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The Rise of Nationalism in Europe: Key Events and Figures

July 22, 2024 965 0

Nationalism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has shaped the political, social, and cultural landscape of Europe for centuries. It is a powerful force that has inspired people to fight for their rights, their freedom, and their identity. Role of key leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru in shaping movement and strategies they employed to achieve independence from British colonial rule is pivotal in fuelling and spreading Nationalism among masses.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

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The Dream of Worldwide Democratic and Social Republics – The Pact Between Nations, a print prepared by Frédéric Sorrieu, 1848.

Before the mid-19th century, Europe was characterized by a complex web of multinational dynastic empires. Absolute monarchy prevailed. Seeds of nationalism, sown during the 1789 French Revolution, gradually sprouted, leading to formation of democratic nation-states across most parts of the world by the early 20th century.

Frédéric Sorrieu Vision of the World

Frederic Sorrieu, a French artist drew a series of four prints that depicted his dream of a world made up of ‘Democratic and Social Republics’ in 1848.

  • Portrayal of Liberty Flag Bearers: He shows people of Europe and America marching in a long train and offering homage to the Statue of Liberty as they pass it. 
    • The torch of Enlightenment was carried by a female figure in one hand and the Charter of the Rights of Man in the other.
    • Shifting Power Dynamics: On the ground, the shattered remains of symbols representing absolutist institutions are scattered, representing a significant historical shift.
  • Utopian Vision: According to Sorrieu’s utopian vision, world peoples are grouped as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costumes.
  • Leading Processions were the United States and Switzerland, with France and Germany following. 
    • German people were succeeded by those from Austria, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Lombardy, Poland, England, Ireland, Hungary, and Russia.
  • Divine symbolism: From heavens above, Christ, saints, and angels gaze upon the scene. 
    • They have been used by the artist to symbolize fraternity among the nations of the world.

The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation

Birth of Nationalism: In 1789, the French Revolution transferred sovereignty from the monarchy to French citizens, marking the rise of Nationalism.

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Europe after the Congress of Vienna, 1815.
  • Symbols of Revolution: Amidst changes, key concepts like la Patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen  (the citizen) took root
    • Additionally, the traditional flag was replaced by the tricolour.
  • Rise of National Assembly: The Estates General was elected by active citizens and renamed the National Assembly
  • Rise of Napoleon:  Napoleon had, no doubt, destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principles to make the whole system more rational and efficient.
  • The Civil Code of 1804 –  known as the Napoleonic Code, did away with all privileges based on birth, established equality before the law, and secured property rights.




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Throughout the 19th century, nationalism emerged as a transformative force in Europe, leading to the replacement of multinational dynastic empires with nation-states and it gave impetus to nationalist movements in Europe and other countries. Principles laid down during the French Revolution like ideals of liberty were guiding principles of several nationalist movements.

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