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November 28, 2023
The power sharing in federalism is essential to ensure a balanced and efficient governance system. It prevents the concentration of authority in a single entity, promotes local autonomy, and accommodates diverse regional needs and interests
Why is Power Sharing in Federalism needed?
Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
Accommodation of Belgium
Federalism in Nigeria
An Experiment in Brazil
A city called Porto Alegre in Brazil has carried out an extraordinary experiment in combining decentralization with participative democracy. The city has set up a parallel organization operating alongside the municipal council, enabling local inhabitants to take real decisions for their city. The nearly 13 lakh people in this city get to participate in making the budget for their own city. The city is divided into many sectors or what we call wards. Each sector has a meeting, like that of the Gram Sabha, in which anyone living in that area can participate. There are some meetings to discuss issues that affect the entire city. Any citizen of the city can participate in those meetings. The budget of the city is discussed in these meetings. The proposals are put to the municipality that takes a final decision about it. |
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