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December 12, 2023 2202 0
Religion, as a social phenomenon, holds a central place in the field of sociology of religion. It encompasses a complex set of beliefs, practices, rituals, and institutions that provide individuals with a framework for understanding the world, their existence, and their place within a broader societal context.
From a Sociology of Religion perspective, religion is not only a matter of personal faith but a social force that influences and is influenced by various aspects of human interaction.
Max Weber on Religion
Characteristics of Religion: Symbols, Rituals, and Believing Communities
POINTS TO PONDER Religion has been a part of human society since time immemorial. Can you think of different ways in which religion has impacted society, how it influences the behavior of community and what function it plays as an institution of social control? |
Impact on Religious Specialists in Nasik
Religion’s Integration into Society: Norms, Gender, and Multifaceted Perspectives
Education: Heritage Transmission to Diverse Learning Paths
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