Indian Constitution Day 2024 (Samvidhan Diwas): 26th November

PWOnlyIAS November 26, 2024 10:02 8709 0

Celebrate Indian Constitution Day 2024, honouring the legacy of justice, equality, and democracy. Discover why Indian Constitution Day 2024 matters today!

Indian Constitution Day 2024 (Samvidhan Diwas): 26th November

Indian Constitution Day, also known as Samvidhan Divas, is celebrated every year on November 26th to honour the adoption of the Indian Constitution. This day carries historical and cultural significance, as it celebrates the Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India. It officially came into effect on January 26, 1950, honouring India’s transformation into a democratic republic.

We have created this informative guide, which will explore the history, significance, and celebratory aspects of Indian Constitution Day 2024 while emphasizing its enduring impact on Indian society.

Overview of Indian Constitution Day

  • Origin: On November 26, 1949, the Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly.
    • To mark this momentous occasion, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in 2015 notified the decision of the Indian Government to celebrate the 26th November every year as ‘Constitution Day’ in order promote Constitutional values among citizens.

Indian Constitution Day is a day to celebrate the democratic values enshrined in the Constitution, ensuring justice, liberty, and equality for all citizens. Here’s a quick overview:

Overview of Indian Constitution Day
Aspect Details
Event Name Indian Constitution Day (Samvidhan Divas)
Date Celebrated November 26
Significance Adoption of the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949
First Celebrated 2015 (on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary)
Key Architect Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Drafting Duration 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days
Core Values in the Constitution Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Why is Constitution Day Celebrated?

Indian Constitution Day or Samvidhan Diwas was first observed on 19th November 2015. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment notified the decision of the Government of India to celebrate the 26th day of November every year as ‘Constitution Day’ to promote Constitution values among citizens and to honour Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. 

The primary purpose of Indian Constitution Day is to recognize the huge contribution of the Constituent Assembly in formulating the world’s longest-written Constitution. The reasons include:

  1. Honouring the Constituent Assembly’s Efforts: Led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the drafting committee have worked tirelessly to frame this document which ensures India’s unity and diversity.
  2. Promoting Awareness: This day educates citizens about their constitutional rights and duties.
  3. Celebrating Democratic Values: The Indian Constitution is the backbone of India’s democratic governance.
  4. To educate citizens about the values, principles, and rights glorified in the Constitution and encourage active participation in upholding these ideals.

About the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution is the supreme law of India and a remarkable document that usually governs the country’s political framework. With 448 articles, 12 schedules, and 105 amendments, it is the longest-written constitution in the world.

  • Framing Authority: After gaining independence, a legislative body known as Constituent Assembly took the task of drafting the Constitution of India.
    • The Constituent Assembly was set up under the Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946.
  • Formation: Post the formation, the first session of constituent assembly was chaired by Dr. Sachhidanand Sinha, the oldest member of the Assembly as the Provisional President.
    • Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected the permanent president of the assembly on December 11, 1946.
  • Committees: The constituent assembly formed 13 committees for framing the constitution. The main committee was the drafting committee under the chairmanship of Dr B R Ambedkar
  • Adoption of Constitution: The constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949 with some amendments. On January 26, 1950, the Constitution came into effect.

Drafting of the Indian Constitution

The Constituent Assembly was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad and included 299 members who represented diverse regions and communities. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played an influential and key role in shaping the Constitution, incorporating elements from various global constitutions while ensuring they suited India’s unique socio-political context.

Notable Milestones in Drafting

When the Indian Constitution Was Adopted
Date Event
13 December 1946. Objective Resolution was moved by Jawaharlal Nehru
22nd January 1947 The Constituent Assembly of India passed the Objective Resolution 
November 26, 1949 Adoption of the Constitution by the Constituent Assembly; celebrated as Indian Constitution Day.
January 26, 1950 Constitution officially came into effect, marking India as a republic; chosen to honour the Purna Swaraj Declaration of 1930.

