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Importance of Elections in Democracy: Features, Reasons & Process

December 1, 2023 42340 0

Election: A Basic Component of Democratic Society

Elections are a fundamental component of democratic societies, serving as a crucial mechanism for citizens to exercise their right to choose their representatives and leaders, Emphasizing the Importance of Election Process.


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Importance of Elections in Representative Governance

  • Purpose of Elections: Elections enable people to select representatives since direct decision-making by all citizens is impractical.
  • Representative Selection: It helps people to select representatives based on qualities like age, experience, or knowledge.
  • Democratic Representation: Selection without elections lacks democratic features, as it does not ensure representation in line with people’s desires and choices of all sections of society.
  • Choosing New Leaders: Elections ensure regular turnover of representatives and allow citizens to choose new leaders or change existing ones.
  • It enables voters to choose, and understand the importance of elections as the cornerstone of democratic governance such as 
    • Who will make laws for them?
    • Who will form the government and take major decisions.
    • The party whose policies will guide the government.

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Importance of Elections in a Democracy

  • Importance of Elections in Democracy: Elections have today become the most visible symbol of the Democratic Process. 
  • Choosing Representative: As all citizens cannot take a direct part in making every decision in a vast democracy. 
    • Therefore, representatives are elected by the people and it increases the importance of elections
  • Responsibility and Accountability: Regular elections entail responsibility and accountability on representatives about their policy decisions.
  • Non-Democratic Elections: However, all elections are not democratic. Sometimes non-democratic countries held elections to legitimize rule. 
  • Examples: Sham elections in authoritarian regimes (e.g., North Korea), controlled outcomes (e.g., Belarus).
  • Democratic Election Principles: On the other hand, democratic elections ensure genuine competition, free expression, equal participation, fair representation for inclusive governance and independent monitoring.
  • Ensuring Fairness and Equality: Importance of elections is to ensure democratic, transparent electoral laws, impartial election commissions, media freedom, and equal campaigning opportunities are necessary. 
  • Example: In India, The Representation of People Act, of 1951 addresses fairness, freedom, impartiality, and equal representation in elections.

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Elections in a Democracy

Exploring the Key Features of Democratic Elections

  • Equal Participation: Every eligible citizen has one vote, and each vote has equal weight.
  • Regularity: Elections are held periodically, ensuring a consistent democratic process.
  • Reflecting People’s Will: Chosen candidates represent the preferences of the electorate.
  • Free and Fair Conduct: Importance of Elections is more when they are conducted openly and fairly, allowing citizens to vote as they wish.
  • Political Competition: Multiple parties and candidates contesting elections offer meaningful choices to voters.
  • Peaceful Resolution: Democratic elections aim to resolve political disputes and conflicts through peaceful means rather than violence.
  • Inclusivity: Importance of elections is  ensuring that marginalized and underrepresented groups have the opportunity to participate in elections.

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Assessing the Merits and Demerits of Political Competition in Elections

  • Importance of Elections is all about political competition. 
  • The most obvious form is the competition among political parties. 
  • Example:  At the Constituency level, it takes the form of competition among several candidates.



  • Political competition compels parties to serve citizens’ interests to keep themselves in power
  • Party politics – Different political parties and leaders often level allegations against one another.
  • It set up a system where political leaders are rewarded for serving the people and punished for not doing so.
  • Sometimes, it creates a sense of disunity and ‘factionalism’ in the constituency
  • It ensures that political parties are accountable and responsive to the people’s needs.
  • Electoral fights do not allow sensible long-term policies to be formulated.
  • Use of dirty tricks to win elections may avert good people who may wish to serve the country


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Democratic elections are a cornerstone of democratic governance, enabling citizens to actively participate in shaping the direction of their nation and fostering a sense of legitimacy and accountability in the political process. India  being a democratic country has importance of elections.

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