Q. China and Pakistan have entered into an agreement for development of an economic corridor. What thread does it dispose for India’s security? Critically examine. (200 words, 12.5 Marks)




  • Begin by briefly explaining what the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is and its significance in the context of India’s security.


  • Discuss the various security challenges posed by the CPEC to India.
  • Analyze the potential benefits of economic corridors like the CPEC in promoting regional integration and economic development.


  • Conclude by acknowledging the security challenges posed by CPEC to India and emphasize the importance of proactive diplomacy and strategic planning in addressing these issues.


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, is a development project that raises significant security concerns for India due to its strategic location and potential military implications.


CPEC Activities Posing Security Challenges for India:

  • Infringement of Territorial Claims: Construction of highways and railways in the disputed Gilgit-Baltistan region, challenging India’s sovereignty claims.
  • Potential Strategic Encirclement: Development of the Gwadar Port near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, escalating fears of military use and encirclement.
  • Empowering Adversary’s Economy: Implementation of energy projects, such as Sahiwal Coal Power Project and Karot Hydropower Station, potentially bolstering Pakistan’s military capabilities.
  • Economic Empowerment of Pakistan: CPEC, with projects like the $2.5 billion Lahore-Karachi Motorway and the $2.1 billion Karot Hydropower Station, could greatly uplift Pakistan’s economy and indirectly fortify its military capabilities, possibly upsetting regional power dynamics.

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  • Strengthening Pakistan’s Industrial Capacity: Establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) like the Rashakai Economic Zone and Dhabeji Economic Zone, enhancing Pakistan’s industrial and economic potential.
  • Enhancing Chinese Influence: Execution of the Fiber Optic Project, creating a direct communication link between China and Pakistan, raising concerns about increased Chinese influence.
  • Potential Military Route: Upgradation of the Karakoram Highway connecting China and Pakistan, raising concerns about its potential military use.

Critical Examination

  • Despite these concerns, it is important to note that economic corridors like CPEC can also encourage regional integration and economic development.
  • While India has legitimate security concerns, the strategic implications of CPEC depend largely on how China and Pakistan choose to use the infrastructure developed under the project.


While the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor poses security challenges for India, it also underlines the need for proactive diplomacy and strategic planning by India. The real test will lie in managing the geopolitical shifts triggered by such initiatives while safeguarding India’s security and strategic interests.

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