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Landforms and Their Evolution: A Geomorphic Exploration

December 1, 2023 6823 0

Introduction of Landforms 

Landforms are the different shapes and features on the Earth’s surface, and they change over time because of things like water, wind and other natural forces, creating a constantly evolving landscape.

In this chapter, we will study different geographical agents which play a major role in forming these features. 

Key Points About Geomorphic Processes, Agents, and Landform Evolution

  • Distinctive Landform Characteristics: Each possesses distinct physical characteristics, materials, and results from specific Geomorphic Processes and Agents.
  • Geomorphic Agents: Such as Running Water, Groundwater, Glaciers, Wind and Waves, interact with Earth’s surface materials.
  • Erosion and Deposition: These agents initiate changes on the Earth’s surface such as Erosion, the wearing away of Earth’s surface, and Deposition, where eroded materials are transported and settled in new locations.
  • Life Stages: It undergoes stages of transformation, akin to the stages of life – youth, maturity, and old age
  • Evolution and Transformation: Evolution involves the gradual transition from one type to another or the transformation of individual features.
    • These stages reflect the dynamic nature of landscapes as they evolve and change over geological time scales.

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Let’s study these geomorphic agents and explore the features caused by them in detail. 

Fluvial process

River Erosion and Landform Formation in Rainy Areas

  • Running Water’s Role: In rainy areas, running water, like rivers and streams, significantly shape the land. 
  • Two Components: This running water has 2 components, One is Overland Flow or Sheet and another is Linear Flow as streams and rivers in valleys.
  • Initial Erosion: Initially, fast-flowing rivers create deep valleys and waterfalls due to vertical erosion. 
    • As they slow down due to continuous erosion, they deposit sediment, forming flatter plains.
  • Over time, this process can create lowlands with rocky remnants called Peneplain, in which some sturdy rock remnants, known as Monadnocks can be seen. 

Landforms formed due to running water develops in 3 stages: 

The Valley of Kaveri river in the form of gorge

Youth stage: Characteristics and landform Features

  • In this stage, streams are limited, poorly integrated, and flow over original slopes which form shallow V-shaped valleys
  • Types: The stream divides are broad, flat, and often include marshes, swamps, and lakes. 
    • Meanders may be present in entrenched forms. 
    • Waterfalls and rapids exist in hard rocks. 

River Erosion and Deposition

Mature stage: Network Expansion, Broadened Valleys, and Changing landform Features

  • Stream Network Expansion:  In this stage, the number of streams increases and their integration improves. 
  • Broadened Valleys: Valleys remain V-shaped but with broader streams allowing for wider floodplains where streams form meanders within the valleys. 
  • Swamps and marshes: From the Youth stage, landforms disappear, disappear, and stream divides become more defined. 
    • Waterfalls and rapids also become less prominent.

Old stage: Exploring the Old Stage with Extensive Floodplains, Natural Levees, and Oxbow Lakes

  • This stage is characterized by extensive floodplains with Natural Levees and Oxbow Lakes.
    • The divides are broad and flat, often with lakes, swamps, and marshes. 
    • Much of the landscape is at or slightly above sea level.

An entrenched meander loop of river Colorado in the USA showing step-like side slopes of its valley typical of a canyon

Shaping the Land: How Rivers and Rain Create Different Landforms 


  • Valleys evolve from small, narrow rills to long, wide gullies and eventually to valleys
  • Types: Various landforms like V-shaped valleys, Gorges, and Canyons, may form depending on rock type and structure. 
    • Gorges have steep sides and are equal in width at top and bottom. 
    • On the other hand, Canyons exhibit steep, step-like slopes and tend to be wider at the top than at the bottom.

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Exploring Potholes and Plunge Pools as Unique Landforms

  • Potholes, unique landforms, are circular depressions formed on rocky streambeds due to erosion and the abrasion of rock fragments. 
  • They start as small depressions that collect pebbles and boulders, gradually deepening and widening. 
  • Plunge pools, similar depressions, form at the base of waterfalls due to the force of the water.

Exploring Incised or Entrenched Meanders in Stream Development

  • Incised or entrenched meanders found in initial stages in developments of streams which form looping patterns. 
  • Due to continuous erosion, these meanders further widens and deepen like deep gorges and canyons in hard rock areas.

Landform Legacy: Exploring the Formation and Diversity of River Terraces

  • River terraces represent old valley floor or floodplain levels, either as bedrock surfaces or alluvial terraces with stream deposits.
  • Formation: They result from vertical erosion by the stream into its own floodplain, creating distinctive landforms that may occur at different heights on either side of rivers, known as Paired Terraces.
    • When terraces present at one side only or present at different elevations, are called Unpaired Terraces. 


Landforms, crafted by nature’s forces, evolve through stages – from youthful valleys to mature floodplains. Rivers, potent geomorphic agents, shape landscapes, leaving behind valleys, gorges, and canyons. A tale of Earth’s changing surface, etched by time and nature’s forces.

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