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Dimensions of Poverty: Variations Among Groups, Regions, & Worldwide

December 4, 2023 2123 0

Comprehensive Dimensions of Poverty

Poverty encompasses various dimensions that extend beyond just income levels. It includes inadequate access to education, healthcare, and basic amenities. Understanding these diverse dimensions of poverty is crucial for developing effective strategies to address and alleviate poverty globally.

Vulnerable Groups

Poverty in India 2011–12: Most Vulnerable Groups

Poverty in India 2011–12: Most Vulnerable Groups

The data presented in this figure highlights the fact that the proportion of people below the poverty line in India varies significantly across different social groups and economic categories, revealing diverse Dimensions of Poverty (Refer Figure). Here’s a summary of the key findings:

  • Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes:  These social groups are particularly vulnerable to poverty. 
    • Approximately 43 percent of Scheduled Tribes and 29 percent of Scheduled Castes are living below the poverty line. 
    • This indicates a higher incidence of poverty among these communities compared to the national average of 22 percent.
  • Rural Agricultural Labor Households: In rural areas, around 34 percent of agricultural labor households are below the poverty line. 
    • This signifies a substantial level of poverty among this group.
  • Urban Casual Labor Households: 
    • In urban areas, about 34 percent of casual labor households are living in poverty. 
    • This highlights the economic challenges faced by urban casual laborers  within the Dimensions of Poverty. 

Persistent Poverty Challenges Among Vulnerable Groups in India

  • Persistent Poverty Concerns Among Vulnerable Groups:  It’s important to note that while there has been a decline in poverty levels in the 1990s for most of these vulnerable groups, the prevalence of poverty remains a significant concern.
  • Double Disadvantage: Being both economically vulnerable and belonging to socially disadvantaged groups, such as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, underscores the severity of the issue.
  • Intra-Family Resource Inequality: Within poor families, there is often inequality in the distribution of resources.
    • It can result in certain family members, like women, the elderly, and female infants, having limited access to these resources.
    • This intra-household inequality can exacerbate the hardships faced by these marginalized family members.
  • Necessity for Targeted Policies and Interventions within the Dimensions of Poverty: These disparities in poverty levels across social groups and economic categories highlight the need for targeted policies and interventions to address the specific challenges faced by vulnerable populations in India.

Dimensions of Poverty: Uncovering Inter-State Disparities in India’s Economic Landscape

Poverty Ratio in Selected Indian States, (As per 2011 Census)

Poverty Ratio in Selected Indian States, (As per 2011 Census)

Inter-state disparities in poverty levels are a significant issue in India. The proportion of people living in poverty varies widely from one state to another, and this reflects the diverse economic and social conditions across different regions of the country (Refer Figure).

Here are some key points related to inter-state disparities in poverty:

  • Dimensions of Poverty: Regional Variation – Poverty levels are not uniform across India.
    • Some states have higher poverty rates than the national average, while others have lower rates.
  • High-Poverty States:  States like Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Assam have poverty rates that are above the national average.
  • Rural-Urban Disparities: In several high-poverty states, urban poverty is also a significant concern. 
    • This indicates that poverty also affects urban populations in states like Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
  • Agricultural Growth: States like Punjab and Haryana have achieved poverty reduction through high agricultural growth rates.
  • Successful States: Some states, such as Kerala, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and West Bengal, have been relatively successful in reducing poverty.  
    • These states have implemented various strategies, including  investments in human resource development, land reforms, and public distribution systems, to address poverty.

Efforts to alleviate poverty should take into account the Inter-state disparities in poverty and region-specific development strategies should be implemented.

Dimensions of Poverty in the Global Landscape: Regional Disparities in Global Poverty Reduction

  • The reduction of extreme economic poverty globally is a significant achievement, but it is important to note that there are substantial regional differences in the progress made in poverty reduction within the Dimensions of Poverty (Refer Figure ).

Here are some key points regarding global poverty trends:

Poverty: Head Count Ratio Comparison among Some Selected Countries

Poverty: Head Count Ratio Comparison among Some Selected Countries

  • Reduction in Global Poverty: 
    • The proportion of people living in extreme economic poverty, defined by the World Bank as living on less than $1.90 per day, has decreased from 36 percent in 1990 to 10 percent in 2015.(Now $2.15)
    • Regional Variations: 
      • Some regions have experienced rapid poverty reduction, while others have seen slower progress.
    • China and Southeast Asia:
      • China and several Southeast Asian countries have achieved remarkable success in reducing poverty due to rapid economic growth and investments in human resource development. 
      • China’s poverty rate declined from 88.3 percent in 1981 to 0.6 percent in 2019.
    • South Asia: 
      • Countries in South Asia, including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan have also made progress in reducing poverty, with the poverty rate declining from 34 percent in 2005 to 15.2 percent in 2014, highlighting improvements within the Dimensions of Poverty.
    • Sub-Saharan Africa: 
      • Poverty has been declining in Sub-Saharan Africa, the poverty rate decreased from 51 percent in 2005 to 40.2 percent in 2018.
    • Latin America: 
      • Poverty reduction in Latin America has been relatively successful, with the poverty rate declining from 10 percent in 2005 to 4 percent in 2018.
    • Former Socialist Countries:
      • Some former socialist countries like Russia have experienced a resurgence of poverty, even though it was officially considered non-existent in the past.
  • Sustainable Development Goals within the Dimensions of Poverty: 
    • It aims to eradicate all forms of poverty by 2030, emphasizing the importance of continued efforts within the Dimensions of Poverty to reduce economic hardship globally. 
    • Achieving the goal will require sustained efforts, international cooperation, and targeted policies to address the specific challenges faced by different regions.

 Share of people living on $1.90 a day, 2005–2019

 Share of people living on $1.90 a day, 2005–2019


Number of poor by region ($ 1.90 per day) in millions

Number of poor by region ($ 1.90 per day) in millions

Examining poverty through the lens of Dimensions of Poverty reveals the intricate challenges faced globally. Despite significant strides, regional variations persist, demanding sustained efforts and targeted policies within the Dimensions of Poverty to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030


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