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Outcomes of Democracy: Shaping Governance, Empowering Citizens

November 21, 2023 2165 0

Introduction of Outcomes of Democracy

To meticulously consider Outcomes of Democracy, it must be acknowledged that democracy is essentially a governance structure. Its role is to foster favorable conditions for progress, while the actual realization of goals depends on citizens leveraging these conditions. 

Exploring the Outcomes of Democracy

Accountable, Responsive, and Legitimate Government

  • Accountable Government: The fundamental of Outcomes of Democracy should be a government accountable to and aligned with citizens’ needs and expectations.
  • Transparent Decision Making: Democracy also ensures procedure-based decision-making and transparency, letting citizens scrutinize processes. Non-democratic systems lack this transparency. 
  • Citizen Participation: Hence, procedure-following, citizen participation, and transparency ensure accountability in a democracy.
  • Responsive Government: Measuring responsiveness involves assessing practices like elections, public debate, and citizens’ access to government information. 
    • Democracies go way beyond non-democracies in these aspects. 
    • Democracies, though, suffer occasional neglect of majority demands and struggles with corruption yet they come out better when compared with non-democratic setups.
  • Legitimate Government: One definite strength of democracy is legitimacy, despite potential inefficiencies. 
    • Democracy remains the people’s government all over the world. The ability to garner support constitutes a significant democratic outcome.

Economic Growth and Development

  • It is only reasonable to anticipate economic growth and development as outcomes of democracy, yet empirical data demonstrates that many democracies have not met this expectation.
  • Elements of Development: Economic development hinges on various elements such as population size, global conditions, international cooperation, national economic priorities, etc. 
    • Notably, the distinction in economic growth rates between less developed dictatorships and democracies is marginal. 
  • Economic Growth Disparities: When significant economic growth rate disparities exist between dictatorship and democracy-led countries, the Outcomes of Democracy preference leans towards other positive outcomes.
  • Economic Outcomes of Democracy: Economic Outcomes of Democracy can be clarified using facts, as shown in the following tables. 
  • Comparing Economic Growth: Taking into account all democracies and dictatorships during the 1950-2000 period, dictatorships show a slightly higher economic growth rate, but this evens out among poor nations. 
Types of Regimes and Countries Growth Rate
All Democratic Regimes 3.95
All Dictatorial Regimes 4.42
Poor Countries Under Dictatorship 4.34
Poor Countries Under Democracy 4.28

Rates of Economic Growth for Different Countries

  • Democracies can exhibit significant inequality; in South Africa and Brazil, the top 20% possess over 60% of income, compared to less than 3% for the bottom 20%. 
Name of the Countries % Share of National Income
Top 20% Bottom 20%
South Africa  64.8 2.9
Brazil 63.0 2.6
Russia 53.7 4.4
USA 50.0 4.0
United Kingdom  45.0 6.0
Denmark 34.5 9.6
Hungary 34.4 10.0

Inequality of Income in Selected Countries

  • In contrast, countries like Denmark and Hungary fare better in reducing such disparities within their democratic systems.

Reduction of Inequality: Outcomes of Democracy are built on the principle of political equality, granting equal weight to individuals in electing representatives. 

    • Alongside this pursuit of parity in politics, economic inequalities grow. 
  • Concentration of Wealth: A minority of the ultra-rich amass an excessive share of wealth and income; their portion in the national income keeps increasing. 
    • Meanwhile, those at the lower rungs experience declining incomes, struggling to meet fundamental needs like food, shelter, education, and healthcare.
  • Addressing Poverty: In practice, democracies struggle to significantly alleviate economic disparities. 
    • Despite a substantial poor voter base, elected governments often prioritize poverty inadequately.
  • Global Poverty: This issue intensifies in certain nations,for instance, over half of Bangladesh‘s population lives in poverty, and some impoverished countries now rely on wealthier nations for basic sustenance.

Accommodation of Social Diversity

  • Managing Diversity: The expected Outcomes of democracy would foster social harmony is reasonable, considering its demonstrated ability to manage diverse societal divisions. 
    • Belgium’s successful handling of ethnic differences is a case in point. 
    • Democracies often establish procedures that mitigate tensions, preventing them from escalating into violence.
  • Preventing Escalation: While the complete eradication of group conflicts is unattainable, the respectful recognition of differences and the development of negotiation mechanisms are crucial. 
    • The strength of democratic systems lies in their capability to address social disparities.
    • In contrast, non-democratic systems frequently disregard or suppress internal social diversities. 
  • Essential Conditions: The following two conditions in democratic societies are essential:
    • First, democracy entails more than mere majority rule; collaboration between the majority and minority is essential for representative governance. 
    • Second, majority rule should not transmute into dominance by specific religious, racial, or linguistic groups. 
      • Outcomes of Democracy truly thrives when every citizen can find themselves in the majority at some or other points, excluding no one based on birth from this democratic inclusivity.

Dignity and Freedom of the Citizens

  • Championing Freedom: Democracy outshines all other governance models by championing individual dignity and freedom. 
    • The innate human longing for respect and liberty forms democracy’s bedrock, yet conflicts often arise due to their absence. 
  • Difficult Societal Transitions: Although democracies worldwide recognize this principle to different extents, it’s difficult for societies rooted in subordination and domination to embrace universal equality.
  • Women’s Rights and Equality: For Example, women’s dignity. 
    • Throughout history, the majority of societies globally have been characterized by male dominance. 
    • Prolonged efforts by women have led to a contemporary awareness that recognizing and providing equal treatment to women are fundamental components of democracy.
  • Evolving Citizen Expectations: Constant examination is a unique feature of democracy. 
    • It passes one challenge and generates another. 
    • As democratic benefits induce the desire for more reforms and corrections, citizens seek ongoing improvements. 
  • Empowered Citizens: When people criticize democracy’s function, they articulate heightened expectations and grievances. 
    • Public discontent is a testament to democracy’s success, indicating evolved awareness and a critical evaluation of power. 
  • Shaping Governance and Interests: Dissatisfaction underscores democracy’s achievement, transforming subjects into empowered citizens. 
    • Presently, most individuals confidently believe their votes shape governance and personal interests.


Outcomes of democracy encompass accountable governance, economic nuances, social harmony, individual dignity, and citizen empowerment. While excelling in transparency, responsiveness, and legitimacy, Outcomes of democracy grapple with economic disparities and social diversity management. The essence of Outcomes of democracy lies in championing citizens’ dignity and freedom, fostering an evolving process shaped by an enlightened citizenry’s expectations and grievances.

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