with the syllabus is crucial before commencing the preparation process.

Both Paper I and Paper II are allocated a duration of two hours. In this article, we will provide a method to calculate the total UPSC prelims score after factoring in negative marking. 

It is important to understand the concept of negative marking in the UPSC prelims and grasp the process of calculating the score after completing the exam. We will delve into all the details regarding UPSC negative marking. In this article, we will delve into the details of how UPSC CSAT marks are calculated.

How to Calculate UPSC CSAT Score?
How to Calculate UPSC CSAT Score?

UPSC Marks Calculator, How to Calculate UPSC CSAT Score?

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Overview of UPSC CSAT Paper

The CSAT is the second paper in the UPSC Preliminary Examination, conducted in two sessions of two hours each. It consists of 80 objective-type questions, with each question carrying 2.5 marks. The purpose of the CSAT is to evaluate the candidate’s aptitude and analytical skills. The paper is divided into two sections: General Studies and Aptitude.

Section 1: General Studies

The General Studies section of the CSAT paper consists of 40 questions, with each question carrying 2.5 marks. It covers various topics, including Indian history, polity, geography, economics, and current affairs. This section assesses the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of different aspects of Indian society and polity.

Section 2: Aptitude

The Aptitude section of the CSAT paper also comprises 40 questions, with each question carrying 2.5 marks. It evaluates the candidate’s aptitude and analytical skills, including comprehension, logical reasoning, data interpretation, and decision-making abilities.

Srijan 2024

UPSC CSAT Marks Calculator for UPSC CSAT Score

The CSAT, also known as Paper II, consists of 80 questions, with each question carrying a weightage of 2.5 marks. However, for every incorrect answer, a deduction of 0.83 marks is made. Calculating the CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) score is an important step in understanding one’s performance and evaluating the level of success in the examination. This article provides a detailed step-by-step guide on how to calculate the CSAT score, helping candidates gain insights into their performance and gauge their overall proficiency.

1. Understand the UPSC CSAT Scoring System:

Before delving into the calculation process, it is crucial to understand the scoring system used in the CSAT. The CSAT is usually scored on a scale of 0 to 200, with 0 being the lowest score and 200 being the highest attainable score. This score represents the candidate’s level of performance in the examination.

2. Determine the Correct Answers:

To calculate the CSAT score, start by identifying the number of correct answers in the exam. Each correctly answered question contributes to the final score. It is important to refer to the official answer key provided by the conducting body (such as the UPSC) to ensure accurate assessment.

3. Calculate the Raw Score:

The raw score is determined by adding up the marks obtained for each correct answer. Each question in the CSAT is assigned an equal weightage, so there is no variation in marks based on the difficulty level of the question. The raw score provides an initial indication of performance but needs to be converted into a percentage or scaled score for a better understanding.

4. Calculate the Scaled Score:

To provide a fair comparison among candidates, the raw score is scaled to a predetermined range. The scaling process takes into account the difficulty level of the overall paper. The scaling formula varies based on the examination body’s specific guidelines. Typically, the scaled score is calculated using statistical methods to ensure a standardized evaluation.

5. Apply Negative Marking:

In the CSAT, negative marking is applicable for incorrect answers. Each incorrect response attracts a penalty in the form of deducted marks. To calculate the net score, subtract the penalty marks from the raw score. It is important to consider negative marking while attempting questions and avoid random guessing if unsure.

6. Calculate the CSAT Score:

Once the net score is obtained by factoring in negative marking, it represents the final CSAT score. This score reflects the candidate’s overall performance in the examination and indicates their level of aptitude, comprehension, and analytical abilities.

Example of UPSC Marks Calculator for UPSC CSAT score

Let’s consider an example to demonstrate how to calculate the UPSC CSAT score:

Assume that a candidate attempted 65 questions in the CSAT exam. Out of these, 50 answers were correct, and 15 were incorrect. The exam follows a marking scheme of +2.5 marks for each correct answer and a negative marking of 0.83 marks for each incorrect answer.

  • Calculation of Raw Score: Number of Correct Answers: 50 Raw Score for Correct Answers: 50 x 2.5 = 125 marks

Number of Incorrect Answers: 15 Penalty for Incorrect Answers: 15 x 0.83 = 12.45 marks (rounded off to 12.5 marks)

  • Calculation of Net Score: Net Score = Raw Score – Penalty Net Score = 125 – 12.5 = 112.5 marks

Therefore, the candidate’s net score in the CSAT exam is 112.5 marks.

Calculating the CSAT score is a crucial step in understanding one’s performance and evaluating progress in the examination. By following this step-by-step guide, candidates can accurately determine their raw score, factor in negative marking, and calculate their final CSAT score. It provides valuable insights into one’s strengths and areas for improvement, aiding in strategic preparation and enhancing performance in future attempts. Understanding the scoring process allows candidates to gauge their proficiency and make informed decisions to achieve success in the CSAT.

How to calculate the UPSC CSAT score?
How to calculate the UPSC CSAT score?

Is CSAT Qualifying in UPSC 2024? Understanding the Complete Nature of the CSAT Exam

UPSC CSAT Answer Key: Download CSAT 2023 Answer Key PDF

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How to calculate the UPSC CSAT score? FAQs

For every incorrect answer in the UPSC CSAT exam, there is a negative marking of 0.33%, resulting in a deduction of 0.66 marks. Taking the previous example into account, if there were 25 incorrect answers, the negative marking for those 25 wrong answers would amount to 25 x 0.66 = 16.5 marks.

प्रत्येक गलत उत्तर पर 0.33% यानी 0.66 अंक की नकारात्मक अंकन लागू होती है। इसलिए, उपरोक्त उदाहरण में अगर 25 प्रश्नों का गलत उत्तर दिया गया हो, तो उन 25 गलत उत्तरों के लिए 25 x 0.66 = 16.5 अंक काटे जाएंगे।

CSAT, referred to as General Studies-2 in the UPSC Prelims, evaluates candidates' analytical, problem-solving, aptitude, and decision-making skills. It is a qualifying paper, meaning candidates need to secure a minimum of 33% (66 marks) to pass this examination.

The UPSC CSAT paper is designed as a qualifying examination. Candidates must achieve a minimum score of 33% out of the total 200 marks in order to be eligible for the next round. This implies that candidates need to secure approximately 66 marks out of 200 to meet the qualifying criteria.

The cut off for UPSC CSAT 2023 Exam Category wise is General 97 (+-) 2, OBC 95 (+-) 2, SC 85 (+-) 2 and ST 83 (+-) 2.

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