Q. Customs and traditions suppress reason leading to obscurantism. Do you agree? (250 words, 15 Marks)




  • Elaborate the meaning of customs and how its an important part of the way the society lives.


  • Take a stand on whether customs and traditions suppress the reasoning ability of the society.
  • But mention a few points on the counter aspect too.


  • Mention that customs and reason have a complex relationship, but following customs need not mean an absence of reason.


Customs are a widely accepted discourse to behave or do something that is clearly defined in a particular society, whereas traditions are about the transmission of these customs or beliefs from generation to generation. Customs are perpetuated because they are transmitted by tradition.


Obscurantism is the practice of deliberately making something difficult to understand to stop people from knowing. This leads to blindly following customs and traditions, which is against human reason. Customs and traditions that discriminate against certain groups of people or that are based on superstition or myth can even become a source of conflict.

Cases where blind following of tradition has caused exploitation

  • Customs like Sati and child marriage were perpetuated for long because of obscurantism. The tradition of animal sacrifice in ceremonies is still practiced in many religions. The custom of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is still practised by few communities. ‘Honor killings’ in India in the name of caste.
  • The evil traditions of nikah halala and triple talaq propagated for so long in India despite the tradition being illogical and unreasonable, just because of obscurantism by the Muslim Personal Law Board.
  • “Values” are sometimes used to justify forced marriages in Afghanistan, virginity testing in Indonesia, “honor crimes” in Iraq, and marital rape in Kyrgyzstan, thus, violating human rights.
  • Caste discrimination is perpetuated even today in some places in the name of customs and purity.
  • Religion against the Right to Equality: For instance, the Sabarimala case or Haji Ali Dargah, where women are strictly not allowed.
  • For LGBT people, the language of traditional values tends to cast homosexuality as a moral issue, and not a rights issue.
  • During Covid, social distancing was a norm to maintain public health. But some religious leaders evoked customs and traditions to promote social gatherings. Similarly, the vaccine hesitancy among certain communities is traced to their belief that vaccination is against the natural will of God.

But customs and traditions, if understood with reason and adapted as per changing times, are aimed at maintaining social harmony and wellbeing. This can be seen as follows:

  • Some customs are always relevant: Indian traditions of greeting people, etiquettes like washing the hands and feet before entering the house, etc. are good practices that will always remain relevant. Even the western countries are adopting these Indian traditions post-Covid.
  • Customs help maintain social bonds: Customs and traditions can provide a sense of identity and belonging, and can help to maintain social cohesion and stability. For instance, prostrating before parents and elders is an act of respect.
  • Customs and traditions as sources of knowledge: Some customs and traditions may be based on accumulated knowledge and experience, and may reflect insights and wisdom that are relevant to the community or culture in which they are practiced. For example, traditional medical practices may be based on an understanding of the properties and uses of various herbs and other natural remedies, and may be effective in treating certain conditions.


The relationship between customs and reason is complex and multifaceted, and depends on a variety of factors. Customs and traditions form an important part of human civilization and help people to align themselves in closely knit bonds but they can also be sources of conflict and tension. By their very nature, customs and traditions are supposed to evolve constantly and meet the changing requirements of time and social contexts. Thus, there must not be any scope for obscurantism in customs and traditions and for that, reason must be the guiding light.

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