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Major Domains of the Earth – Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, And; Biosphere

November 27, 2023 3774 0

Introduction: Our Dynamic Planet and Its Major Domains  

Earth, a celestial body in the vast expanse of the universe, is a dynamic and interconnected system. The four major domains of the earth are Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Beneath our feet lies a dynamic world, with molten magma churning at its core, giving rise to phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes. Above, the gaseous envelope of the atmosphere serves as our protective shield, while the lithosphere, our solid ground, cradles lakes, rivers, and vast landscapes. The hydrosphere, covering over 70% of the Earth, teems with life and plays a crucial role in regulating our climate. Binding all these domains is the biosphere, a testament to Earth’s unparalleled capacity to support life.

The Earth, unique in its ability to support life, possesses key elements: Land, Water, and Air

  • These elements manifest in four major domains of the Earth:

Lithosphere: The Seven Continents and their Unique Geographical Features

The world: Continents and oceans

  • Meaning: Lithosphere is the solid part of Earth, comprising rocks and soil. 
  • It includes Continents.
  • The Earth has seven continents: Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica.
    • Asia: The largest continent, covering one-third of the total land area. Separated  from Europe by the Ural Mountains. 
      • The Tropic of Cancer passes through this continent.             
    • Europe: This continent is West of Asia and bounded by water on three sides. 
      • The Arctic Circle traverses it. 
      • Europe and Asia are together called Eurasia.        
    • Africa: The second largest continent. 
      • The Sahara Desert, the world’s largest hot desert, is here, as is the Nile, the world’s longest river. 
      • Africa is the only continent traversed by Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and The Equator.
    • North America: The third largest continent, connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama).
    • South America: Primarily in the Southern Hemisphere.
      • It’s home to the Andes mountain range and the Amazon River.
    • Australia: It is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. 
      • This smallest continent is often called an Island continent.              
    • Antarctica: Devoid of human settlements except for research stations.
      • Antarctica is found entirely in the Southern Hemisphere, and houses the South Pole and is covered with thick ice sheets. 
      • Maitri and Bharati are Indian research stations here.

Isthmus and strait

Fascinating Earth Facts:

  • Sea level is the standard for measuring land elevation. Mount Everest, the highest peak, stands at 8,848 metres, while the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean is the deepest point at 11,022 metres.
  • Most of the land mass is situated in the Northern Hemisphere.

Hydrosphere: Role of Water in Our Planet’s Spheres

  • It encompasses all forms of water — ice, water, and water vapour — and makes up a vast portion of Earth’s surface, a critical part within the spheres of earth.
  • The ‘Blue Planet’: The earth, fondly referred to as the ‘blue planet‘, owes its title to the vast expanses of water covering its surface. 
  • Water Coverage: About 71% of the Earth’s surface is submerged underwater, making up the hydrosphere, which comprises oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, underground water, and atmospheric water vapour.     
  • Water Distribution: Though water is abundant, over 97% of it is saline and present in the oceans, making it unsuitable for direct human consumption. 
    • Only a minuscule percentage is available as freshwater. 
    • The rest is either trapped in glaciers, ice sheets, or stored underground.
    • The paradox is that while Earth is predominantly covered in water, freshwater scarcity is a significant concern.

Distribution of earth's water

Discovering Earth’s Oceans: From the Vast Pacific to the Arctic’s Edge

  • Pacific Ocean: The most expansive of all oceans, the Pacific Ocean sprawls across one-third of Earth. 
    • Its notable feature, the Mariana Trench, is the deepest part known on Earth. 
    • It has an almost circular shape, surrounded by  continents like Asia, Australia, and the Americas. 
  • Atlantic Ocean: Ranked as the second-largest, the Atlantic Ocean sports an ‘S’ shape. 
    • It’s sandwiched between the Americas on its west and Europe and Africa on the east. 
    • Its highly irregular coastline offers the perfect spots for natural harbours and ports, making it a commerce hub.
  • Indian Ocean: Unique in its nomenclature, the Indian Ocean is the only one named after a country. 
    • Its triangular shape is bordered by Asia, Africa, and Australia.
  • Southern Ocean: This ocean girdles the Antarctic continent and reaches up to the 60-degree south latitude.
  • Arctic Ocean: Positioned within the Arctic Circle, this ocean envelopes the North Pole. 
    • A narrow, shallow stretch, the Bering Strait, connects it to the Pacific Ocean. 
    • It’s flanked by the northern coastlines of North America and Eurasia.

Indented Coast Line

Exploring Earth’s Atmosphere and Its Layer

The gaseous layer enveloping the Earth contains essential gases like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. The atmosphere acts as a shield, providing the air essential for life and safeguarding us from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

  • Composition and Layers:
    • Extent: The atmosphere stretches up to roughly 1,600 kilometres from the Earth’s surface.
    • Divisions: It is divided, based on various characteristics, into five layers:
      • Troposphere
      • Stratosphere
      • Mesosphere
      • Thermosphere
      • Exosphere
    • Constituents: Predominantly, the atmosphere consists of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). 
      • Trace gases, including carbon dioxide and argon, make up the remaining 1%. 
    • Importance: Oxygen sustains life, allowing organisms to respire.
    • Nitrogen aids in the growth of organisms.
    • Carbon dioxide, although in traces, has a dual role, maintaining Earth’s warmth and facilitating plant growth.
    • Characteristics with Altitude:
      • Density of Atmosphere: It’s densest at sea level and diminishes with altitude. 
      • This decreased density at higher altitudes poses challenges for climbers, necessitating oxygen cylinders.
      • Temperature of Atmosphere: There’s a decrease in temperature with an increase in altitude.
    • Atmospheric Pressure: Atmospheric pressure varies across different regions, leading to movement of air from high-pressure to low-pressure areas, which we recognize as wind.

Layers of the Atmosphere

Earth’s Biosphere: A Story of Diversity, Connections, and Its Interconnected Web

The biosphere, a confluence of land, water, and air, is the unique realm where life thrives. Within it exist myriads of organisms, ranging from minuscule microbes to colossal mammals.

  • Diversity of Life: The biosphere encompassing both the plant and animal kingdoms, it is a testament to the vast biodiversity on Earth.
  • Interactions: Every domain on Earth interacts, impacting one another. 
    • Deforestation, for instance, may accelerate soil erosion, while natural disasters like earthquakes can reshape Earth’s surface. 
    • Tsunamis, as seen in the recent past, submerged parts of the Andaman & Nicobar islands.
    • Human actions often lead to unintended consequences. 
    • Industrial waste pollutes water sources, and emissions exacerbate air pollution.   
  • Challenges: Activities that increase CO2 levels contribute to global warming. 
    • Balancing resource utilisation to ensure harmony between the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere is imperative for our planet’s health.

The Biosphere

After comprehending the vast expanse and varied components of our planet’s exterior, it’s intriguing to delve beneath the surface. The hidden depths below offer insights into the Earth’s constitution, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of its interior dynamics.

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