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Social Movements in India: Evolution, Features & Method

December 12, 2023 10823 0

Exploring the Rich Landscape of Social Movements in India

The evolution of social movements in India traces a rich history of collective actions aimed at addressing various societal, political, and economic issues. From agrarian struggles and tribal movements to the waves of feminist, Dalit, and backward classes’ movements, the narrative showcases a diverse spectrum of mobilisations. 

These movements, often driven by charismatic leaders or organised groups, sought to challenge existing norms, secure rights, or promote reforms, reflecting the dynamic interplay of identities, ideologies, and interests within the Indian societal fabric. 

Features Of Social Movements in India

  • Understanding Social Movements in India: Social movements are characterised by sustained collective action aimed often at state policies or practises, seeking to bring about or prevent change. 
    • Social movements not only change societies but also inspire other social movements
  • Organizational Dynamics in Social Movements in India: They are organised to some extent, perhaps with leadership and a defined structure for decision-making and implementation. 
  • Unity in Purpose: Shared objectives and ideologies among participants are crucial, guiding the approach towards desired changes. 
    • These features may evolve over the movement’s lifespan.
  • Objectives and Opposition
    • Pursuing Justice: Typically, social movements aim to address public issues, like the rights of tribal populations or displaced individuals. 
    • Facing Resistance: They confront various challenges, especially from counter-movements defending the status quo. 
      • Example: Opposition to reforms like education for girls, widow remarriage, and caste-based school enrollment, often meeting with social boycotts or suppression. 
      • Recent examples include movements by previously excluded groups, like the Dalits, and opposition to educational reservation proposals. 
      • Despite resistance, social movements can engender societal changes over time.
  • Methods Involved in Social Movements in India
    • Beyond Protests: The most visible form of collective action, social movements engage in various activities to mobilize support and build consensus on their agendas.
    • Tactics of Change: This includes holding meetings, orchestrating campaigns involving lobbying with the government and media and devising unique modes of protest, such as processions, street theaters, or symbolic acts. 
    • Influencing the Narrative: Social movements also chart out campaigns that include lobbying with the government, media and other important makers of public opinion.
    • Examples: This could be candle and torch light processions, use of black cloth, street theatres, songs, poetry
      • Mahatma Gandhi’s methods of ahimsa, satyagraha, and charkha utilisation. 

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Decoding Dynamics: Navigating the Interplay Between Social Change and Movements

  • Social change and social movements in India, though interlinked, have distinct characteristics. 
    • Social Change: It is a continuous, ongoing process resulting from the accumulation of numerous individual and collective actions over time and across spaces. 
    • Social Movements: These are geared towards specific objectives, necessitating prolonged and continuous efforts by people to drive change. 
    • Examples: While Sanskritization and Westernisation represent broader social changes, the 19th-century social reformers‘ endeavours to transform society exemplify social movements. 
  • Social Movements in India as Catalysts: Through this lens, social movements can be perceived as focused efforts within the broader continuum of social change, aiming to address particular issues or achieve defined goals.
    • Examples: In the freedom movement, demonstrating innovative protest techniques like picketing and salt production defiance against colonial bans. 
    • Through these methods, social movements strive to foster shared understanding and agreement on pursuing collective objectives, gradually working towards the envisioned social change.

Sociology and Social Movements

Sociology at the Crossroads: Exploring Social Movements Through Historical Prisms

  • Sociology and Social Movements: The discipline of sociology has been deeply engaged with the study of social movements since its inception, with historical events like the French and Industrial Revolutions acting as prime exemplars. 
    • Example: The French Revolution, aimed at overthrowing the monarchy for ‘liberty, equality, and fraternity’, and the social unrest during Britain’s Industrial Revolution were pivotal in shaping sociological inquiry. 
  • Social Unrest and Government Responses: The migration of poor labourers and artisans to cities, ensuing protests against inhumane living conditions, and government-suppressed food riots in England highlighted the tension between societal order and transformative forces.

Thinkers: Exploring Sociological Perspectives on Social Movements

  • Sociological Perspectives on Tension and Order: This tension was mirrored in sociological works, notably, Emile Durkheim’s exploration of social integration through the lens of division of labour, religious life, and even suicide, portraying social movements as potential harbingers of disorder. 
  • Marxian Influence: However, a shift in perspective emerged with scholars inspired by Karl Marx and historians like E.P. Thompson, who refuted the notion of protesters as anarchic destroyers of societal order. 
  • E.P. Thompson’s Insights: E. P. Thompson showed that the so-called crowd and mob operated within a moral economy, possessing a shared understanding of right and wrong and driving their collective actions. 

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Social Movements: Decoding Legitimacy, Urban Struggles, and Societal Dynamics in Sociology

  • Legitimacy in Protest: This nuanced understanding underscored that the urban poor had valid reasons for public protests, often their only outlet to express resentment against deprivation.
  • The Crucial Role of Social Movement: The study of social movements, therefore, provides rich insights into societal dynamics, contrasting viewpoints on order and change, and the moral underpinnings of collective action, making it a crucial area of exploration within sociology.

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