Q. Besides the welfare schemes, India needs deft management of inflation and unemployment to serve the poor and the underprivileged sections of the society. Discuss. (250 words, 15 Marks)




  • Introduce the importance of welfare schemes in India and emphasize the need for addressing broader economic challenges, particularly inflation and unemployment, to serve the poor and underprivileged sections of society.


  • Discuss the significance of managing inflation and unemployment, elaborating on the measures that can be taken to address these issues, and explain how doing so complements welfare schemes.


  • Write a relevant conclusion.


India’s welfare schemes have played a significant role in alleviating poverty and improving the living conditions of the poor and underprivileged sections of society. However, to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth, the country also needs to address broader economic challenges, particularly inflation and unemployment.


Deft management of these macroeconomic issues is crucial to ensure long-term benefits for the poor and the underprivileged.

  • Inflation:
    • High inflation erodes the purchasing power of money and adversely affects the poor and the underprivileged, as they spend a larger proportion of their income on essential goods and services. Inflation can lead to reduced consumption, increased poverty, and worsened income inequality.
    • Managing inflation through prudent monetary and fiscal policies is crucial to protect the vulnerable sections of society from the adverse effects of price increases.

Some measures to manage inflation include:

    • Implementing a sound monetary policy framework, like inflation targeting, to maintain price stability.
    • Ensuring a well-functioning supply chain and addressing structural bottlenecks in the production and distribution of essential goods.
    • Promoting competition in the market to keep prices in check.
    • In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has implemented an inflation targeting framework since 2016, with the aim of maintaining price stability and keeping inflation under control. Under this framework, the RBI sets a target for consumer price inflation (CPI) and takes monetary policy actions to achieve this target.
  • Unemployment:
    • High unemployment rates not only lead to income loss for affected individuals and families, but also contribute to social unrest and increased crime rates.
    • For example, in India, unemployment rates have been increasing due to factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic and economic slowdown. As per the National Statistical Office’s report released in May 2021, the country’s unemployment rate stood at 7.97% in the week ending on April 25, 2021. The high unemployment rates have led to a rise in social unrest and protests by youth and student groups, demanding job opportunities and better employment prospects. The protests often turn violent, leading to increased crime rates and disruption of law and order.
    • The poor and underprivileged are particularly vulnerable to unemployment, as they often lack the skills, education, and resources needed to secure stable employment. To address unemployment, the government must focus on creating an environment conducive to job creation and skill development.

Some measures to tackle unemployment include:

  • Encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by providing financial and regulatory support.
  • Investing in skill development programs and vocational training to equip the workforce with the skills required by the job market.
  • Fostering innovation and investing in research and development to create new employment opportunities in emerging sectors.


Addressing inflation and unemployment alongside implementing welfare schemes ensures a comprehensive approach to serving the poor and underprivileged sections of society. By managing these macroeconomic challenges, the government can create a stable economic environment that facilitates inclusive growth and reduces income disparities.

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