  • Constituted in 1946, the Assembly conducted 11 sessions over two years, 11 months, and 18 days, during which every clause of the Constitution was thoroughly debated and examined.
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee played a pivotal role in structuring the Constitution, earning him the title of the “Father of the Indian Constitution.” Under his guidance, the assembly ensured the document upheld justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity principles.
  • The Constituent Assembly held 165 days of meetings with over 300 members, from various backgrounds. This inclusivity led to the creation of a balanced, comprehensive, and progressive Constitution that continues to serve as the cornerstone of India’s democracy.

Key Features of the Indian Constitution

  1. Federal Structure with a Unitary Bias: The Indian Constitution balances central and state powers, with overriding central authority in emergencies.
  2. Parliamentary System: Ensures accountability of the executive to the legislature.
  3. Fundamental Rights and Duties: Protects individual liberties and outlines the responsibilities of citizens.
  4. Directive Principles of State Policy: Provides guidelines for socio-economic development.
  5. Amendability: Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

Unique Features of the Indian Constitution

  1. Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility: The Indian Constitution is a mix of rigid and flexible provisions, allowing for both stability and adaptability.
  2. Federal Structure with Unitary Features: India has a federal system with a strong central government, providing a balance between state autonomy and national unity.
  3. Parliamentary System with Presidential Overtones: India’s parliamentary system has some presidential features, such as the President’s role as Head of State and Commander-in-Chief.
  4. Independent Judiciary: The Indian Constitution establishes an independent judiciary, with the Supreme Court and High Courts acting as guardians of the Constitution.
  5. Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles: The Constitution enshrines Fundamental Rights (Part III) and Directive Principles of State Policy (Part IV), providing a framework for individual freedoms and social welfare.
  6. Secularism and Social Justice: The Indian Constitution emphasizes secularism, social justice, and equality, promoting a pluralistic and inclusive society.
  7. Emergency Provisions: The Constitution includes emergency provisions (Article 352-360), allowing the government to respond to exceptional circumstances while maintaining democratic checks and balances.
  8. Amendment Procedure: The Indian Constitution has a detailed amendment procedure (Article 368), ensuring that changes to the Constitution are carefully considered and debated.

Most Important Components

  • Preamble
    WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
    JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
    LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
    EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
    and to promote among them all
    FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
  • Fundamental Rights

Constitution Day

  • Directive Principles of State Policy

Constitution Day

  • Fundamental Duties

Constitution Day

Inspiration or Sources of Indian Constitution 

Country Inspired Parts
United Kingdom
  • Parliamentary form of Government
  • Bicameral legislature
  • Rule of law
  • Single citizenship
  • Cabinet System
  • Prerogative writs
The United States
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Separation of judiciary
  • Impeachment of the President
  • Office of the Vice President
  • Removal of judges of Supreme Court and High court
  • Quasi federal structure
  • Office of Governor
  • Residual powers in centre
  • Advisory jurisdiction of supreme court
  • Directive Principles of State Policy
  • Method of President election
  • Nominating Rajya Sabha members
Japan Procedure established by law
Soviet Union
  • Fundamental Duties
  • Justice ( Social, Economic and Political)
  • Freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse
  • Joint-sitting of the two Houses of Parliament
  • Concurrent list
Germany  Suspension of Fundamental Rights during emergency
  • Republic
  • Ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity 

Indian Constitution Day 2024 Celebrations

On Indian Constitution Day 2024 various events and programs will be held nationwide to promote awareness about the Indian Constitution. These activities include:

  • Educational Campaigns: Schools and colleges conduct debates, quizzes, and essay writing competitions on “why Constitution Day is celebrated” and the “significance of constitutional rights and duties”.
  • Government Initiatives: The President, Prime Minister, and other dignitaries often address the nation while highlighting the Constitution’s importance.
  • Digital Awareness: Online webinars, documentaries, and campaigns focus on educating the youth about when the Indian Constitution was adopted and its relevance today.
  • Preamble Reading Sessions: Indian citizens will reaffirm their commitment to constitutional values by participating in the preamble reading sessions.
  • Government Initiatives: Special campaigns will be launched to promote civic rights and responsibilities.

Significance of Indian Constitution Day

Indian Constitution Day 2024 is not just a ceremonial observance but it is a reminder of the Constitution’s lasting relevance in modern times. Its principles guide the nation through challenges, ensuring justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.

