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Indian Secularism is characterized by the recognition of all religions as equal, i.e “Sarva Dharma Sambhava”. It does not envisage a strict separation of religion and state as seen in the Western form of secularism. Secularism is an essential feature of the Indian Constitution. The term ‘Secular’ was interpreted in the S.R. Bommai case to mean religious tolerance and equal treatment of all religious groups.
Indian society, despite being multi-religious, ethnic, linguistic, culture, is secular because of the adoption of values such as tolerance, assimilation & pluralism by the Indian society.
Tolerance as a key element of Indian Secularism:
Tolerance allows divergent ideas, customs, beliefs, and lifestyles to flourish in society. In the context of Indian secularism, tolerance is essential for creating a society that is inclusive and respectful of diversity.
Pluralism as a key element of Indian Secularism:
While tolerance is essential, it still showcases the lack of acceptance. With pluralism, the differences start to be seen as complementary. By embracing pluralism, India is able to celebrate and appreciate its diversity, while also promoting a sense of unity and shared values.
Assimilation as a key element of Indian Secularism:
Assimilation is the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society. Assimilation involves the incorporation of diverse groups and cultures into a larger society.
The multiplicity in culture, faith and language is what makes India special. Pluralism and tolerance are core philosophies of Indian society. Plurality of our society has come about through assimilation of ideas over centuries. All of these values are complementary to each other and are essential for India to be able to follow its unique model of secularism.
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