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Legislature’s Impact: Impactful Contributions to Positive Governance in India

November 28, 2023 871 0

India’s Democratic Journey

India’s journey to independence in 1947 was marked by a united struggle for freedom, equality, and active participation in decision-making. With independence came the aspiration for inclusive governance, reflected in the Constitution’s principle of universal adult franchise—granting all adults the right to vote. Elected representatives through the legislature, form the government, and remain accountable to the Parliament and the citizens, thus cementing the connection between people and governance. This connection is at the heart of democracy’s essence. 

Understanding the Legislature: Role in Making Laws, Shaping Democracy

  • Multifaceted Role: The legislature, commonly known as Parliament, plays a crucial role beyond just lawmaking. 
  • Democratic Political Processes: It is the heart of democratic political processes, characterized by various actions such as protests, demonstrations, cooperation, and debate. 
  • Accountability and Representation: A robust democracy hinges on an efficient and representative legislature that helps hold elected officials accountable. 
  • Cabinet’s Influence: Despite this, many democracies are witnessing a shift of power towards the executive branch. 
    • In India too, the Cabinet influences policy-making and governance agendas. 
  • LEGISLATURE’s Debate: Critics argue that the Parliament’s significance is diminishing, yet its democratic potential remains as a forum for open debates.

The Comprehensive Role of the Legislature

  • The LEGISLATURE, as the central legislative body of the country, has a range of important functions:

1. Selecting the National Government

  • Structure of LEGISLATURE: The Indian Parliament comprises the President, the Rajya Sabha (Council of States), and the Lok Sabha (House of the People). 
  • Majority in Lok Sabha: Following the Lok Sabha elections, a political party must secure a majority of elected MPs to form the government. 
  • Coalition Governments: Oftentimes in the recent past, it has been difficult for a single political party to get the majority that is required to form the government. 
    • They then join together with different political parties who are interested in similar concerns to form what is known as a coalition government.
  • Role of Opposition: The Opposition  in the LEGISLATURE consists of parties not part of the majority party/coalition. The largest among these parties is called the Opposition party. 
  • Executive Selection: The Lok Sabha’s vital role lies in selecting the executive, including the Prime Minister (the leader of the ruling party in the Lok Sabha) and ministers, responsible for implementing laws.

2. Controlling, Guiding, and Informing the LEGISLATURE

  • Question Hour: During Parliament sessions, the question hour serves as a mechanism for MPs to seek information about the government’s functioning. 
  • Control on Executive: This practice aids in controlling the executive by identifying its shortcomings and conveying public sentiment through MPs’ questions. 
  • Role of Opposition: Opposition parties play a vital role by criticizing government policies and mobilizing support for their own ideas. 
  • Criticism and Feedback: The government’s engagement with  LEGISLATURE and MPs’ questions provides feedback and keeps it accountable. 

3. Legislative Functions

  • Law-Making: The Parliament is responsible for enacting laws for the country. 
  • Bill Drafting: While it’s the primary law-making body, the actual drafting of bills is often done by bureaucrats under ministerial supervision. 
  • Cabinet’s Influence: The Cabinet decides the content and timing of bills, with major bills needing Cabinet approval before introduction. 
  • Bill Passage: While non-minister members can introduce bills, their passage depends on government support.

4. Financial Functions 

  •  Control Over Funds: Governments require funds for various activities. These funds are raised through taxation, and the Parliament controls both taxation and government expenditure. 
  • Taxation and Expenditure: New taxes proposed by the government need approval from the Lok Sabha. 
  • Resource Allocation: The Parliament grants resources for government programs and ensures the responsible use of funds through budgets and financial statements.

5. Representation of Different Sections

  • Diverse Representation: The Parliament represents diverse viewpoints from members of different regions, social, economic, and religious backgrounds across the country.

6. Debating Function

  • Debate: The Parliament is the highest platform for open debates in the nation. 
  • Freedom of Discussion: Members are free to discuss any topic without fear, enabling comprehensive analysis of national issues. 
  • Democratic Decision-Making: This open discussion forms the core of democratic decision-making.

7. Constituent Function

  • Amendment Power: The Parliament holds the power to discuss and enact changes to the Constitution. 
    • Both houses share similar constituent powers. 
  • Majority Approval: Any constitutional amendment requires approval with the special majority from both Houses.

8. Electoral Functions

  • The Parliament performs certain electoral duties, including the election of the President and Vice President of India.

9. Judicial Functions

  • The Parliament also handles judicial matters, such as considering proposals for the removal of the President, Vice President, and Judges of High Courts and the Supreme Court.


India’s Legislature, known as Parliament, is vital for our democracy. It goes beyond making laws – it selects the government, manages money, ensures fairness, and represents all kinds of people. Despite concerns about its importance, the Legislature continues to play a significant role in making positive changes and upholding democratic values.

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