  • Significance of Celebrating Constitution Day:
    • Uphold Democratic Principles: Constitution is a sacred document in a democracy, which acts as a foundation for a parliamentary democracy to function.
    • Guiding Light: Constitution is the guiding light that helps law-making in the country. It also puts checks on powers of the state.
    • Citizen Rights: The constitution is the supreme document that serves as the protector of citizen rights.
    • Structure of Polity: The constitution lays down the outline for the political structure to exist in a country.
    • Responsibilities of Different State Organs: The constitution defines the 3 organs of the Indian state – the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary and provides them power as well as demarcates their responsibilities.

About Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (Father of the Indian Constitution) 

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was remembered and honoured as the “Father of the Indian Constitution,” envisioned a document ensuring social justice and equality. His meticulous work as the chairman of the drafting committee has left an unforgettable mark on India’s democratic framework.

The Impact of Indian Constitution Day 

Indian Constitution Day infuses and encourages pride in democratic values and facilitates citizens’ responsibly exercising their rights and fulfilling their duties. In a rapidly evolving world, it highlights the need for a deeper understanding of constitutional principles, particularly among the youth.

Strengthening Constitutional Awareness (Hamara Samvidhan, Hamara Samman)

On January 24, 2024, the Hon’ble Vice President of India inaugurated the “Hamara Samvidhan, Hamara Samman” initiative at the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi. This ambitious year-long campaign aims to enhance public understanding of the Constitution, emphasizing its critical role in shaping Indian democracy and empowering citizens with awareness of their rights and responsibilities.

  1. Enhancing Constitutional Literacy:
    The campaign simplifies and promotes constitutional values such as justice, equality, liberty, and fraternity through engaging workshops, seminars, and outreach programs.
  2. Educating on Rights and Duties:
    Citizens are informed about their rights and obligations, with initiatives like Sabko Nyay, Har Ghar Nyay, which ensures justice through accessible legal mechanisms.
  3. Targeted Outreach to Rural Communities:
    Programs like Vidhi Jagriti Abhiyaan educate underserved populations about legal entitlements, social welfare benefits, and protections for marginalized groups.
  4. Leveraging Digital Platforms for Participation:
    A dedicated online portal provides educational resources, interactive tools, and forums to foster discussions about the Constitution’s relevance and encourage pledges to uphold its values.

Vision for India’s Future

As part of the broader goal for a Developed India by 2047, the campaign seeks to promote democratic engagement and constitutional respect. Supporting initiatives like Nyaya Bandhu and DISHA’s Tele-Law Programme provide marginalized groups with free legal aid, reflecting the campaign’s holistic approach to justice.

Through regional events and digital outreach, “Hamara Samvidhan, Hamara Samman” strives to make constitutional awareness accessible to all, fostering a society rooted in democratic principles and inclusivity.

Latest Updates on Constitution Day Events 

An All-Party Meeting has been scheduled for 24th November 2024, at 11 A.M. in the Main Committee Room, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi. Organized by Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Shri Kiren Rijiju and presided over by Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh, the meeting will prepare for the Winter Session of Parliament, set to begin on 25th November 2024 and run until 20th December 2024, depending on government business.

Special Observance for Constitution Day 

As a mark of respect for Constitution Day on 26th November 2024, there will be no parliamentary proceedings in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. This observance underscores the day’s significance in honouring India’s constitutional values.


Indian Constitution Day 2024 is more than just a celebration; it is a reminder of the ideals that unite a diverse nation. The Constitution continues to guide India’s journey as a global democratic leader. By understanding why Constitution Day is celebrated, citizens can heighten their appreciation of the values embedded in the Indian Constitution and contribute to upholding its principles in their daily lives.

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Indian Constitution Day FAQs

Indian Constitution Day 2024 celebrates the adoption of the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949, marking its 75th anniversary.

Constitution Day is celebrated to honour the composers of the Constitution and raise awareness about its principles of justice, liberty, and equality.

The Indian Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949, and came into effect on January 26, 1950.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is widely regarded as the architect of the Indian Constitution for his role as Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

It is celebrated through activities like Preamble reading, educational programs, and campaigns on Indian Constitution values.

The Indian Constitution is the world's longest-written constitution, combining features of major global constitutions to suit India’s diverse needs.

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