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December 4, 2023
The period between 1947 and 1991 represents a transformative phase in the history of the Indian economy. During this era, India witnessed remarkable shifts in its economic landscape, moving from a primarily agrarian economy to one with a developing industrial sector.
What is a Plan?
Types of Economic Systems Capitalist Economy (Market economy) in indian context
Socialist Society
Mixed Economy in India
The Comprehensive Goals of India’s Five Year Plans
The general goals of Five Year Plans in the Indian economy were multifaceted: growth, modernisation, self-reliance and equity.
Mahalanobis: the Architect of Indian Planning
Let us see how the First seven Five Year Plans (1950-1990) attempted to fulfill the above 4 goals and the extent to which they succeeded in doing so, with reference to agriculture, industry and trade.
The Service Sector
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