Q. How far do you agree that the behavior of the Indian monsoon has been changing due to humanizing landscape? Discuss.[200 Words, 12.5 Marks]




  • Write the importance of Indian Monsoon.


  • Discuss the change behavior of the Indian monsoon.


  • Summary of the answer with futuristic approach.


The Indian monsoon, one of the most significant weather phenomena in South Asia, is critical for the country’s agriculture, economy, and livelihoods. With climate change and human activities the monsoon pattern has changed.

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There is increasing evidence to suggest that human activities are affecting the behavior of the Indian monsoon:-

  • Land Use Changes: Human-induced alterations in the landscape that could impact the Indian monsoon are land-use changes. Agricultural expansion, deforestation have altered the land surface and vegetation cover, which could impact the atmospheric moisture balance and influence the behavior of the monsoon.
    • E.g The Western Ghats and Northeast India, has affected the local climate and monsoon patterns. Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has also been linked to changes in the South American monsoon
  • Air Pollution: The rapid industrialization and urbanization in cities like Delhi have led to severe air pollution, with high levels of particulate matter and pollutants. This pollution can affect the monsoon by altering cloud formation processes and reducing rainfall, as observed in studies linking air pollution with reduced precipitation over the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
  • Climate Change: Climate change, primarily driven by greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, is also likely to influence the behavior of the Indian monsoon. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and changing weather patterns could have significant impacts on the timing, intensity, and duration of the monsoon.
    • E.g Research suggests that increased warming over the Indian Ocean and decreased temperature gradients between land and ocean can lead to changes in the monsoon circulation, resulting in altered rainfall patterns and prolonged dry spells.


Indian monsoon is a complex weather phenomenon influenced by several natural and human factors, there is growing evidence that human activities are changing the monsoon’s behavior. These challenges require a coordinated effort between policymakers, scientists, and local communities to adopt sustainable land-use practices and mitigate the impacts of climate change to protect the Indian monsoon’s stability and predictability.

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