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December 5, 2023
As we step into an era of globalization that promises higher economic growth, we have to bear in mind the adverse consequences of the past development path on our environment and consciously choose a path of sustainable development.
To understand the unsustainable path of development that we have taken and the challenges of sustainable development, First understand the significance and contribution of the environment to economic development.
India is blessed with abundant natural resources, including fertile soil, numerous rivers, lush forests, mineral deposits, and vast coastlines along the Indian Ocean.
Deforestation leads to land degradation, biodiversity loss and air pollution
Addressing these environmental challenges is essential for India’s sustainable development and the well-being of its citizens.
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India faces significant challenges due to its high population density and the competition for land among various uses, including agriculture, forestry, human settlements, and industry, all influenced by globalization.
Land degradation in India is a complex issue driven by various factors, including globalization, which adds another layer of influence on the existing challenges. :
Role of Pollution Control Boards in India In 1974, the Indian government established the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to address significant environmental concerns, primarily water and air pollution. Subsequently, state-level pollution control boards were set up to tackle environmental issues at the regional level. These boards play crucial roles in monitoring, regulating, and mitigating pollution across the country. Their key functions include:
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